I'll finish the rest tomorrow :D Pure ghost: Name: ARK Age:55 Gender:male Appearance: He is nothing but a striped fedora with a dark green aura around it. Ghost abilities: Rather than overshadowing people normally he gets placed on a Mortal or ghosts head then is able to overshadow them at any time though he doesn't always keep control. When on ones head he has access to the ability to fire off an ecto smog that damages both he living and the dead through choking. He can also fire red blasts of ecto energy from his eyes. He can't use those powers when not overshadowing someone Personality: Hes a bit of an odd ball but he is also very fun loving and will often mess with people when it applicable. Most of the time he's very serious but he still has a great sense of humour. Short history of life: ARK used to be known as Gregory Stahrz a wealthy business man in a profession he doesn't even remember. He lived like a king but things began going down hill the day he made a deal with the devil or more specifically a ghost escaped from the ghost zone made him the deal of a life time. Though he didn't know the man was a ghost but he thought something was off about him. The ghost deal was anything he had on him when he died he could bring to the after life. Gregory agreed to this thinking it to be some sort of scam but still likening the idea. After a few years he went out to pick up his fedora from dry-cleaning when suddenly he fell to the ground. There was an attack from highly trained terrorists who used a corrosive gas to kill hundreds of people in the area and burning away their bodies. The only thing left of Greg's was his hat which was saved by the plastic bag it was held in from the dry cleaners. Short history of afterlife: Now his only way of getting around is in the form of a hat. Greg decided to start his new un-life with the new name ARK because he thought it sounded cool. Other: when flying it looks like he's floating through the air being carried by the wind.