[hider=Enrico Vivas][center][IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k602/lightning421253k/d4f2c347-edfa-4476-ba19-3e8806b83e72_zps7ed4e9b6.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Enrico Vivas [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Spirit:[/b] Perseus [b]Type:[/b] Bukizoku [b]Spiritual Powers:[/b][/center][center][u]Harpe[/u] [i]O Divines, Sunder The Serpent[/i][/center]An odd Bokizoku in that it is split into two 'aspects' so to speak, reflecting the conflict in different tellings of Perseus' legend regarding the weapon he utilized to kill Medusa. Each weapon has its own special property and appearance. They can be summoned as a pair, or individually. [center][i]O Heavens, Bestow To Me Your Bending Blade[/i][/center]A khopesh-like sickle-sword made from adamantium. It was designed to allow Perseus to bypass the armor-scales of Medusa and thus holds the property of 'bypassing armor', meaning that anything that can be conceptualized as 'armor' are useless against this blade. [center][i]O Creator, Render All Unto Mortality[/i][/center]A polearm shaped more similar to that of the end of a hook sword than a traditional scythe. Due to killing an immortal Titan when it was the Scythe of Kronus, this weapon bears the property of 'bringing one down to mortality'. Essentially, this means that all wounds inflicted by this weapon cannot be healed except by natural means. [center][u]Kibisis[/u] [i]O Spirits, Relieve These Burdens of Mine[/i][/center]Kibisis isn't a very amazing Bukizoku. It's nothing more than a glorified hammerspace, a pouch that one can keep filling with no change to its outward appearance or available capacity. Things stored within Kibisis are contained even when the Bukizoku is dispelled, and can be retrieved at a later period of time so long as it's contained within the pouch. However, this doesn't apply to the items summoned by the user's Bukizoku. [center][u]Aegis[/u] [i]O Wisdom, Guide Unto Me[/i][/center]The mirrored shield used by Perseus to view his surroundings when fighting Medusa... But it doesn't work quite as you might expect. It definitely bears the property of 'reflecting one's surroundings', but rather than allowing the user to look into it to see what is behind them, it projects information of the surrounding area. In theory, the wielder can move around without having to rely on anything other than the mirrored shield. It can also be used as a pseudo-detection device, as it also transmits the positions of others within range. [center][u]Aidos Kynee[/u] [i]O Darkness, Shroud Me[/i][/center]A mantle that obfuscates the presence of the wearer. While the hood is down, it merely obscures the appearance of the wearer making them appear 'generic'. The type of person you'd barely notice and completely forget about a few seconds later. Naturally, this effect is enhanced in larger populations of people, and isn't quite as effective when you're alone with the user and you're familiar enough with him. When the hood is up, it becomes a classic cloak of invisibility. [center][u]Talaria[/u] [i]O Wind, Make My Stride Become Yours[/i][/center]Winged sandals that, surprisingly enough, don't allow the user to fly. Instead, they give large boosts to the user's speed and agility, as well as completely eliminating damage from falls, so long as the wearer lands on their feet. The also provide the ability to leap long distances, surf down buildings, and all that fun stuff in an emulation of traditional flight. [center][u]Pegasus[/u] [i]O Sky, Allow My Steed To Cross You[/i][/center]The mount of both Perseus and Bellerophon, a winged horse said to be the bearer of the thunderbolts of Zeus and eventually placed into the sky as the eponymous constellation. Not only is it a beast that moves at incredible speeds on both land and air, but it also contains a powerful lightning based attack that sacrifices the use of this Bokuzoki for 24 hours. [center][u]Gorgoneion[/u] [i]O Medusa, Curse Me[/i][/center]The severed head of Medusa, said to hold the power to petrify any who look into its dreadful visage. This is true even for the replica, however rather than keeping any who see it petrified for life, the effect only lasts as long as you are in the line of sight of the Gorgoneion and then roughly 30 seconds after line of sight is broken. Anybody petrified by the ability becomes essentially invulnerable, unless they are damaged by an attack that bypasses physical defense to inflict damage on the spirit or mind, something so powerful that any defense doesn't matter, or any properties with great enough similarity. [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center]Enrico is a man of two faces, a fact that can likely be attributed to his 'education' at the hands of the Kimura Tenma. He's not downright evil by any means, but he's done a few things he isn't proud of anymore and now attempts to distance himself from that lifestyle, as well as maintain a set of personal standards he'd much rather not cross. Unfortunately for Enrico however, old habits are hard to break. Over the years, Enrico has begun to project the persona of an overall pleasant young gentleman. He's become the kind of person who can generally get along well with others, good-natured, polite, and gentle, if not a bit inexpressive. Furthermore, he's managed