ok here is the Scharweilt history Before the empire collapses,Scharweilt was once an inhabited island when a storm destroys a ship and the remaining survivors got there.First, they want to escape the island but 3 years later without rescue.They started to build a small tribe and the island was still unnamed until someone arrived in the island which is King Laurence I then he named it "Scharweilt".King Laurence was an ordinary explorer that day but since there is no leader, King Laurence thought many things to the tribe and Scharweilt turned Monarchy.After years of King Laurence had rules Scharweilt, Scharweilt turned into a empire that imports and exports goods.Many fisheries and orchards had been built in the island.After 60 years, King Laurence II died then King Laurence III is now the king. Now with empire collapsed, Scharweilt have been an aggressive kingdom and will annihilate anyone who crosses their territory unless they have a permission to go to their territory and Scharweilt will not attack any kingdoms unless they attack them. Sorry that's all I got