Ellie watched her students run off into the fray of the town. She had been to Havensburg once before. She was just a budding new member of the Guild herself back then, and she held the same eager ambition that they did. Back then, the town was smaller, mostly just the mill and houses. It had grown a lot since she'd been gone. No doubt a direct result of her taking care of a mischievous pixie that was poisoning their forest. Their logging business must have exploded after the trees became healthy again. She would need to get her own bearings if she was to provide any help to her students while they were in town. Ellie decided to follow Sawyer and Red to the saloon. It was a smart move. As a common place for the men of town to gather and the alcohol causing loose-lips, one could learn a lot about the area just by listening. She pulled Red aside before they entered and made sure none of the villagers had been listening to their conversation. "I'm not sure you should hang around in there. Your cloak will protect you, but if one of them was to get too aggressive...well, I don't have to remind you what can happen. Take a look around town, maybe talk to the preacher. We'll meet up later." Red was always a good listener and surely agreed with Ellie's logic. The cape would be much more frail than her collar ever was. It was best not to take any unnecessary risks while in an uncontrolled environment. Red nodded in agreement and headed off in to town. However, that left Sawyer on his own, too. "Drinking on the job, Jack?" Ellie tried to sound demanding as she walked in to the saloon. She turned a few heads of some of the men that had only started their drinking for the night, but most were too involved in their own drunken stupors to care. The barkeep raised a eyebrow as she marched in. Part of him wanted to see it all play out in a violent manner. "I assume you haven't procured us any rooms, yet. Do you plan on having me sleep on a bench, again!?" Ellie hoped that Jack had caught enough bits about her to know she wasn't actually upset. A little bit of role playing went a long way on a job. Huntsman and Rose had a good set up that they could mimic. Hopefully, it wouldn't cause too much concern for multiple parties of ladies and their guards to arrive in town together. Despite her only pretending to be upset, the sun was setting and they'd likely need to stay the night. They'd have to procure rooms if they wanted to avoid sleeping outside. ==================================================================================================== "Just one?" Snow cocked an eyebrow as the girls returned to the bar. "Well, it will have to do for now. I don't really have a lot of time and am curious to see what you lot can do." She spoke the last bit to their newest arrival. They only had a few members from the East and they were quite talented. She was always curious to see what they were capable of. She stood up and headed to the door in the back. Through it was the courtyard. It sometimes changed themes depending on the needs of the day, but usually it was set up as a practice area for the Guild. Straw dummies were set up all over for combat training. There were also a few skill tests set up around the corners of the courtyard for those that wanted to practice events that could be encountered in the field. Her favorite was the lockpicking test, mostly because new members underestimated its difficulty and often triggered the bomb traps she had set up. As her chosen members stepped outside, she motioned for them to step up to the combat training dummies. A few other members of the Guild were out enjoying the sun now that the rain had stopped. Some of them stepped back from the training dummies, curious as well to see what the newbies could do. "Go ahead and show off a bit. This isn't an official evaluation, but more of your chance to impress us," Snow explained to the new recruits. "Pick some dummies and don't hold back."