[hider=Expectations] -This is an Advanced RP so all grammar/past tense/third person is expected. -It's an [b]open sand box world[/b], so have fun with it! I want characters with a lot of drive. -A fun and active OOC makes for a smoother RP in my opinion, so don't be afraid to get to know one another! -Discuss possible plot lines with the whole RP and plan along with one another. Let your character be defeated every once in a while- it'll help them grow! -You're welcome to have specific details and possibly double-crossings take place through private messages between different players. -The comic book universe if full of villains who used to be heroes and the other way around, so don't be afraid to let your character evolve and change. -Character deaths must be ok'd by their player, but people who go missing will have their characters put up for grabs; any player will be allowed to let their villain kill/hero incarcerate said character. -Most importantly, have fun! [/hider] [hider= One Week Ago...] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/riOpy6R.jpg?1[/IMG][/center] -It was a normal, sunny day with clear skies and a blissfully unaware population. There was a sudden sound, a shock wave that ripped through the air, accompanied by a blinding flash of light that was gone as fast as it came. News channels instantly had footage uploaded from citizens across the city- footage of a meteor streaking through the sky just before the ominous impact. -Local scientists denied knowledge of where the object had landed or what the event could have been. It was far from the behavior most meteors exhibited and even amateur students knew that there had to have been some kind of object to be found. -In the past week (or month, depending on what the group thinks) our characters have been feeling... different. -They can have just now discovered their powers or you can choose to hold off for as long as you want. Or you don't have to play a super powered person at all. -Character powers do not need to stem from the stone. They can be from technology, serums, alternate universe energy (magic) or just highly trained in specific fields. -The meteor was, in fact, an object called the Paradigm Stone. It was instantly scooped up from a field outside the city by a corporation called Genetico (name to be changed). -The Paradigm Stone has the ability to increase an individual's abilities while staying in contact with it (crown/glove/necklace). -It will change shape, cut, color and how it is worn according to whichever master it serves. -Possession of the stone means that your character will be able to take on three others at once before being subdued. -Prolonged use of the Paradigm Stone/Gem increases the addiction and need for it. Mental deterioration and burning out result from extended use. -For every minute a character uses the Gem, they will need an equal amount of time purging and withdrawing from the energy given off. -Some may wish to keep the Paradigm Gem locked in an iron and lead lined case until it needs to be used, much like it currently is. [/hider] [hider=Powers and Points] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PxY5GzC.jpg?1[/IMG] -Every character is going to be equal to one another. -One-on-one brawls are evenly matched where an agreement can be made for the outcome. -Two characters working together will be able to subdue a single character. -Team work and rivalries are highly recommended -Points- -You will have a fifteen point system with a three point limit to distribute between any range of skills you would like. -Your character is an average citizen in every area that isn't awarded any points. That means if you don't have any points in 'Vehicle', 'Hideout' or 'Wealth', then your character is a homeless person walking on foot with no super base of operations. -Zero points of wealth is living without income or very low class, without resources. One point is middle class. Two points is upper middle class with a nice home. Three points is exceptionally wealthy. Example Skills Include: Brawl: 1- One scrappy fighter 2- Boxing or hand to hand training 3- Deadly assassin fists Melee: 3- Can cut a bullet in midair Strength: 1- Pro Body Builder 2- Able to toss a car a bit Strength 3- Hulk Smash Speed: 1-Higher than Olympic speed, 3- Near The Flash or Quicksilver Psionic: Fire-bending, Telekinesis, Ice-Man, Psychic: Telepathy, Empathy, Illusions, Animal Control, Precognition, Super Reflexes Endurance: 1 Dexterity: Science: Your ability to create and augment scientific equipment both in complexity and offensive/defensive capability. Magic: Alternate-universe granted abilities Agility: Flight: