Narral eyed the vicious bird whilst she rubbed her scalp. “I hate birds an’ they hate me, so keep that beast away from me and we’ll all be right as rain.” Narral called her reply over the cheers of the others, all the while with a giant grin plastered on her face. It wasn’t often that some old sod came in waving about a bag of coins offering everyone a round of drinks, and even less often that they were able to uphold their offer. Taking hold of the tankard that had quite politely appeared in front of Narral, she gave Ted a great big grin, she took a swig of the delicious mead savouring its taste. With a deep contented sigh Narral wiped away the dribbles of the drink that had escaped her. Turning to her new friend she had been about to ask if she had any requests, seeing as Nipples had finished to pay attention to his own drink when the place fell silent at the Clerics declaration of that place. Eysein. “And quite a story it is too.” Narral spoke, spinning around on her stool to face the man with her grin nowhere to be found. “Not many books on the cursed Island, even less refer to it by name.” Looking over the man she couldn’t see any weapons but there was a necklace with the holy symbol of Amtris meaning he was probably a Cleric of some sort. She frowned in thought. “So who’s the poor lot that are going on this adventure of yours then?”