[center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kasim Amibilus [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/128/0/c/archer_by_showmeyourmoves-d4yyryn.png[/img] Image borrowed from [url=http://showmeyourmoves.deviantart.com/art/Archer-300594191]showmeyourmoves on deviantart[/url].[/hider] [b]Homeland:[/b] The Goblin Holds [b]History:[/b] Kasim was once a slave in the city of Kinghold, set free by the goblins when they conquered the city. He was either born into slavery or taken at a very young age, for he knew nothing but servitude in the time before the goblins came and he never knew his parents or land of origin. He was owned by an aging merchant woman who was fairly kind as far as slave owners went, only rarely ordering whippings and being frugal enough to feel that working a slave to death was a waste, but Kasim could never work his way around to being happy about his lot in life. The merchant woman mainly used him for simple manual labor, hauling heavy crates of goods to load up her wagons, but once she realized that his strange statements about other people originated from a rare telepathic talent she wisely put his skill to use: she had him serve food and drinks during business meetings at her estate, just happening to make fleeting skin to skin contact to read the surface thoughts of her guests and then discreetly relaying that information to her. She kept his talent a secret of necessity, for if other merchants found that she was using a telepath in such a conniving way she would lose all trust and trade agreements, and perhaps her life. As Kasim grew older she started to take the young man (though he could have accurately been called a boy when it started) into her bed to fill the void left by the passing of her favorite bed slave. He didn't really fight against this, and definitely enjoyed it on a carnal level, but he had enough presence of mind to be disgusted by the knowledge that he was being used like an object. Vague stirrings of wishing for freedom, and hatred for his owner, swirled around his mind without being given any critical examination for years. The minor seeds of rebellion in Kasim's mind finally and suddenly sprouted when he was 16, when the goblin Xixis Madheart's surprise attack on Kinghold sent the guards from the merchant's estate running off toward the newly made hole in the wall around the city. With the merchant woman left with nobody but her slaves to guard her, Kasim found himself drawn to the then deserted guard quarters; time blurred as if he was in a dream, and the next thing he was aware of was a bow and a few arrows clutched in his hands. He'd always fascinated by the bow, but this was the first time he ever held one. Kasim took the weapon inside the main building of the estate, up into the merchant woman's bedchamber, and found her hiding under the covers like a child. She looked hopeful for a moment, as if the slave come to protect her, but that notion was soon dismissed as he raised the bow and inexpertly nocked an arrow. It took him three of the four arrows he'd brought before he finally hit his target from a distance of no more than ten feet, during which time she sat there frozen; when the arrow struck her in the gut she finally screamed and writhed in pain, and the frozen state seemed to transfer to Kasim. He stood there for a few minutes, shocked at his own actions, before dropping the bow and walking forward. When he reached the bed the merchant woman flailed at him, screaming for him to get away from her. Upon her hand touching his arm, his telepathy gave him a flash of her thoughts: she thought of him as a traitorous wretch, scum who she had always known would betray her, a spray of mental vitriol that rocked Kasim to his core. He had only a moment of hesitation before using the last arrow gripped in his left hand to stab the woman to death. When a troop of goblins made their way around to check the estate, they found Kasim sitting with his back to the wall beside the open gates, his arms and torso caked in dried blood. When they inquired and learned that he had killed the slaver merchant and set the other slaves free, they congratulated him and told him to come celebrate his liberation with them. A night of drinking and revelry later, Kasim was initiated into the army of the Xixis Madheart alongside many other freed slaves who wished to aid their fight against the Free Holds. He stayed with them for three years, learning the way of the bow from Morilab, an orc who wielded a massive longbow that Kasim struggled to lift using both hands. The orc's style of strength being equal to finesse in archery was picked up eagerly by the young man, who was fairly strong after a lifetime of hauling crates and loading wagons. He also learned a lot about thrown weapons, with a preference for knives, and a little about using a sword from the various goblins he befriended. Over the course of the many battles he fought as part of Emperor Xixis Madheart's army, Kasim had so many close calls that people started jokingly calling him undead, because nobody could squeak by death that many times without their luck running out; a sword slash that looked like it was going to rip him in half was deflected by a small rock that had somehow gotten into his pocket, more than once an arrow that looked to be heading straight for his vitals instead scored a gash along his ribcage, and in one instance a knight in heavy plate had charged him and tripped on what appeared to be his own feet and ended up snapping his own neck as he stumbled into the archer. Kasim parted ways with his abolitionist compatriots due to a simple realization: he'd