[quote=ASTA] Laser weaponry: Many laser spectrums are used on Calder, though the x-ray, gamma ray and ultra-violent spectrums are perhaps favorites by Ringmasters and their Beast Machine partners for their excellent anti-vehicle and anti-personnel capabilities. [/quote] [s]The issue here seems you just don't get what you are saying, high energy laser weapons are for one insanely inefficient in atmospheric conditions, and for two require inane amounts of energy. You are basically sticking a weapon used on capital ships onto a solider, which is absurd. Anything above UV lasers generally requires massive amounts of power even in a scaled down state. Gamma Ray Lasers require induced gamma emission, which can be done though a way methods, all of which involve fission or fusion reactor levels of power. X-ray lasers follow the same basic rule. While you can still use your UV lasers as anti personnel weapons coherence issues will make them less effective than normal lasers. Honestly in atmo usually lower energy lasers are better as they interact with matter more readily (since a person is nowhere near as thick or dense as a ship for Grasers to even really work) and shielding is a non issue. If i where you i would stick to visible though microwave on the ground.[/s]