[quote=orangebox] Understood, but I would not want to be bankrupt so early because I wasn't aware of it ;DSome players have a mere 1% of the population as standing army. Mine was around 10%. Lowered it to 3% now. [/quote] Well if you consider that the Roman Empire had an army of around 350,000 and a population of about 55 million at its peak, it makes sense that professional armies are small in comparison to the population. I imagine if the Roman Empire mustered its entire eligible population for war, it'd of been able to field anywhere between five and ten million militias. This being a nation that owned most of the known world, and was rich enough to build highly advanced feats of architecture alongside maintaining a massive professional army. Our regions are smaller, much smaller. The idea is you build from the ground up so that one day you can field a large professional army. If you want a professional army, that is. [quote=Meeky] Is this still open? Since one of the threads I applied to doesn't seem to be starting, I have time for a third roleplay freed. How often do you want people to be able to post? [/quote] Of course, the IC starts today, when I get around to making the first post. Enter your nation in the entry thread, if you haven't done so already, and keep an eye on the region names/races/exports/owner hider or the map to see if your nation springs up. If it doesn't, you've done something wrong but in this case I'll contact you. Edit: Only answered half your question, because that's how much of a hypocrit I am when it comes to reading stuff. You'll need to be able to keep up - i don't know how fast that will be, the RP Guild hasn't 'wowed' me so far in terms of post flow.