In the land of Pheyriin, there is one city, eight towns around that city, and who knows how many colonies away from the main city. Most believe that Pheyriin is the only landmass, and why would you want to explore over those oceans? There are [i]monsters[/i] out there, you know. Strange creatures lurk in those waters, why one man even had his horse drown him as soon as it smelled the seawater. You'd be insane to go on one of the rare ships that leaves the docks in search of adventure, only one made it back and there was only two men left on it. Both insane, of course, what else would you expect? However, despite all the stories that go around in the city and towns, some people still have the desire to go out there. Explore. They want to venture beyond this land and see others, they want to find treasures and hopefully not meet any creatures. Some are just taken as slaves, though. Not all of these towns are wealthy, of course. Some families sell their children so they can put food on the table for the eight other little hungry mouths. Some slaves were outcasts, taken in by someone who will give them food and shelter for simple work. Some people who come along though, are not either of these. They don't have the desire to find new land (and believe me, there is.) and they were not taken along because their masters told them to. Though maybe that's just because they're not entirely human. You could ask them, I guess. Just don't bring up the scales. No do not bring up the fleas either. Actually just don't ask them. Lets hope you live long enough to hear someone yell 'Land!' ___________________________________ [hider=Options]So here we have three options for you to choose from. Only one of each mythical creature, sorry. (May change this later in the future.) [b]-[/b]You can be a free person, with or without a slave it's fine. [b]-[/b]You can be a slave, and thing is you can ask another player to be your master or your master could be back home and be sending you out to fight with these people. [b]-[/b]Third option is a bit harder to explain, but ehh I'll try. There are creatures aboard, who have the ability to shapeshift to [i]some[/i] degree. The ones that can do this well enough to live among humans are; -[s]Dragons (though there are very few who tolerate humans and therefore would not like to spend their time on a small cramped place with them thank you very much)[/s] [b]Taken.[/b] -Werewolves (poor souls who are actually not really poor souls and tend to be serial killers because they don't exactly take shifting into a huge wolflike creature very well, and no they cannot do it whenever they want) -Vampires (in all their bloodsucking glory, they're not as enchanting as say, sirens, but they still look good enough, and they can't go out in the sun without say a cloak or hat) - Fae (do not make deals with them, just don't. don't. they can do a little magic, but as soon as they're out on open water it sort of goes away because they get their magic from nature, and water tends to wash away magic) [b]Please keep in mind that these creatures do not want anyone to know what they are, and they will not openly express that yes, I breathe fire. Most of them have spent time with humans to know how they work, and how to act around them. Another thing is, I'm only allowing a few creatures in this rp, or else it becomes too fantasy.[/b][/hider] [hider=Culture] The city is called Ceirn, it's mainly made up of miners and merchants, it is positioned near great mountains and a lake. Most of the people there are rich, with the exception of the parts of the city where it's closer to the walls surrounding the city, that's where most criminals live or do their business. It is ruled by one king and queen, and though it could be better, no one is complaining that much. The king is King Harova, the queen is Queen Lyria. First town is is closest to the sea, and is called Fruwin. Second down is closer to the woodlands, called Sprananhal. Third town is out in the open valley, typically with farmland. Called Srinwen. Fourth town is hidden in the hills, called Cvent. Fifth town is runner up for most populated place, located near another mountain. Called Orinfil. Sixth town is located near woodlands and a valley. Called Reicnin. Seventh town is tucked between hills and woodland, known for having mysterious things happen. Called Grenenhil. Eighth town is located near the sea and on hills, called Ilitin. [b]Think of their timeline as medieval-esque, something like that.[/b][/hider] [hider=Rules] I know, I know. I'll make it short then you can go on to filling out the form, don't worry. [b]-[/b]You don't have to post a novel, but pretty please no one-liners. I promise I wont get mad if your intro is long or short, just make it good. [b]-[/b]Follow the general rules, thanks. (Power-playing, god-modding, [i]mary-sues[/i]) [b]-[/b]Respect others, if you have an issue with someone then message me if you are unable to talk to them in a mature manner. Otherwise settle it over pm. [b]-[/b]The three big ones (gore, romance and cursing) are fine by me but yeah you're gonna have to keep it to a minimum, and if things get too intense I expect you to take it to pm or fade to black. (I'll message you to tell you if you cross a line.) [b]-[/b]If you're not active (one week is the limit) and you don't reply to any messages I send you, your character will be eaten by a gulper eel mermaid. [b]-[/b]Only two characters, please. You can have a few side characters if you must. [b]-[/b]Have fun, and I'm always open to plot suggestions![/hider] [hider=The fun part, the character sheet.] Name: Age: Species: (Human, dragon, werewolf, vampire, fae.) Position: (If not human, get rid of this. If human, master, slave, or free man/woman.) Personality: Looks: (Picture or descriptions work just fine. For other species, describe their looks outside of their human form or post a picture.) History: (Optional, and you don't have to make it that interesting.) Where they lived: (The main city, the towns, or one of the colonies. Put in their wealth as well. Rich - Common - Poor.) Skills: (They can only have a few.) Reasons for joining the crew: ('Master made me do it!' 