[hider=Alli Kendrick][center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ur99Z3LBjqY/TFsrQnbWGRI/AAAAAAAACKQ/Vuz4tcJ4T6w/s1600/kristin2.jpg[/img] --- [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Allison “Alli” Kendrick [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] When it comes to cheerleader stereotypes, Alli is probably one of them that comes to mind. And it’s true, she was indeed a cheerleader back in the day. Alli is a very approachable person, as evidenced by the bright smile that she sports daily. Her bubbly personality is apparent in the way she moves, with a hint of elegance and grace contrasting the casual demeanor. Her blonde hair is a source of her pride, and she keeps it well kept and styled, often experimenting with various hairstyles. She styles her hair herself, but she also has a personal hairdresser when she wants to go all out. Standing at 5’10”, Alli looks taller than she actually is at times, due to the heels that she loves to wear. Her brown eyes are lively and bright, showing the optimistic part of her personality. [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 24 [b][u]How long has Alli been teaching at Caelbury?[/b][/u] Fresh out of college, this is only her second year here. [b][u]Social Class[/b][/u] Wealthy [b][u]Social Class Explanation[/b][/u] Alli’s parents are both famous doctors, and she has lived in the upper class her entire life. [b][u]Subject[/b][/u] History [b][u]Why is Alli teaching at Caelbury Academy?[/b][/u] Caelbury Academy is one of the reasons why Alli decided to turn her life around. This will be detailed more later. --- [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5p43vwpvm1r9jecu.gif[/img] --- [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] “Now the party don’t start, till I walk in!” When you think about typical rich kids, Alli may fit that archetype very well. Pampered, spoiled, and conceited, Alli never had a want for anything. Everything she could possibly want was at her fingertips, and if it wasn’t, that was nothing a little cash couldn’t handle. I’m sorry, did I say a little? I meant a lot. Monetary value meant little to her, as she always had enough money to throw around. Living the life of a materialistic girl was [i]hard[/i]. Come on, you guys all underestimate how difficult it is to have the newest technology and trendy clothing all the time. Back when she was a teenager, she was more concerned with her social life more than anything. She was an avid partier, spending her weekends dancing her butt off and drinking beverages that shouldn’t be consumed by a minor. Ditching class was something she did on a daily basis, but she was smart enough not to fail them. In most of high school, she did just enough work to pass all of her classes. She wasn’t dumb by any means, but simply didn’t care about her grades. However, that was the past. After a certain turning point in her life, Alli decided to change her life for the better. Although she won’t turn down a party invitation, she’s a lot more restrained than she was as a teenager. She finally understands the value of money and education, and is determined to make a successful living for herself. Her bubbly, enthusiastic cheerleader persona carried over to her adulthood. She likes to have fun with her students, trying to make a potentially boring class as exciting as possible. Alli tries to be approachable, and she loves interacting with everyone. Although she's one of those laid back teachers, she's fairly strict and professional in her own way. Don't think you can get away with messing around [i]too[/i] much in her class! However, on occasion, it may seem as if Alli is trying a bit too hard to make things fun, to be happy. This isn't the same sense as when people smile to hide their inner sorrow. It's more of a desperate attempt to keep herself in line. Selfishly, Alli tries so hard to make things fun more for her own sake, rather than her students at times. She needs to find that spark in life again, to keep her away from trouble. She finds peace and satisfaction in teaching, but peace is [i]boring[/i]. Living a dull life has never been the life for Alli, and she struggles to keep herself from making the same mistakes as before. She doesn't regret giving up her partying ways, but she sure misses it sometimes. On lonely nights in particular, Alli has a tendency to drink, and drink, and drink. She gave up drugs, partying, and other things, but she uses alcohol to keep her sane, to keep her from going insane from too boring of a life. However, this still terrifies her. What if she messes up again? What does she do then? --- [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5p2utb06J1r9jecu.gif[/img] --- [b][u]History[/b][/u] Alli is a Caelbury Academy alumni, being a senior at that school only six years prior. During her high school life, Alli didn’t care about school. Why would she? She could have anything she wanted in life by using money, and she was confident in her looks as well. The only thing she actually involved herself in school was with sports: Volleyball, and cheerleading. And even then, she ditched practice a lot, like she skipped classes to sneak out of the campus. Yup, Alli, prestigious high school teacher