Naturally, the doors did not open in any semblance of a timely manner. The next part of the test apparently had a maximum occupancy, and in such time as he was standing there, he got company. The same teen from earlier, he seemed to attract the honey eyed boy like a horse to carrots. “We have to wait for someone to leave first,” Rashim replied while motioning to the door. Without waiting for the other to respond, and for reasons unknown even to himself he went further… like an idiot. “When I was younger, I didn’t have the training that I have now. And… Dragon’s can be majestic creatures… when they aren’t burning and killing entire villages.” Yeah… he needed to shut up now. This wasn’t like him, and father would certainly not approve of this. Hesitantly, he finished, father liked it when he was polite at least; he could redeem himself a little bit. “Thank you.”