CRAP!, Please ignore this one, the stupid thing double posted! Friendship City... Nicest, Safest place in the wasteland for every'one'... That's the story at least, an remarkably enough, It's not a lie!... Friendship City really is pretty much the safest place in the Equestrian wasteland, unless maybe you can pay your way into Tenpony, but... really, good luck with that, especially if you're not a pony... The city though, long as you don't cause any trouble, and leave your prejudice on the other side of the bridge, anyone can come in. Friendship City is a mixing pot of different residents, sure, mostly Earth ponies and unicorns, but they also have a few pegasi, Some gryphons, even a couple of Zebra's, some other critters may even be there, but keeping a lower profile. The City is practically a Paradise compared to the rest of the wasteland, with everything a pony hope for... Security, water that is only 'slightly' irradiated, Filling meals of both Vegi and meat that aren't going to bank-rupt you, plenty of commerce and trade, even a regulated fighting ring to help ponies 'safely' work out aggressions, and of course Taverns and inns for everyone to 'relax' in. And That's just the most obvious services. More importantly though, it's a safe place for different ponies to meet, talk, and get to know eachother without having to worry if the one they're talking to is going to kill them as soon as they look away... sure, there's possibility of problems outside of the city still, but rare is a better place for individuals to get together and help eachother out. This is a pretty short little bunch of info, but it's all that's needed for the time being! This RP is going to flow depending on the Interactions and Choices of the Characters IC, and will evolve bit by bit as we push onward through the, as yet, unwritten story. I only intend to hard-plan out the beginning of the RP, in this case that will entail our characters visiting a local Tavern to browse the job board... I have in mind for them to notice a particularly Lucrative Caravan Escort job... will it go well? Fall apart horribly half-way through? who bloody knows! I love the unknown! I'm not going to 'rush' things either, everyone can start out however they like, do stuff, interact, and so on, long as they end up in the Tavern, afterwhich there'll be plenty of time to chat, drink, shop/prepare, 'romp', or other stuff before they head out the next day... this isn't going to be 'all' Action, though there'll be no shortage, we'll be having as much story and development as we'll be having bloody violence and heart stopping tension [If I can help it XD] I will put up a CS in the OOC that I intend to make tommorrow, possibly with a few other bits of info, but for the most part what I've included above is the important stuff to be known for starting off. Some important things to know! The general rules of the site still apply. Please understand and keep up with 'Casual Posting Expectations' Multiple Characters will be allowed, but I'm going to restrict to 2 maximum starting off, don't want to turn this into a Clusterfuck XD On that note, Cursing is just fine, whether it's 'normal cursing' or something inspired by 'Little pip's Catalogue of Colorful Deity based Slams' Intimacy and Promiscuous behavior are allowed, within the bounds of Site Rules of course =P honestly, if it compares to the content level of the Original Fo:E, it's probably fine. [Also, just to see who knows the reference... 31!] Don't spam post, Back and forthing is fine if it's just the 2 of your at the time, but if you are in a scene with half a dozen characters in the same conversation, it's very likely they'll all have something to contribute.