Ruusaan thought about punching the Nabooian in face, but her instinct said reflexes first, there was danger if she didn't act quickly. The Mandalorian dove for cover as bolts sprayed from five active shooters. She thought about using her flamethrower but decided against it, because she couldn't see the Twi'lek slave, and didn't want to harm her... not that she cared, but the Nabooian seemed to since he was firing at their enemies with stun-bolts. Sektor seemed to have no problem flying around the room picking off Teemo's thugs, like she wanted to do; but, the smuggler could prove to be useful in this escape. It frustrated her that this space-jock was more concerned with saving lives than saving their own lives, but he seemed to have a plan. Biting her lip to help make a decision between setting the whole cantina on fire and following the smuggler. He was pretty attractive, she had to admit, but the whole not-killing wasn't her style. Still she continued to think about him. He was right, they were outgunned and outmatched. It wasn't worth the effort to die in here. [B]"Fierfek it!"[/B] she set her dual pistols on stun and sent bright flashes of blue light of the stun-bolts at their enemies. Ruusaan dropped the Devaronian and Kubazian with her steady trigger-squeeze before they could return fire, but the three remaining angry patrons fired a volley back; which Ruusaan had to be light on her feet to evade. Diving over the bartop as blaster bolts shattered bottles of various booze and ale, the Mandalorian found temporary cover. Like a cat she crouched in a ready position to pounce. She was not going to die, [i]not today.[/i] Ruusaan jumped up and activated her jet-pack she soared over the bar-top pistols blazing she dropped two more and flew to the back where Cor had mistaken for an exit. It was only a back room for the stage. [B]"Looks like the entrance is our only way out, and there are still four of them left,"[/B] the Mando said pointing to the three Gamorreans and human gunslinger standing in their way.