'I wanna get gold.' 'Felt like messing with people.') Extra details: (Scars, birthmarks, that mark on their hand they got from their sister stabbing them with a quill with ink on it, tattoos, etc.)[/hider] [hider=My characters] Name: Deren Anjora Age: 31 Species: Human Position: Free human, your captain. Personality: Sarcastic most of the time, determined, has his stupid moments, but when he's working he knows what to do. Good at yelling at people, not so much talking to people. Very arrogant and doesn't realize it, may need to be reminded to not be so self-centered. Has a soft spot for dogs. Looks: [url=]Here.[/url] History: Comes from a wealthy family, though since he was the sixth son, he was free to do anything he really wanted. He took an interest in the lake near the city, often building small little ships and swimming with his dogs. Come his early thirties, he realized that he hadn't done anything so far with his life, he would help his siblings, but not much more than that. So he literally woke up one morning and got some men to build him a ship, ignoring most of his friends telling him not to. After the ship was built, he realized he actually sort of needed a crew. Deren started advertising around the city, and any towns he could think of, offering a good sum of money to any willing to accompany him. Where they lived: Ceirn, rich. Skills: Swordsman, knows how to read and write, good swimmer. Reasons for joining the crew: 'I want to find new lands, most likely to conquer.' Extra details: Scar along his right arm from when he failed to defend himself in training, birthmark on his left hand that looks like a triangle. Name: Mahrji Anjora Age: 29 Species: Human Position: Free Personality: Overly excitable, optimistic about everything, manipulative, smarter than she lets on, very childlike, has an insane streak, stubborn, loud and outspoken, enjoys talking with people but doesn't seem to understand that she needs to listen, expects to get her way, does try to be 'ladylike' as much as she can. Looks: [url=]Here[/url] History: She was the baby of her family, and so she got away with nearly everything. Though she always seemed to enjoy bossing Deren around, more than the rest of her siblings. She would still follow him around wherever he went, but stopped really taking an interest in him when she was around twelve. Instead she focused more on more 'ladylike' things, which she enjoyed immensely but still she got bored at times with them, and longed for the times when she'd play games with her brother and his friends without worrying too much about other things. So when she heard he was going to be off sailing, she made him promise he'd take her along, as she believed this would cure her boredom and perhaps get her reacquainted with her older brother. Where they lived: Ceirn, rich Skills: Sewing, beekeeping, singing. Reasons for joining the crew: 'To follow Deren.' Extra details: The crest of her family, a crescent moon with three stars as a necklace she typically wears. [/hider] [hider=Characters] -[b]Deren Anjora[/b] - Human, free - Ceirn, rich - Swordsman, knows how to read and write, good swimmer - [url=]Looks[/url] (Knotteray - Pacific Standard Time) -[b]Nëis Leider[/b] - Human, free - Reicnin, common - Herbalism, lockpicking, dagger use - [url=]Looks[/url] (Khavali - Eastern Standard Time) -[b]Ignia Octave[/b] - Human, slave - Fruwin, poor - Entertainment (singing, dancing, etc). First Aid. Cooking - [url=]Looks[/url] (Arrayah - Eastern Standard Time) -[b]Azren Dwillen[/b] - Dragon - Ilitin, poor - Diving/Swimming, Gem-crafting, Navigation - [url=]Human[/url] [url=]Dragon[/url] (Marshal - Mountain Standard Time) -[b]Arren Viper[/b] - Human, free - Ilitin, rich - Swordsmanship, Gunsman, Cooking - [url=]Looks[/url] (LovelyAnastasia - EST) -[b]Alexandér Banniir[/b] - Human, free - Orinfil, rich - Repair (& maintenance), knowledge of a wide variety of weapons and ships, trade skills, trap expert - [url=]Looks[/url] (Spencer - UTC +1) -[b] Caelyn D'Anthu[/b] - Human, runaway slave - Ilitin, poor - Sneaking, deceit, lockpicking, educated - [url=]Looks[/url] (zaga2575 - Central) -[b]Vance Meridian[/b] - Human, free - Ceirn, common - Swordplay with a Rapier/dagger, cooking, being irresistible to women - [url=]Looks[/url] [url=]Clothing[/url] [url=]Weapon[/url] (Uruvion - Central) -[b]Mahrji Anjora[/b] - Human, free - Ceirn, rich - Sewing, beekeeping, singing - [url=]Looks[/url] [/hider] Also, still accepting. How you'd go about doing this, because you know, pirate ship, is just wait for me to approve you and then your character will be already on the ship, they just haven't said anything up until now.