if Vale thinks its too OP, I'll change it. Personally, I didn't see it being too OP. Doranbolt was a rather weak character as far as I'm concerned. He couldn't use Teleportation to its full potential, and neither can Acacia. Yes, she can dodge attacks with it and sneak up on people with it, but that's about all its good for. Not really good at directly attacking someone if they know she's there. As such, its used for stealth, which is what this RP is going to be about, and quickly exiting a hostile area. Think of her ability like Corvo's Blink ability from Dishonored. [quote=Gravislayer] It allows you to evade very attack while also making direct counter attacks! [/quote] And her main focus is dodging/evading countering attacks. That's the point of her character. She gets hit with something, she's going down. hard. Physical stamina isn't her thing.