Stealth: 1- Slip into the shadows 2-Dark Knight 3- Invisibility Manipulation: The more manipulation you have, the more henchmen you have. One is equal to six consistent goons at your disposal on a mission or in a quick getaway. Two is several small gangs and informants. Three is corporation or similar under your control. Security: Your ability to hack into devices, pick locks, Wealth: Hideout: 3- Batcave, Stark Tower Transportation: 0- Hoofing it, 1- Average vehicle, 2- Sports car, motorcycle 3: Batmobile, Goblin Glider -Example- Wealth: 3 Hideout: 3 Super Suit: 3 Flight: 3 Intelligence: 3 (Iron Man Styled Character) Brawl: 3 Intelligence: 1 Melee: 2 Dexterity: 2 Agility: 2 Acrobatics: 2 Firearms: 2 Languages: 1 (Black Widow Styled Character) [/hider] [hider= Character Arcs] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/37oEWez.jpg?1[/IMG][/center] -Secret Identity lives are just as important as the superhero life. -Weave character stories together. Have superhero rivals have a brief romantic relationship in their 'real' lives. Perhaps social rivals work together as nefarious villains looking to take control of the genetics industry. -Give your character a GOAL! No one likes to write with a static character that has no personal drive. Give your hero an incurable disease that might turn them to the dark side. Maybe your billionaire heiress loses all her money at the beginning of the game and will stop at nothing to restore herself. There needs to be a reason you're writing from their point of view and showing their story. -Work with one another in the planning process before submitting a finished profile. You can revise and edit a posted one as well. -You do not need to be a super powered citizen. You can be a cop, corporate leader, scientist or anyone with refined skills looking to change the world for better or worse. -We will need specific character roles to be filled such as: the CEO of Genetico, a scientist for the same company, maybe a police officer, possibly a reporter, etc. [/hider] [hider= The Unnamed City] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/6mN6XbT.jpg?1[/IMG][/center] -The city is currently without a name (but some good suggestions!) and without a lot of details. It's open to discussion to make specifics and a map (help needed!). -You can use the citizens of the city as hostages, distractions or innocents to defend. -This is an open sandbox world. Work with your character's main goals to shape the city in your own story. Your poor genius character wants a super laser? Looks like she needs to rob a bank. Your character is a thankless defender of the city? Looks like there's a bank heist in progress. -Possession of the Paradigm Stone will give your character serious sway in influencing the city as a whole. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] -Basic Info- Name: Gender: Age: Alias: -Stats- (Real-Life quality image if supplied) Height: Weight: Hair Color: Eye Color: Skin Tone: Body Type: Notable Features: -Psychological Profile- Personality: Strengths: (physical and mental) Weaknesses: (physical and mental) Fears: -Power Points: - - - - - -Public Identity- Job: Home: Wealth/Lifestyle: Clothing Style: Friends/Relationships: Rivalries: Public/Professional Goals: History: -Secret Identity- Uniform: Alignment: Good/Neutral/Evil [url=http://easydamus.com/alignment.html]Helpful Alignment List[/url] Combat Method: Fists, Knives, Telekinesis, Hench Men Hideout: Mode of Transportation: Allies/Relationships: Nemesis: Motivations/Goals: Supplies/Inventory: -Paradigm Stone- Paradigm Stone Appearance: Personal Appearance Changes: Power/Ability Progression: Power-Drunk Goals: Weakness: Withdraw Symptoms: [/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=1#post-988908]Hope Thomas/Wisp[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=1#post-990899]Finn Regel/Pulse[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=1#post-991622]Troy Evans/Black Jack[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=1#post-993377]Malcolm O'Connor/The Executioner[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1003383]Elizabeth Collins/Officer Collins[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1009070]Michael Regel/Pheonix[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1010185]Eudora Carver[/url] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1008160]John Bakker/Genetico CEO[/url][/s] Phase Two test subject [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1008997]Jonathan Jones Junior/"The Eye"[/url][/s] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33365/posts/ooc?page=1#post-986636]Gabriel Lang/Ocean[/url][/s] [/hider]