"Cooking is not the same as baking." she stated calmly. She noticed his unease with talking about his name, so Breena didnt press it. When he came to stand next to her after spending eternity washing his hands. She noted he was actually really dirty, and wondered if he [i]did[/i] need some flowery soap. "Okay so, you take this bowl. Add this white flour, almond flour, salt, baking soda, and the zest, or peel of this whole lemon." she showed him each one as she said them, giving him a fork to mix them, and showing him the teaspoon to use to measure. "One cup of both flours, and a teaspoon of everything else. After that, add a little of this dried lavender." she showed him the jar of the light purple flower petals. Once he got started she went to mixing the wet ingredients. The sugar, egg, some melted butter she left out on accident before closing up, a bit of milk, almond extract and then the juice of the lemon he zested. She had to show him how to use the zester. The tool that looked alot like a cheese grater, but smaller. While she mixed it it she wondered if Wolf had a place to live. [i]Dont even think about inviting him to stay Breena. Are you [b]that[/b] lonely?[/i] she said to herself in her head. Her house ib the woods not too far from here was too...magical. That was where she let go, her powers constantly at work when in the safety of those walls. Sighing, she knew she could resist asking all she wanted, but she was created to serve and help those in need, so in the end, she asked him. "Do you have a place to stay?"