The knowledge that she was not crazy was relieving. A long grateful sigh left her full lips as she nodded. "Good, good I'm not crazy!" She said assuring herself more than him that his words were true. But when he pulled open the door and stepped inside she nearly jumped out of her skin. "What are you doing?!" Her voice was filled with desperation as he disappeared inside. Those things could be dangerous! Her small body shook as she proceeded to walk back and forth, debating on going inside or not. Was this really something she could handle?! In the process of backing up, she hit someone with small thump. Turning around she found a woman older than her standing behind her. "Miss you have to leave!" She said with a mix of encouragement and fear. "It's... It's not safe here. At least..." Her brow pushed together. "At least I don't think it's safe." She nodded, more to herself than to the woman before her face relaxed. "You really should go!"