Pyrrus had become overly clouded with to many different thoughts. All of this talk about him was making him nervous. Maybe he had stepped it up too hard and now other would question it. It was strange to hear yourself being talked about, without people knowing you were right there listening. Soon he feared descriptions would get out and people would start noticing him. The tallness of the dragon made it next to impossible to just hide in the crowd. He was easily distinguishable from any one on the crowd. It also didn't help that his proctor had become quite the fan and directed a few people in his favor. For now he would do his best to stay away and simply mind his own business. What better way then to ditch this room and head to the next trial. The dragonkin decided this was his best course of action at them time and scanned for the next door his proctor had pointed him in after the trial. His golden eyes locked onto the one that matched the description and he headed in that direction. His steps were slow and easy as he walked in no hurry. Pyrrus tended to be lost in his head especially when walking. He had always found it best when he made trips alone or when he'd walk through the forest or up the river alone to get lost in his head. Pyrrus had grown up quite lonely. All he really had was his guardian, and as much of good company that he was, there was something about growing up with friends that made youth much more enjoyable. The dragonkin never really had friends. Of course he considered his guardian his closest friend, but it wasn't the same obviously. Apart from the occasional people that greeted him nicely in the town every once in a while, there was not much more interaction. Nobody else lived out in the forest except him and the scholar. Maybe it would be easier for someone to get over growing apart from a friend, but when that person was the only one you had ever know, it made it harder to let go. Maybe this is why he couldn't stop being depressed over the Rashim situation. Small memories of their childhood flashed through his head albeit very cloudy. All the recent stress seemed to have an effect on his mind. The dragon was tired and of course it had been a bit since he had eaten. It was not an easy feat to power such a large young man, let alone a dragon! Great his mind always loved to link topics and he had somehow linked to the fact that he was hungry. Of course shortly after his stomach began to rumble. "You think they would offer some food in here.." Pyrrus finally approached close to the door and he retreated from his thoughts while rubbing his head a bit. Now more conscious, he decided he would do this next trial quickly and get some food. A glimpse of blue caught the honey gaze of the dragon and he quickly move his eyes over. What a chance. Pyrrus had reached the door at the same time as Rashim. Pyrrus eyes widened and he jumped back a bit. "Ohh uh sorry go first..." The dragon backed up a bit to allow room for Rashim to enter the door. His mind was clouded with tons of questions to ask him. Pyrrus wanted to just blurt them all out, but he was afraid to tarnish their relationship any more. He didn't want to see any more of that side of Rashim. "Ohh...I saw what you did with your sigil....That was pretty amazing! I didn't know you had such a skill! Well of course I wouldn't know..It's been so long we were too young with our sigils! I mean I was....we were.. I mean who you're suppose to be....uhhh" Pyrrus closed his mouth. Here he was trying to talk as they were familiar with one another, but of course sadly, the case was different. Now he would surely just see him as a prying annoyance. "That Dragon! That was really something, I didn't know you had such a interest in them, well I mean I shouldn't....It was a cool dragon." Pyrrus honey eyes fell to the floor as his words quieted towards the end of the sentence.