Here is my person waiting for judgement. [b]Name:[/b] Yorudan Rosu [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at an average 5' 11', Yorudan doesn't seem very imposing on first glance. Wearing long flowing robes on top of his Shinigami attire, it would seem that he was no different from the Buddhist monks of his past. Keeping his head shaved he adorned on his forehead the symbol of his squad, which at the time was Squad Two, now it bears the word Jakakumei. [b]Personality:[/b] Yorudan the quiet type, always in quiet contemplation. He always chooses his words very carefully often lettings those overzealous to let their mouths out talk them. In battle, due to his life as a buddhist, Yorudan isn't quick to truly draw his sword. Choosing instead to focus on Bakudo to disarm and dismantle his opponents rather than outright kill them. [b]History:[/b] Yorudan Rosu was born a Buddhist living in the poorer side of the Rukon district. As a child he never held and grand or lofty ambitions and dreamed only to make his existence aiding those who needed him within the district. One day, while out making his rounds, Yorudan was attacked by a Hollow with no real way to defend himself. As he said his prayers and prepared to meet Buddha, the sounds of battle drew him back to the waking world. As the Hollow fell to the ground Yorudan's eyes were drawn upon his savior, Gorou Nobunaga It was from that point on that Yorudan decided to dedicate his life to the Soul Society and specifically to Captain Nobunaga. As his time progressed with the Shinigami he began to notice that his talents lied not with swords but with spells, specifically with Bakudo. On the day that Captain Nobunaga was taken by Head Captian Yamamoto, Yorudan was crushed and infuriated, deciding to resign from his post as Lieutenant of Squad Two. Yorudan spent the next several years wandering through the Rukon district and beyond resigning to return to his life as a monk. When he recieved rumors that members of Captain Nobunaga's squad were patrolling as a new group called Jakakumei, Yorudan decided that this was his chance to aid the man who saved his life. He donned a stark white owl faced mask with streaks flowing down both of its eyes and he has been with them ever since. [b]Shikai:[/b] [i]*Currently Yorudan's Zampaktou has only one form. Due to the nature of his sword his Bankai must have eight seals/rings removed in order to release its full power. To date he can only remove four.[/i] [b]Tengoku no Chokei[/b]-(Heaven's Imprisonment) takes the shape of a nine-ring staff with heavy brass rings and a spear tip at the end with the release; Shackle, Tengoku no Chokei (Shakarau, Tengoku no Chokei). [u]First Ring-Devil's Ensnarement[/u]: The first ring of Yorudan's staff directly targets Hollow's and traps them in a ring of reistu. While the Hollow's are trapped they are slowly constricted until they are crushed by the over-whelming spiritual pressure. This ring can trap other beings, but they are simply constricted. [u]Second Ring-Shield of the Meek[/u]: The second ring forms a shield around Yorudan which shields everyone within it, healing minor wounds. It is a weak shield that breaks under a certain amount of stress. [u]Third Ring-Yolk of Man[/u]: The third ring is essentially a stronger version of the first ring, only targeting humanoid creatures. Since most humanoids trapped this way are Shinigami, the ring cannot crush them due their own spiritual pressure . [u]Fourth Ring-Silence the Believers[/u]: The fourth ring sets a ring around Yorudan which nullifies Kido skills. Everything but Bakudo becomes unusable. The amount Spiritual Pressure it takes begins to put a strain on Yorudan specifically if the other rings are out . [b]Other Skills:[/b] Since Yorudan almost refuses to draw his sword in combat, he has become a master of hand to hand combat on top of his almost indominable skills in Bakudo. Although his true limits in the set of Bakudo has never truly been tested, the last time he was in combat he was seen using 80th level Bakudo spells without using incantations.