Her voice faded away when he offered to teach her about the world she had been missing out on her. She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes... I would." He nodded and took a bite of his food. He didn't want her to feel bad he had to realize she was young. Her next words confirmed it. "I'm seventeen... and this is the first time I've ever been outside of the Northern Water Trobe, never been away from my parents... and they wanted to marry me off to a man who would keep me in the Water Tribe and I would never be away from him..." she looked at Rayn, "Would you have stayed? Prepared?" He placed his chopsticks down and was silent for a moment before saying " I don't know. Possibly. " he looked at her and said "is this what you really want though? To possibly never see your parents again?" He looked her hard in the eyes. If it were him he'd give anything to see his parents once more.