[hider=Alex Harrowling] [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2ewpc8g.jpg[/IMG] _______________________________________________________________________________ [b][i]Name[/i][/b]: Aleksekin "Alex" Dmitri Harrowling [b][i]Age[/i][/b]: 17 [b][i]Grade[/i][/b]: 11th Grade (Junior) [b][i]Social Class[/i][/b]: Wealthy [b][i]Social Class Explanation[/i][/b]: Alex's parents are veteran cinematographers who earned their fame from independent films they've developed. They also held a theater workshop before they were known. After being highly recognized, offered by sponsorship from various film companies and earning tons of money, they've established their workshop into a small.growing academy for young artists and performers alike. ___________________________________________________________________________ [b][i]Personality[/i][/b]: Of course, a majority of wealthy and well-pampered kids would most-likely want a greater status in society, one which would dearly recognize their peevish presence and lift their swollen ego up to the highest altitudes of the social atmosphere. Perhaps Alex isn't one of those, at least it was something he wanted himself to be. Staying away from the troublesome social world is his standard. He prefers being at peace, living a life where he could actually benefit wealth instead of being bombarded by it. Sometimes wealth isn't something he would usually want, but rather it was the quiet space that could be easily provided for him. Alex always wanted places suitable for the enjoyment of reading and writing. He prefers staying at those places rather than busting in to wild parties or any other places with screeching loud noises. Alex would rudely demand for people to leave him alone but it'd mostly be in rare occasions whereas he obtains control over his moods and emotions. All in all, he is a peaceful guy and though he often stays away from crowds, his arms are wide open to socializing and meeting other people at any time but don't expect his loyalty to be easily tied around others. He doesn't take part in the realm of infatuation and views these things as something rather time-wasting. Though physical attraction will sometimes be present, he would just end himself up as someone completely neutral and uncaring though it might subject to change in time when someone special steps in to make a difference. _______________________________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt1oscOk6i1qbl5dwo1_500.gif[/IMG] ________________________________________________________________________________ [b][i]History[/i][/b]: The youngest of two siblings born and raised by famous cinematographers. Jayne and Arturius Harrowling both graduates from the Yale University. They now own a small but growing academy for aspiring artists and performers. His older brother, Danelon Harrowling was once a soccer player but now works not only alongside his parents but also with big film companies as a famous actor. For being known as one of the many people who is associated with celebrities, Alex decided to live a life of peace instead of working along with his parents. He had no desires to step in the limelight but rather, he worked himself up to carry his ambition of being an author. Through the early years, Alex was always encouraged by his parents to start an acting career at a very young age. He attended theater workshops, performed onstage, participated in drama competitions and mostly everything which may contribute to his fame. Sadly for his parents, reaching the age where life decisions can be possibly made is the dead end of Alex's progress to fame. He realized it wasn't what he wanted to achieve and his views towards the influence of the show business industry turned quite displeasing. In the end, his parents weren't disappointed and accepted whatever decision he'd make as long as it will benefit his family and his future as well. Besides, he had his older brother who dearly wanted to step into the limelight and it certainly would make both of their parents satisfied. Knowing Caelbury Academy was a great opportunity for Alex to pursue his ambitions. Of course, his parents had the money for him to and his grades were qualifying enough to meet the Academy's standards. By the time he entered the academy after being successfully enrolled, he was completely lost. Though it was pretty obvious for someone completely new, his 'perception' of being lost was rather quite different from how it sounded. He didn't know how start or what to do first but he eventually managed to adapt after the first two months of his Freshman year. His life was mostly simple, reading and writing was what he did on most of his free time other than keeping his grades neat. It was still the same on how he spent his Sophomore year. However, his Junior year might be different though he would normally expect it to be the same. [b][i]Extracurricular Activities[/i][/b]: [b][i]Miscellaneous[/i][/b]: *Alex automatically feel disdain when people knows his brother as a famous actor and annoys the hell out of him to extract personal information. *Dislikes driving, noisy roommates and early class schedules *Incredibly awkward in-front of girls _____________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/4323934/gaspard-ulliel-o.gif[/IMG][/center][/hider] ___________________________ [hider=Relationship Sheet] [center][IMG]http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcn5amzDEP1qc85hro1_500.gif[/IMG][/center] ________________________________________________________________ [b]Acacia Hawthorne:[/b]"Ah, the infamous queen of Caelbury. She's fun to be with, I mean who wouldn't like her? she has this 'like me because I'm popular' hypnotic aura swirling around her ego but in all seriousness, her personality is quite the catch and she is actually quite.......[s]cute[/s] err...smarter than me obviously. Man!" [b]Jacob Rockwell:[/b] "The JROTC commander, hmm.....all I can say is he has some incredible knowledge on physics and mathematics: two of the subjects that I am not very good with. He's a cool dude and what's even cooler is that he plays a whole lot of video games but I guess, who wouldn't? I'd like to hang out with him someday and spend the rest of the day playing video games. It's what I actually like to do other than reading and writing." [b]Julie Scott:[/b] "12 Languages? How is that even possible? But normally you can't have that expression when in front of a gifted student. Oh, how I wish I have knowledge on different languages other than French which I am very poor of. Julie is quite a hard working student and a....uh...good girl. I do hope to know her more this year." [b]Max Wallenberg[/b] "This guy has a lot of similarities with me. Well maybe not a lot, just at the part where he loves books and literature. I never even had relationships with girls in the 'lower class' nor do I want to