to have developed a very impressive amount of patience by bottling in all his rage, frustration, annoyance, and other such feelings deep within himself. However, everyone has their bursting point, and Enrico's is rather loud and violent. Something you would expect more from a spitfire with a hair trigger temper than a calm guy like him. Naturally, this is the first indication that he might not be exactly as he seems. While he may remain an affable young man to some, to others he may remain much less scrupulous. Particularly to those affiliated with the Kimera Tenma. He might have become less of aggressive with age, but by no means has he become any less threatening. As much as he himself hates it, he actually [i]enjoys[/i] violent and high octane situations, and acknowledges that the only thing that's really changed is how blatant he is about it. [center][b]Biography:[/b][/center]Enrico was born in Spain to a family that, by all means, should have given birth to a powerless child. He lived the lifestyle of one in poverty for many years, especially after his Connecter abilities manifested. He was forcibly removed from the household, not by the government or anything, but by the people who brought him up themselves. Feeling angry and betrayed, and having nowhere to go, he lived alone out on the streets for about three months until someone indicated him to the authorities. He was taken into a foster home and lived peacefully. He refrained from using his Connecter powers out of fear for the consequences, but he had to break sometime, and when that occasion arose he was summarily sent off to Lyranias. Aimless, he was soon recruited into the Kimera Tenma after catching the eye of one of the 12 'Spiders'. Whether it was for the amusement of the Spider, to recruit a member with potential, or for some other ulterior motive, Enrico would never find out. Naive and lonely, he accepted the offer and began training. He took to the business quite easily, with a Bukizoku practically tailor made for the shady business of the Kimera Tenma and a malleable personality that took to it like a moth to flame. It seemed that all would coast well for the Spaniard, and it seemed he was on the fast track to becoming one of the 12 himself. His past enthusiasm for the job, his useful spiritual power, the special recruitment, and his skill as a thief, spy, and when needed, assassin. It seemed to be a no-brainer that he'd end up as a big shot some day! But then Enrico [i]left[/i] the Kimera Tenma. Nobody knew why he left, nor could they ever fathom an answer. Just the day before he was diligently performing his duties. What could have caused him to throw away all his progress and depart so suddenly? After all, doesn't every action have its consequences?[/hider] [hider=Noah Alstreim] [center][IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k602/lightning421253k/3A4C7242-DEF4-42B0-B3BD-5F326A371F72_zps92vykv9j.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Noah Alstreim [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Spirit:[/b] Scathach [b]Type:[/b] Mahozoku, Juzoku [b]Spiritual Powers:[/b] [b][Mahozoku][/b] [u]Druidic Wisdom[/u][/center]The knowledge and use of ancient Celtic nature magic that uses runes and the occasional ritual for varying effects. By carving runes or painting them onto surfaces with one's own body fluids, the user can cast spells in short periods of time that would normally take an arduous chant or some type of ritual. Additionally, unlike other forms of magic this type doesn't usually require the user's Reiji. Rather it takes Reiji from the environment itself to weave spells together with symbols and words; only a handful of spells actually require Reiji from the user. For example, Noah can inscribe the symbols representing fire, and the build up and release of power onto, say, a stone and create what roughly amounts to a magical fire bomb at zero Reiji cost. Or increasing the force of punches or sword swings by inscribing the rune of strengthening onto her arms and activating it with her Reiji, and then extending the duration by adding a few lines to the basic symbol and saying something along the lines of "Persist", if needed. [center][b][Juzoku][/b] [u]Dun Scaith[/u][/center]A very, very strange variation on traditional Juzoku. Rather than summoning forth a familiar, it allows for a piece of the Country of Shadows to be materialized and projected onto reality. To those outside of the converted territory, it appears as nothing all too extraordinary. A optical illusion-like effect, perhaps, but nothing more. Physically entering the 'optical illusion' provides no change in surrounding to those without sufficient spiritual sensitivity, however if one had the ability, they could effectively 'hack' into it and enter the boundary of Dun Scaith without the user's authorization. The inside of this Juzoku appears to be generally the same as the corresponding area it was invoked, but with a few changes. The shadows become obvious, and the ground becomes dark and much like a forest - muddy, earthen, and almost completely covered in underbrush - with trees dotted in various locations and vines crawling up buildings. The sky is constantly cloudy, with the moon being the only thing that can be seen hanging in the sky, and time seems to be stuck in a perpetual