used to cut class. Actually, her sense of morality was a little skewed, and she would drink, smoke, and was kind of loose. You only live once, right? She was having fun! It’s not like she had to go to classes or practice though, she could already do everything, so what’s the point? She did just enough to pass, and her parents didn’t particularly care about her grades anyway. That all changed at the summer before her senior year. One weekend, Alli was at her home, sick and unable to go to her friend’s party. At first she was disappointed and would’ve snuck out, but she really was sick, with a high fever and everything. Then later, Alli found out that a bunch of her party friends got arrested at that party. The cops came over to investigate her friend’s mansion after numerous complaints about the music, only to discover a bunch of stoned, drunk teens. That scared her. A lot. If she wasn’t sick on that day, she would’ve been arrested alongside them. That caused her to reconsider her lifestyle and choices, and realize how stupid she was being. Alli went to her teachers for help, finally admitting that she made numerous mistakes and she didn’t know how to dig herself out of this. Her teachers were caring and understanding, offering their advice and support. And it worked. Alli began to maintain a perfect attendance record, achieve the rank of cheerleading captain, and managed to make the A honor roll in the rest of her high school career. Thanks to her teachers, Alli was able to actually do something with her life, and that probably saved her from being arrested, or god forbid, even worse. When Alli went to college, she was determined to repay Caelbury Academy somehow. Deciding to be a teacher after being inspired by the people who changed her life, she studied history and returned to Caelbury. Now life is perfect... Well, almost perfect. Now, if only she can find a boyfriend! There is however, one event in particular that has in a way, made a bigger impact upon her than her big turnaround. She never talks about it, but something happened in college. Something that made her reevaluate her life once again, and has affected her deeply. The experience has traumatized her to some extent, and everything she does in recent years is to stave off anything even remotely close to that. --- [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le610jYewh1qzlbzt.gif[/img] --- [b][u]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] --She has a pet rabbit named Clover --She’s the coach of the Cheerleading Squad --Alli still has the occasional drinking problem. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_labr6v71BQ1qzlbzt.gif][/center][/hider] --- [hider=Alli's RS] [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5p42pRuMt1r9jecu.gif][/center] --- [center][b][u]Jaycen Pierce[/b][/u] [i]"Jay Pup + Alli Cat = BFFs <3 Not that anyone talks that way anymore, but yeah. You get the gist. There's no one else that I'd rather spend my weekends with than my bro!"[/i][/center] Cat, dog. Jock, cheerleader. Alli and Jaycen are complementary whether it be through stereotypes, their similar personalities, or their limitless energy. There's absolutely no question that Jaycen and Alli are very close. It's evident in the way that they greet each other, in the fact that they hang out nearly every other day, or how Alli's expression lights up when her puppy is around. Although they both have dark secrets that they most likely won't reveal to each other anytime soon, Alli trusts Jaycen absolutely. He's her go-to guy to share her thoughts and feelings with, whether it be joy, sorrow, anger, or frustration, and this usually happens with a bowl of ice cream in her hand. One of the best things about Jaycen is that he's reliable. Due to their purely platonic relationship, there's no danger of any romantic feelings ruining their friendship. This is one of the reasons why she can be so open with him. Alli's had experiences with her guy friends proclaiming their love for her, she friendzones them, and the friendship falls apart soon after. It's such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore! And he's a handy person to drag around with to bars. Alli tends to attract the creepy guys. You know, the ones with that probably do stuff like slip drugs into drink when people aren't looking, the ones your parents tell you to avoid. They never come even close to her when Jaycen is with her. He's also a great sober sitter since he doesn't drink. Alli, on the other hand really likes her alcohol and she can get hella drunk. She's been carried home by Jay a few more times than she'd like to admit, because she got too drunk to stand up straight. On top of the numerous selfies they have taken on Alli's phone, she always carries around a picture of the two in her wallet. It was taken shortly after they first became friends, on their first sleepover. It's one of her most favorite pictures of them--aside from the Disney World picture because that's just epic--and so, it's always tucked neatly away. --- [center][b][u]Hayden Hawthorne[/b][/u] [i]"Awww, he's like a giant teddy bear! I can't even begin to describe how cuddly he seems."