Wolmak shook his head and when he took the hilt of the blade put the hilt of his dagger in the hands of the farm boy. "I still have a favour owed Master Edward, however I believe that after all you have been through this dagger may be of help. Consider it a gift from those of the Second Mountain to yourself, in inspecting this blade we find out where these beasts sleep and what mountain they defile so that we may strike them at their very home. I shall return the blade to you in the morning Master Edward, and I insist you keep the dagger. I have my own weapon, it will be of more use to you than me." He bowed again as he turned to take his leave. "I bid you all a farewell and shall see you in the morning. I shall inspect this blade elsewhere away from prying eyes. I doubt an openly shown blade of this design will not be welcome in such a place and many could consider such a thing as a bad omen. If anyone shall need me, ask the barkeep what room I am in." With that he moved over to the bar. "What'll it be Master Dwarf?""I am afraid I am purchasing no more of your fine ales tonight, and require a room.""That'll be fine, five gold pieces for the night for a room with several beds.""That will do fine, inform any of the party at the table I was at that if they wish they may stay in the same room as I, how many pieces for a private room for the dwarf in the armour?" He pointed out Gerhart. "Six Gold Pieces.""Very well then, I shall pay for both." He placed twelve gold pieces on the counter as the Bar keep went to get a key for him. "You have miscounted, there are twelve pieces here. I am nought but an honest man.""That gold piece is for your generosity.""Fair Day Master Dwarf.""Fair day to you." He bowed his head slightly and moved out of the room and up the creaking stairs and into the room. There were six beds all opposite a roaring fire. Outside the window he could still see the rain pouring from the sky and shuddered at the thought of going out in it the next day. He chose the bed farthest from the window, not being used to such a thing from living under the Mountain. Besides, he spoke the truth about the Orc blade and did not feel its presence would be much welcomed in this little town so the fewer people to see it the better. He sat on the edge of 'his' bed and unwrapped the blade. An ugly thing, it wasn't smooth like the Dwarf or Elven blades, it was jagged and rough. The metal poorly worked and scorn with impurities due to the unrefined ability of the Orcs. Yet this was definitely of Orcish design, if a Human had made a blade so poorly it would barely kill a mongrel pup let alone a group of humans. He stroked it with his left hand and despite his thick skin he could still feel the roughness of the blade, small spikes designed to tear at flesh once the blade has been inserted into its victim. An extremely painful way to die if you are lucky enough to die from such a torture. He took a small tool from his belt, a curved hook and he pulled it along the blade creating a screeching noise and slightly pulling away at the metal until he had a thin strip of it. It was a poor attempt at steel that would be no stronger than iron obviously the Orcs were trying to improve what they could make but were simply failing upwards. He split the thin strip of metal into one large piece, and one small piece. Placing the small piece in his mouth to taste, it was a strange practice but if anyone saw it they wouldn't dispute the wisdom of the Dwarves in such matters. It was foul, as to be expected. However what ever mountain this had been mined from should of been left alone long ago, her ore deposits on the verge of being depleted as there was rock in this blade. That narrowed it down, there were few mountains who had been treated as such and most of them under Dwarven guard in the ranges of the Great Mountains as homes, armouries and burial chambers. It would take him some more time to discern the true home of the blade, however when the taste of ash entered his mouth he did not like the options he was presented with. He took out a vial of water, placing a piece of metal in it and a strange powder. Placing a cork back in the vial to keep the metal within, then he moved over to the fire and placed the blade within. He'd have a full answer to the blades home by morning.