[b]Region Number:[/b] 21 [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Republic of Erimir [b]Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament:[/b] Grand Sheriff Beryl Moss [b]Nation Banner:[/b] [img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/rupm3d.jpg[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Halflings [b]Custom Race Description[/b]: [indent]- Halflings: - Life Span: Halflings live approximately as long as humans and age similarly, though particularly lucky halflings have a strange habit of living for over one hundred years. A few have even lived for over one hundred [i]and twenty[/i] years. This is very rare, of course, especially so in an age such as this with rampant disease and war. - Appearance: Halflings are a small race, typically standing between two and three feet tall in their adulthood, though there are rare outliers on either side of the spectrum. They have an almost universal plumpness to them, which is either because or the cause of their love of good food, and have large, hard-soled feet with patches of fur on top. Their hair is often curly or wavy. Most of them wear earthy or bright colors, and somehow the race manages to find time to smile even in the darkest hours. - General Traits: Compassionate, Optimistic, Brave, Innocent, Reliable[/indent] [b]Capital City:[/b] Erimir [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] Sweetwater, Elmshire [b]Gross Population:[/b] 180,000 [b]Exports:[/b] Cattle, Gunpowder [b]Brief Nation History:[/b] One of the few provinces to have joined the Empire without fighting, Erimir and its surrounding shires have always been considered an idyllic place to live. Its long, open pastures, beautiful lakes, tall elm forests and fertile orchards have always made the halflings' territory desirable to outsiders, some of them eager to take it by force. That was why the halflings of Erimir joined the Empire in the first place: to protect them from conquest by outside foes. They were loyal to the Empire, and their fine mutton, ale, and salted beef was famous throughout the land. With the Empire's collapse, the halflings have been caught in a frightening position. Being easily the smallest race, they seem an easy target for anyone that wishes to expand militarily, whether they be one of their newly free neighbors or conquerors from afar. They needed a more reliable defense than just their slings and the goodwill of others. Fortune favored the little ones, however: halfling prospectors discovered an abundance of gunpowder with which firearms could potentially be made. With this small boost to their already astounding courage, the smallfolk of Erimir see rays of hope when others only see darkness. They know this is not the end of an age, but the beginning of a new one, and these humble smallfolk will gladly stand behind anyone who can restore peace and tranquility to the region. [i]"It takes a hero to save a kingdom. It takes a halfling to save a hero." ~Halfling proverb[/i] [b][i]The Republic of Erimir[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] Grand Sheriff Beryl Moss (Elective Republic) [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] 180,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<750>/ - /<250>// - /<1000>//<85 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 90%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b] [b]Exports:[/b] [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] [b]Cease Fires:[/b] [/hider]