[/i][/center] Alli probably owes Hayden for so many things. He really saved her ass in her senior year. Wheter it be physics tutoring, writing recommendation letters, or those long discussions that Alli frequently engaged him in about school, her future, college, etc, Mr. Hawthorne never have an exasperated sigh or anything as he extended a helping hand to her. She was pleasantly surprised in how supporteive he ended up being. She knew that he had heard of her reputation, and Alli had her own doubts because he was a new teacher, and a Hawthorne to boot. He did for her, what many of her other teachers refused. Having a former teacher as her boss is a little weird, but Alli takes it all in stride. She knew that she would be working with her former teachers when she got hired at the school, but she didn't expect Hayden to become the vice principal. But she thinks it worked out wonderfully, Hayden was always a good candidate for a vice principal. Of course, at first it was super awkward. Alli didn't know how to act towards any of her former teachers, but Hayden made that transition relatively smooth. He didn't treat her like a teenager--unlike [i]some[/i] teachers. I'm looking at you, evil math teacher! It's still a little weird, but Alli feels that she can really become friends with him sooner or later. He's just an all-around chill guy to be with. --- [center][b][u]Saul Kirschenzweig[/b][/u] [i]”He’s like the uncle you don’t see often. When you see him, he seems intimidating--scary, even. But then you realize that he’s the cool uncle, the kind that teaches you things that your mom doesn’t want, like hunting and things like that.”[/i][/center]Saul’s abrasive nature doesn’t deter Alli one bit. She quite likes him, in fact. His gruff attitude is somewhat endearing, not totally unlike a sulking kid. He cracks her up every now and then, whether he’s trying to or not. Alli invites him to every outing she plans for the teachers. She wants to challenge him to a drinking contest someday, somewhat because nobody else is particularly willing, but also mostly because he seems like he would be a formidable opponent. Basically, Alli just wants to get to know him better. She also has loads of respect for him. One, he was a Marine. Alli can’t even begin to imagine doing anything like that, so anyone who has survived the ordeal deserves the proper amount of respect in her book. And although she has never seen him act in person, she has heard rumors and that sparked her curiosity. Apparently he was spell-binding, and Alli is more than eager to see him perform someday. Of course, not all of the rumors about him were good. But drugs and alcohol problems are things that Alli can relate to--albeit on a much smaller scale. --- [center][b][u]Flynn Zimmerman[/b][/u] [i]”Sometimes, I get the feeling that he would be more suited to be a god or a guardian angel. All-seeing, all-knowing, yet undeniably passive.”[/i][/center] Alli’s guardian angel theory stems mostly from her limited, yet meaningful interactions with him. Like Hayden, Flynn also began his teaching career at Caelbury while Alli was trying to salvage her horrible grades. She was rather nervous when she went to talk to Flynn, displaying a meeker side of herself that she didn’t know existed until then. There was just something about Flynn that made her uneasy back then, probably because she couldn’t read what he was thinking or feeling. She felt that she spoke too fast, and all of her words came pouring out of her mouth. Flynn simplly listened, with just the tiniest incline of his head. She couldn’t really tell if he approved, disapproved, or what, and the results of the meeting was shrouded in mystery… At least until a few months later. Alli isn’t a dense girl by any means, so she began to notice the subtle changes that occurred. It was so nearly undetectable that it could only be Flynn. It was then, that she began to see him in the way she does now. Much like a god or a guardian angel, Flynn saw her determination and helped her in the most indirect way possible. Not that she would ever tell him any of this, he’ll probably not be completely happy with her perception of him. --- [center][b][u]Liam Matthews[/b][/u] [i]”He’s a man that hasn’t grown or progressed in a very long time. I wonder if that could’ve been me?”[/i][/center] Alli tries her best to make Liam laugh, or at least smile. She knows when people need to cry or laugh, and it’s painfully obvious that LIam needs to laugh. Being the outgoing, happy person that she is, Alli hates seeing people down in the dumps. And Liam is way beyond that level. She can’t help but wonder if he has undiagnosed depression. Laughter is the best medicine, so it’s her way of trying to help. Besides, she loves seeing him smile. It’s like the sun peeking through the clouds. Really, it seems that Alli is constantly trying to convince the teachers to hang out--unsuccessfully too boot. Fortunately, Liam is one of the more willing participants, so he probably doesn’t see her as annoying as some other people (Like Flynn) might think. Whether it be hanging out at someone’s apartment, going to a bar, or chatting over lunch, Liam is usually there, allowing time for their friendship to grow. --- [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9uvqvnooN1qa2cewo1_400.gif[/img][/center][/hider]