never seen the world outside the desert lands of the Holds, and he very much wished to. He traveled to the city of Tuleria, where he stayed for a couple years and at the age of 19 (shortly after he first arrived) discovered that women tended to find him attractive, and that he was fairly skilled at convincing them to join him for an evening of entertainment (which was a large reason why he stayed so long despite his aspirations to see the world). His time spent in Tuleria was a period of self-discovery in many ways: he found that he had a cruel streak a mile wide even after leaving the war behind him, which he came to realize had been the true impetus behind his slaying of the merchant who once owned him; he discovered in himself a strong affinity for the weak and downtrodden of all sorts, ranging from the poor and sickly to the criminal elements of the city; he quickly picked up on the fact that these same people placed an inordinate amount of trust in him, that they seemed to view him as some kind of natural kin even without knowing his story. Long story short, Kasim ended up working for a gang of sorts that extorted money from merchants of middling wealth through threats of violence, as well as engaging in a variety of other illegal activities for profit and entertainment; Kasim specialized in using of his telepathic skill (which he kept secret from others) on carefully selected and subdued targets to gather information, which he then sold off to whoever he felt would pay the most, and those targets also served as handy objects upon which he could vent his pent up desires to inflict harm on others. He pulled up stakes and left Tuleria after an extortion scheme went sour thanks to a trap set by the city guard, by way of a plea for help from the merchant target, wherein Kasim had once again lucked out by getting away with his face covered and only a moderately bad gash along his forearm instead of the gutting stroke that had been intended. Over the course of the following five years, Kasim made his way from city to city, hiring on as a guard for merchant caravans and one ship to travel and climbing easily and familiarly into the underbelly of the cities he spent extended time in. His wandering took him back for a brief stay in the Goblin Holds that he thinks of as his homeland, then to Port Luclin (shortly after he turned 22) where he took a ship down to Liveria, then up into the lands that were once a unified Rheinfeld, from Veldhausen to Heiligen Stuhl before he finally headed south into Renalta at the age of 24. He has found the city to be quite interesting in its differences from other places he'd visited, somehow managing to be crowded and bristling with racial tensions but remaining peaceful and quaint. Despite the general lack of oppression to work with, Kasim quick found his particular talents of lucrative use in the nebulous and volatile criminal element in the city of Renalta, which is mainly made up of smuggling operations and territorial spats between various factions that still haven't found a comfortable balance after the massive influx of refugees. Very recently Kasim was caught using his telepathy in very unscrupulous ways. Due to the laws being hazy about the legality of such things, and the inability of the authorities to pin any clearly illegal activities on him, they were forced to let him go with a stern warning. Some members of the Queen's Blade heard of his relatively rare talent, did a little bit of snooping to scope him out, and approached with an offer to join. Their pitch was convincing, for Kasim had been growing tired of remaining sedentary and his particular sense of justice places demons in the same hateful category as slavers. [b]Motivation:[/b] General boredom, a sense of adventure, and a firm hatred of demons. --- [center][b]Stats & Traits[/b][/center] [b]Strength:[/b] 5/10 [b]Agility:[/b] 4/10 [b]Charisma:[/b] 4/10 [b]Magical Endurance:[/b] 1/10 [b]Fighter:[/b] 1/10 --Slashing, One Handed --Skill Set 2 (Unlocked at: 4 points.) --Skill Set 3 (Unlocked at: 7 points.) --Skill Set 4 (Unlocked at: 10 points.) [b]Sniper:[/b] 5/10 --Bows --Throwables --Skill Set 3 (Unlocked at: 7 points.) --Skill Set 4 (Unlocked at: 10 points.) [b]Leader:[/b] 0/10 [b]Seducer:[/b] 4/10 [b]Sneak:[/b] 0/10 [b]Magic:[/b] 0/10 --Magic School 1 (Unlocked at: 1 Point.) --Magic School 2 (Unlocked at: 5 Points.) [b]Experience Traits:[/b] --One Shot, One Kill --Alluring Eyes [b]Conditions:[/b] --Non-Magic Telepathy --You Lucky Bastard --Underworld Contracts [b]Unique:[/b] Subliminal Messages: Unbeknownst to Kasim himself, he has refined his telepathic skill to send out subliminal messages to those he feels a level of kinship with. Due to this being a subconscious effort, Kasim thinks it's the other way around, that these others are feeling some kinship toward him for reasons unknown. Anyone who Kasim views as weak, downtrodden, oppressed, or part of the lower dregs of society will find themselves very much inclined to help him in any way they're able, though this effect cannot coerce people into doing anything that goes against their morals or beliefs. --- [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Fine by me, as long as it actually makes sense via character interaction. [b]Play Style:[/b] No strong preference between action and dialogue. Choices preferred over linearity, complexity preferred over straightforwardness. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Indeed it does. [b]Signature:[/b] I, Jorick, being of sound mind and body, do hereby agree to all rules and regulations and willingly sign away all supposed rights to life possessed by Kasim Amibilus.