P-J heard Rayne's compliment and said with a smile, "Thanks, just trying to do what I can to help out. I owe it all to my parents." P-J shook his head and with "sadness" said, "It still breaks my heart that they stayed there on Krypton." He looked back at Rayne shot a quick wink with another smile. P-J noticed that Dai looked somewhat uncomfortable when he offered to take care of the dishes. He walked over and said, "Hey I'm just trying to help out. Don't worry though I said I would load the dishes in the dishwasher. That's all. Unless you want me to just leave well enough alone. Which case I can do that too." With that P-J walked over and got himself a slice of the veggie pizza and said, "Now if this tastes half as good as it smells this is gonna be one great slice." P-J fixed himself a soda and saw that there were seats on the back deck. He decided that was the perfect place to watch the sunset and enjoy a great slice of pizza. P-J ,made his way outside sat on one of the rocking chairs, put his feet up on the railing, and began to enjoy the view and his pizza.