have one although I never look down towards them because that's kinda messed up. I'd like to borrow some of his books someday but of course if he'd let me." [b]Wren Sinclair:[/b] "A student celebrity eh? I wonder if she knows my bro---ah, forget it. It's odd I didn't know her before since everyone else in school is rooting for her fame. Then again, I think I'm overestimating my knowledge towards people a little too much. I sincerely believe she won't be infected by that hideous child star syndrome, I hope so 'cuz I deviated from that path a long time ago and I'm glad I did it. She's smart in my opinion and I do want to know her more" [b]Eliza Herring:[/b] "I don't know actually, She's nice and scary at the same time. One of those girls whom I'd carefully hang around with. Although there aren't any horrible rumors about her or maybe there is if I'm not terrible at overhearing everyone else's business. Then again, I don't understand girls that much, why am I even forcing myself to know them? God! Anyway, It's better to know her better than making assumptions." [b]Alena Rurik:[/b] "Russians. I will feel terribly guilty once I joke around them inside my mind. Eh, I'm not racist though, I do like foreigners. Again, another one of those nice but scary girls although she's one of the elites in Caelbury so that might make her less scarier than those wealthy ones.....I think?. I'd oddly assume athletic females are manlier than I am." [b]Alex Harrowling:[/b] "Who? I thought I was a boyband reject. Kidding, ugh, that was a terrible...terrible joke." [b]Tomika Marias:[/b]"Hm...I've heard stories about her that she wasn't that rich before and Isn't actually used on embracing wealth. Oh hey! She's just like me though, I never really cared much about wealth. " [b]Malicia Palistar:[/b] "Well, for sure I never had the time to be around her nor do I have the wits on doing it. Maybe perhaps she's one of the few people who doesn't trust anyone so easily and is afraid of getting involved of the school's countless shenanigans. I'd like to know her more though, she interests me especially the background of her wealth which is only known by few." [b]Aoife Abbot:[/b] "She's quite like me but wait...I think mostly everyone is, what kind of environment does Caelbury have anyway? Whatever it is, I sure do hope they're not exploiting duplicates out of me. Going back , I often notice her by herself and I do want to know why since mostly everyone in the academy has someone to hang out with.....well, you could point me out as an exception, he-he. I don't know much about her background but I guess I'll eventually find out once I know her more. Some say her father was one big mafia boss? I don't know It's something worth investigating though." [b]Jack Riley:[/b] "Typical jock of a guy, not sure if that would be the right adjective. I don't know really. I've heard some rumors that he's the male version of Medusa because when you look into his eyes you are forever turned into a stone who endlessly squirms, that is, if you are a girl. I'm not sure how the other guys talk about him. He's kind of a nice guy, though I have to prove it once I get to know him more" [b]Connor MacQuarrie:[/b] "Ridiculous. That's the only thing I'd want to say. He's more of a commoner than a wealthy student. To be honest, I don't really want to be near him. He's significantly loud and talkative, some characteristics which gives me a potential dislike towards a person. Then again, I'm judging him too quickly without even looking into facts. Well, others would say he has a great sense of humor and some would say he's one good guy who brings up the light in every person's dark room...........I'm bad at metaphors. Whatever the truth about him is, I'll find it out eventually. I just hope we won't end up being roommates, please!" [b]Silas Aberhardt:[/b] "Hey! Another one who is a lot like me. Doesn't talk much but aren't all introverts are? Anyway, he's extremely gifted towards the violin and I like to watch some of his plays onstage. He's quite interesting, I like to know him better and talk about how similar we are, similar towards society that is...I don't even know how similar we are, Geez! I have to stop saying that word." [b]Brenden Aldrin:[/b] "He's the school principal, obviously. A bit young but who doesn't like younger looking staffs? He's a cool dude and I respect him though I don't know him that much, he can be a bit terrifying at times but of course, that's the role of a principal." [b]Hayden Hawthorne:[/b] "Hawthorne? So....uh...isn't he Caelbury queen's brother or something? or if I may guess horribly, her father? her grandfather ?or maybe her husband? I feel so bad for myself right now. Anyway, I'm not very good at physics but I'm not saying he's a terrible teacher. He's a cool dude and I'm about to slap myself for saying the same thing over and over again. I should know him more not only as a teacher but as a person, that is, if I have the courage to do so. Sometimes teachers in the academy are really terrifying, its just......their looks... Errr...how do I put it? Their looks just doesn't make them terrifying until you meet them in class." [b]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b] "I have to admit, I love Philosophy because of this teacher. Mr. Zi (that's how I call him personally) is of the very interesting ones and I like how he delivers discussions towards his students. He is knowledgeable but I guess all teachers are and I really admire his cat, Oedipus, if that's how you pronounce it's name. I don't know but I do hope Mr. Zi's time in Caelbury would last longer" [b]Alli Kendrick:[/b] "Sometimes I honestly think she isn't a teacher. But not to be rude or anything, it's just that she looks a lot more of an American sweetheart and that's a compliment. She's our history teacher and the coach of the cheerleading squad. I wonder if she has a boyfrien....Oh, uhm...err..nevermind. Jeez!" [b]Saul Kirschenzweig:[/b] "Mr. I don't know whatever the proper pronunciation of his last name is. Let me say, he reminds me of my folks a lot due to the fact he is the head of the Drama board except his personality is a bit different. He's somehow the anti-fun in the fun of fun teachers....god, that's awful, Well at least it's what I've heard from others but I do want to know why everyone else describe him as that and most especially, I'd like to try myself on joining the Drama board, that'd be great and it might be an opportunity to know him better. " [b]Jaycen Pierce:[/b]"Well, I'd say he's somehow similar to Ms. Kendrick. They both are younger looking, much more than what they seem and he is the Phys ED teacher. Seriously, why did he even chose being a teacher? I'm not attempting to give insults but he could have been a supermodel or an actor. But I suppose there's a good reason behind that and I may understand it very well"[/hider]