Wes put his hand to his chin and looked off to the side as if he was thinking real hard about something - which he most definitely was. What he was thinking about was just not about how to prove that he was [i]not[/i] going to attack - because he was, as he had decided pretty early on.- rather, it was about whether or not to display his true intentions via choice application of Soul Menace to the neck. Even with his horrid luck, pinning someone to the will by their neck with naught but one's own Soul "residue", for lack of a better term, would probably do wonders to one's consciousness and/or willingness to speak. "...Well if I really wanted to hunt you I could've just, I dunno, attacked already," Wes answered, "and also I probably would've kept my Weapon right?" He did his thinking position thing again before adding, "Plus, I wouldn't have done THIS!" The aforementioned mental gun was fired as Wes sprung over the table, hands aimed for a neck and a wrist.