A loosely structured plot, starting at the point in which the crew members are signed to the ship in Port Royal. Plot additions are welcome and I plan on further building off of it as I get response and perhaps a few CS's. I'd like to make it more personal and in depth for both the story and characters sake, so no one can feel left out. Everyone has an opinion, remember! If you have a good idea I'll most certainly put it in. open working plot: In the late 1700's, exploration, and ultimately pirating, was at it's peak. Port Royal, Jamaica. Here we find a crew of opportunists, diverse age and a vessel that was female willing, a crew picked particularly for their skills and intelligence. This crew terrorized the Caribbean for six months, but due to a drunken watchmen the crew was taken for all that it was, and left on a tropical island yet to have been discovered. The crew then has to work together to try and get off the island, or die. --- It would be starting where the crew is being founded in port, and then move from there. Any takers?