[Center]Daniel Anders [/Center] --- Much as he predicted, his flock proceeded to do stupid act after stupid act. All three of them were eager to engulf themselves in the fog without as much as a glimmer of common sense. He recalled a girl that came to his congregation: very young thing that had no interest in god and more interest in one of his sheep. Even if she was a hungry wolf, she had seemed interested in an almost child-like way to the sermons Daniel gave. The reason he remembered the strange girl now, was the fact that she’d turned accidentally invisible from the hips down. If a listener could do that, what would a full blown mutant do? The lord must have been testing Daniel, and he refused to fail in his task. The two Non-pilots advanced towards the APC, and Brucie followed suit after radioing Daniel himself. The Australian heretic was apparently asking him to act the proverbial wingman, and Daniel would oblige. He may have spoken gutter-slang and pseudo-words, but he was proving the most sensible of the trio of allies Daniel had on hand. “I’ll cover you, Heathen. Just don’t go nuts with your flamethrowers yet.” Daniel reached up and flicked a switch on his main monitor, switching his main scanning package over to the Infrared scanner. He wanted to get that done before Brucie started acting the fire-worshipping savage that he was, and it might give him enough time to stop Nathaniel and Chris from walking into a death-trap. In the meantime, Daniel started allocating some power towards the sprint module, keeping it ready for a quick movement. Battle would come soon, and Daniel would need to close the gap in an instant if he was to save as many of the flock as possible. Preping the Sprint Module’s burst of speed could be the difference between one of the squishy pair below being smeared by a Mutant or Daniel smearing a mutant on the end of his powerfist. Daniel gave a small kiss to the hanging Rosario beads in his cockpit, before speaking out loud a passage of the scripture. “If you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.” --- [Center]Kiku[/Center] --- Kiku found herself liking this group of individuals very much: because none of them spoke too much, or complicated things with shit like ‘moral duty’ or ‘obligation’ or stuff like that. They said smart stuff, or they said nothing at all. That shit flew by Kiku. It was the ‘Get shit done’ mentality! For a moment though, Kiku’s eyes dwelled upon the masked-ninja lady. If she didn’t know better, Kiku could swear that the woman was giving her the eyes or something. Did she bat for the other team? Kiku hadn’t really thought about a woman like that in a long ass time, and now probably wasn’t the best time to start thinking about poontang, but still…Flattery got you far. “Right then, twinkle toes…” She seemed to almost sing out the words as she pointed at the guy with the sword. Her face, still visable through the translucent gas-mask, bore a big, happy smile. She wore her feelings on her sleeves, did Kiku. After a second of thinking, she realised she actually had no reason to call him Twinkle toes, except the notion that he just seemed like a twinkle-toes. “…Just thought it’d be fair to warn ya. If you die, I call dibs on the sword, M’kay? It’s pretty...Not that I plan to shank you or anything, then you'd never be able to tell me where you got it! How boring would that be?” With nothing left to say, Kiku giggled before her entire body shimmer out of existence. Camouflage was a fun mutation because it basically let you cheat if you were good with Close-quarters combat. Nothing wins a knife fight better than the other guy not having his knife out, and being sneaky-sneaky meant that 60% of the time, she didn’t have to fight anyone…100% of the time! The fact that even her clothing shifted colour and form to match the background was a bonus: imagine how inconvenient having to strip every time you wanted to go invisible would be? Kiku was the first down the stairs, her spines seeming to ‘taste’ the air as she led the descent down to the 9th floor. She withdrew both her daggers and paused at the first set of rooms: one on the left, one on the right. She had to make sure that they could clear each room silently, and that meant hitting both sides at the same time. If they didn’t, one might turn around to see its buddy with a knife in its throat. That always spooked people. She used her black knife to point at Kai, indicating he should take the rooms on the left hand side, before slinking to the edge of the room’s entrance and peeked inside. The room itself was a tip. It [i]used[/i] to be nice. That much was obvious from the large bed; the person sized broken mirror frame and the large window. In one corner of the room, a skeletal body was lounging in a chair: covered in ripped grubby rags and wearing an oversized pair of dusty-ass sunglasses. Maybe that person used to be a celebrity or something, who knows. From a single glance, she hadn’t seen much: but then again, if a mutant was set up, it could be as camouflaged as she was. She waited for Kai to get into position before she moved into the room. If they didn’t do this at the same time, the jig could be up real quick: and she didn’t want this to devolve into a shooting contest. She’d already admitted she was a pretty bad shot.