[hider=Mr.Lang]-Basic Info- Name: Gabriel Lang Gender: Male Age: 25 Alias: Ocean/Ao-Shun [/hider] [hider=Stats] [IMG]http://dr2myn8hjue41.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Yanchen-Xing8-550x7111-600x400.jpg[/IMG] Height: 5'7" Weight: Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Ice Blue Skin Tone: Pale Body Type: Lithe Notable Features: -Psychological Profile- Personality: Gabriel isn't a typical sex crazed male with a penchant to hit on hotties, but that doesn't stop him from being somewhat lewd. He can be very easily bated into having "good times" as he doesn't really care much for personal responsibilities and the like, whether that means beer, sex, or wild parties, Gabriel is open to it all. However he has one thing he stands adamant on. He will not smoke, and he will not pop pills, that is a big no no to Gabriel. He's okay with having a good time, but all drugs, in his mind at least, degrade your body and shouldn't be messed with. Despite his wild nature, Gabriel can actually be pretty level headed, he just chooses not to be most the time. He's also not a genius, and he's not that intuitive, but he's pretty intelligent and often in disturbing ways. Gabriel is pure hearted and "loves out loud" to the point he can be very endearing, but he's had many a dark thought that would make most people squirm in their seats. When he's in a fairly serious mood he becomes almost an entirely different person-cool and collected to an almost cold point. It spawns from his younger years being spent in temples and under teachers in martial arts. He's long since left that lifestyle when he moved to America, but it creeps in every now and then. Strengths: Gabriel has extensive martial arts training that causes his body to be under the category of "lethal weapon." He is also extremely wealthy, and there's almost nothing he couldn't buy if he wanted to buy it. He becomes nigh unkillable the more he is bleeding. Weaknesses: He is over sentimental and fairly pro-life, to the point that if these things are endangered the slightest bit he becomes near unable to make a decision. His emotions are also fairly unstable and he is prone to violent breakdowns. Jacob is also a weak point. Fears: Above all things, Gabriel fears death and debilitation. He wants to be able to give all he can to protect the weak and provide for the needy, he is scared to his very core what would happen if he couldn't do that anymore. [/hider] [hider=Power Points] -H2O Manipulation: 2 -Bloody Hell: 3 -Kung-Fu Skills: 2 -Wealth: 3 -Social Fame: 1 -Transportation: 2 -Hideout: 2 Gabriel has two very similar abilities. The first is a minor case of hydro-kinesis. He can create water out of the elements in the air and control water's movements to the point of even making it float in the air. He can utilize this power up to five gallons. His second ability has been dubbed "Bloody Hell" by his "fans." He can control his blood if he has an open wound and the blood of most animals as long as it is outside their bodies. With this ability comes extremely fast healing times and the ability to replenish his blood at time the rate of normal humans. With both abilities he can crystallize the fluids in a form of freezing and mold them in various useful shapes. He can only due this with water to the natural breaking, freezing, and boiling points, so it's not very reliable. But when he's using blood he can crystallize it and harden it far beyond it's natural limitations, to the point it has been as durable as tempered steel at his highest displays of power. As he grows tired, his ability to keep it at this point becomes weaker and weaker, so he tends to keep fights short and to the point. [/hider] [hider=Public Identity] Job: Successor of Multibillion-dollar Electronics Company Home: A Large Beach house Wealth/Lifestyle: EXTREMELY filthy rich, lives off his father's company's revenue. Clothing Style: Hipster/Businessman (Lots of plaid, suits, and pant cuffs) Friends/Relationships: -Jacob Teague : A friend of his he made shortly after coming to America. Jacob used to be poor and virtually homeless until he met Gabriel on the internet. Gabriel took Jacob in as a sort of adoptive brother and they've lived together ever since. Jacob is quite a bit younger than Gabriel, and is closer to Gabriel than anyone could possibly be. He knows of his friends secret life, and serves as a sort of at-home side kick. -More To Be made Rivalries: TBA Public/Professional Goals: Since his father is still alive, he doesn't really have a career to pursue, in the meantime he has a buttload of free time he often uses to visit homeless shelters and children's homes in order to finance a better life for those less fortunate, History: Gabriel grew up in China until he turned seventeen and moved to America. When he still lived in China, he grew up mostly in countryside temples and learned the Snake-Style of Kung-Fu as this was surprisingly the request of a seven year old Gabriel. His father, not caring much, made this possible for his son. This made sure Gabriel grew up an honorable individual in the place of a billionaire, stuck-up, rich kid. Gabriel returned to the city during the summers and some winters to spend time with his parents and keep up on his schooling. When Gabriel turned seventeen he said goodbye to China when his father was sent off to America to act in favor of the company. Gabriel took up his American name at this time and became lost in American culture as a form of rebellion against his father who took him away from Gabriel's own beloved temples. After three years, Gabriel fell in love with the diversity inside of America and put to rest his daydreams of his youth and the past he had. [/hider] [hider=Secret Identity] Uniform: Alignment: Chaotic Good Combat Method: Semi-strictly power-based combat, severe passivity leads him to rarely engage in a fight to begin with. Once provoked, he will do everything within his abilities to bring that sucker down from a comfortable range. If close range is an issue, he is an adept fighter with both his bare hands and an assortment of Chinese weaponry. Hideout: He has a well hidden basement hideout with all of his gear, training areas, gadgetry, etc. It's underneath his house (large glass beach house), which overlooks the ocean and sports a mixture of Chinese styles and American luxury. Mode of Transportation: Gabriel often rides hiss tree bike wherever he needs to go, and is a REALLY good driver of it. When he needs something more durable, he has a fleet of sports cars and whatnot. Allies/Relationships: TBA Nemesis: TBA Motivations/Goals: Gabriel's hero-personality as Ocean uses a mixture if Supplies/Inventory: -Personalized Smart Phone(With Military Grade functions) -A Chinese Sword (Made traditionally with his own blood) -A small thermos of water -Snacks (Very Mature, right?) [/hider] [hider=Paradigm Stone] Paradigm Stone Appearance: Small, translucent, and blood red, it takes the shape of a small lotus flower shaped stone. Personal Appearance Changes: Veins become noticeable but that's about it. Power/Ability Progression: Gabriel goes from controlling his own blood and a bit of water, to being able to control almost any blood he sees as well as absorb it into his own body without negative side effects. If he weren't a creature of justice, he'd be the perfect slaughterhouse on legs. Power-Drunk Goals: They remain virtually the same, but killing somebody seems to become of no question, ironic considering how he is power-"sober." Weakness: Gabriel may lose track of how much blood he is using and cause himself to bleed to death on accident. Withdraw Symptoms: High blood pressure and severe migraines. If the period of time of possession has been long enough, his blood will get extremely thin. [/hider]