Oh the Goddess of Safety was laughing at him right now. It would be too damn easy for him not to get his head kicked it. When he said make a distraction he meant to hit and run. But no... The Mando had to punch the guy and get them into a fire fight. He looked around for something to do as he drew his pistol. Like his accent it too was Naboo in every way. He aimed it at the goon next to him. "You stupid Mando... You were suppose to punch and run. Now we are dead. Unless we can distract them enough. Not all these guys like the Slug. Follow my lead. Also we have one card to play. The slave. No one noticed her. We could use her to escape." He hissed back at the girl. He set his blaster to stun a fired it at the closest goon. He went down like a bag of rocks. No killing. "Run you fools! We can use this distraction!" He yelled making a move to the back door. He was not dying here today.