The sun slowly rises towards the sky, the clouds which filled the sky over the night depart as a light breeze flows through the tough lands of the West. Somewhere a rooster cries, signaling the beginning of a new day. It is another day for outlaws, another day for authorities to track down those outlaws and another day for just the common man, trying to get by without getting in any trouble. _________________ Barrett groaned as the sunlight hit his eyes through the open window, he almost rolled himself off the bed but stopped at the last second. The bounty hunter rolled over once more, stuffing his face in a pillow as he attempted to fall back asleep, not willing to get up yet. He briefly passed out for another five minutes, then sprung up, energized by the quick shot of sleep. He sat on the matress for a moment, thinking over the last night. He was in a hotel, he thought he had brought a beautiful woman to spend the night with to the hotel with him, but he didn't exactly remember much, he must've had a little too much to drink. He really needed to stop doing that, whenever he wasn't on a bounty, he always ended up drinking. He rose to his feet, his clothes tossed on the floor in a scattered fashion. He quickly put on his pants, did the belt then put on his socks and boots before glancing at the bed. No sign of anybody else, he blinked then reached under the bed, finding his pistol, fully loaded and ready. He always kept a gun near when he slept, never knew if someone would try something. If someone really wanted to get to him, a locked door would not stop them, a bullet to the chest cavity would though. He stuck the pistol in the holster in his belt, then turned back around to put the rest of his clothes on. Barrett put his shirt on, doing all of the buttons then found his duster, he threw that on as well. The last things he needed were his hat, shotgun and dagger. He looked next to the nightstand, on the opposite side of his bed. Surely enough, on the floor leaning against the stand was his shotgun and dagger. He grabbed his two final weapons, placing them in place on the appropriate spot on himself. He found his hat on a rack on the wall next to the door. With a final check to make sure he was ready, he grabbed his hat, sticking the fashionable piece comfortably on his head. With that he was out the door and on his way out of the hotel with only a slight hangover from the night before.