Picking up her discarded notebook, she dusted it off and gave it a rather crestfallen sigh, as if it was the only one to know her misfortune. She had been so close. So close! So so so close to figuring something out and yet just as she was nearing an answer, it all vanished right in front of her and she was left with a traveler who was perhaps drunk, unable to really find where he was going. Still, she had her family's honor and reputation to uphold so she quickly collected herself to properly represent her family. He gave a bow and she gave one back. "Prince Telio of Eldan?" She repeated. Her world had no such place, none that she was aware of anyway. A tinge of discomfort soared up from her gut and landed in her head. "I've never heard of that place or you..." She said plainly, her lack of formal etiquette showing through once more. "I'm sorry," She corrected herself. "you're nearing the great city of Hy Byseil." It was uncommon for people to happen upon the area, everyone who came, came with intention and great direction but this so-called prince of some faraway land looked lost and she was beginning to grow suspicious. Despite uncertainty, she didn't sense anything "off" about him. He didn't carry an air of distrust or ill-intent, but even so, Urkwia was careful not to get to close. Anyone could be armed. "Did you happen to see...a blue vortex of some sort?" She inquired, wondering if he had something to do with the anomaly that vanished all too soon. While her parents supported her endeavors with her research and experiments, they told her to not lose sight of other matters. Still, the woman couldn't help but bring the topic up so suddenly, due to how she and male had encountered one another. Looking back down at her notes, she felt her expression deepen and drop slightly. "I'm doing research on blue stones, sapphires and I was in the of a massive breakthrough when you happened upon me." She decided to explain her soured mood in hopes that she'd get over it sooner. Something happened, that was enough cause to celebrate. It could happen again, somehow. She would figure it out and make it work. "If you'd like, we can go to Hy Byseil together..." She trailed off and remembered that she had still yet to give her own formal introduction. It was a good thing her parents weren't around to see her blunder countless times when it came to being a good host. "My name is Urkwia, Princess of the realm and beyond. Hy Byseil is our capital on this continent, our sister is By Hyseil...perhaps you've heard of that?" She asked Telio as she packed up her supplies quickly, making several mental notes to organize them when she got back home. For now, she knew she couldn't waste anymore time with labels and such. If she didn't have a guest with her, she would have spent a good fifteen minutes taking stock of everything to make sure that when she left, nothing was missing from her pack. But since the Prince, Telio seemed a bit lost, she decided it would be better to get back to Hy Byseil and get something to eat and drink. Perhaps that would help him gather himself, so to speak. Her aunt and uncle ruled over By Hyseil, which was on the other land massive. They were both large and bountiful, everything else was scattered on islands around the two lumpy lands. Every month or so, they would all come together for a typical meeting to ensure both were on the same page as far as rules and regulations were concerned. It was all a bit boring but Urkwia was hoping to take over either city when the time came, for now, she liked to tell herself that the time wasn't as close as it probably was. If she had any siblings, they would rule the other continent but that wasn't the case. So the burden fell onto her shoulders alone. She loved Hy Byseil with all of her heart, whereas By Hyseil was only a place she would vacation to. Either way, she would love whatever place needed her most. "So you're a Prince?" She looked to Telio, still a bit ambivalent regarding his claim. It wasn't often people pretended to have royal blood or ties. Still, she didn't think he was necessarily lying, she just wasn't sure if she knew what he was talking about and that worried her. There couldn't be another country far away that her family didn't know about. The whole world was mapped out wonderfully, and while she had never been to much of it, she was certain that she hadn't of Eldan. As they traversed through the high field and made their way toward the gate, she gave a wave to one of the guards. She knew all of them by name and many of them knew of her nightly escapades. Thankfully she could bribe them with wine and good cheese, in order for them to not tell her parents. "Since you're my guest, I'll happily show you around and treat you to a wonderful meal." She smiled to him, putting a hand atop her heart, as was custom with the royal family when they made important statements or vows. Even if the Prince wasn't from around the area, there was no reason why she ought to turn him away. She had just the place in mind, a great pub with great food and drink. It was out of the way but that was one of the reasons she liked it to much. It was close to a bookstore, one of many that captivated her. All the old text, bound in leather and tucked away safe and sound, just waited to be opened up. Those were magical moments for Urkwia and her heart soared at the prospect of new information and ideas. Maybe she'd find something about Eldan or Telio in one of the many bookstores or libraries around the city. As they passed through stone wall and entered through one of the six gates, she felt her mood turning around. From distress to excitement.