twilight. No native sound can be heard other than that of crows and wind, and the smell of decay hangs in the air. Always in the distance sits an unreachable castle that stands tall with it’s imposing 7 great gates, with 7 great windows between each - Dun Scaith, the Fortress of Shadows. The land is easy to get lost in, and seemingly endless in size, despite being only as large as the range the user had invoked. Attempting to leave by escaping the range merely loops you around to the other end. Though isn't just a mere scenery change. Monstrous versions of animals roam, controlled by nobody and attacking anybody in their way that isn't the caster, be them enemies, neutral parties, or allies. And the plant life actively attempts to hinder movement, whether by having a tree collapse in someone's way or a vine wrapping around a foot to trip someone up. Additionally, the user's Mahozoku receives a large boost in power, and due to a side-effect, has all Reiji costs rendered '0'. Upon dispelling Dun Scaith, everyone caught in it is dumped into the location roughly corresponding to where they last were within the Juzoku. However, while it seems to be rather dangerous, it costs a great deal of Reiji from the user to construct it and keep it stabilized. This generally only allows it to be used for a few minutes, 10-15 at most, and at an average range of 2.5 km in diameter, but that's usually enough time and distance to make the most of it. [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center]Noah is a someone who possesses a nigh-constant self-doubt brought about by an inferiority complex regarding his femininity. Her upbringing at the hands of an overzealous family, a rather hard to please mentor, and a chauvinistic society has established a desire for her achievements to be sufficiently recognized, which often causes her to become dissatisfied with herself for not doing better when they aren't. As such, she's often prone to going to lengths that could be considered extreme, perhaps even [i]too[/i] extreme at times. Incidentally it could be said that the very insecurities plaguing her are the things that drive Noah forth, that give her the necessary motivation and inner strength to try to improve herself so he can come closer to reaching her ideal. While Noah does behave as a prim and proper noble(wo)man should, given her birth family, she's taken a few personality traits from her primary mother figure and mentor, namely the good-natured teasing, though Noah's has a more passive-aggressive/backhanded-compliment slant, and a love for a battle where she can lock blades with worthy opponents. Though this isn't out of bloodlust, rather, it is the desire to have an absolute confidence in her own skills and abilities. For somewhat obvious reasons, Noah likes to maintain her distance to others emotionally, and does not truly let anyone get too close to her. In a way, she and her spirit live the same lives. A hermit who lives faraway, in an ‘island’ beyond the reach of most. [center][b]Biography:[/b][/center]Noah is the first born of this generation of the Alstreim main branch. With their firstborn being a female in a chauvinistic society, the main Alstreim family stood to lose some reputation and influence. So they covered it all up. Changed the records to turn their 'weak female' into a 'strong man', and raised their 'dirtied' child as such. The [i]boy[/i] grew, not yet learning of the deception surrounding [i]his[/i] birth. [i]He[/i] was raised not by [i]his[/i] family, but by [i]his[/i] spirit. While the Alstreim family tolerated [i]him[/i] it was the appearance of [i]his[/i] spirit at an abnormally young age that truly became the turning point in Noah's life. Scathach was quite the unrefined hero, to say the least. Amused with the Alstreim Clan's notion of male superiority, focus on feats of arms, and her own Connecter's gender confusion, the Witch of Dun Scaith decided to take Noah's training into her own hands. And just like the legends, Scathach proved to be one [i]damn[/i] good teacher. Sure, the training wasn't at all too pleasant nor was Scathach's harsh personality and funny-in-hindsight teasing ("I am [i]not[/i] a girl!"), but Noah wouldn't have preferred it any other way. Truly, this Scottish Warrior Maid became more of a mother to Noah than [i]his[/i] actual mother ever was. The kind of mother that would throw their kid in the wilderness for a week to see how they'd do, but a mother nonetheless. Many years of training from [s]Hell[/s] [i]Dun Scaith[/i] later, the feats of arms Noah was taught by the Scottish hero mentor garnered the attention of those at the School of Advanced Swordsmanship at the ripe young age of 12. Unfortunately, this was also the time secondary sexual characteristics began popping up. Upon confronting [i]his[/i] family, the secrets surrounding [i]her[/i] birth were revealed. The years of living as a male, seeing the treatment of women herself, and the words of her family instilled that if she ever revealed the fact that she was a woman, her achievements would never be truly validated by her peers, nor would she be treated as an equal in their society. And honestly? That pissed Noah right off, but it wasn't as if she could truly do anything against the system at her level. So rather than channel her anger into, say, misandristic terrorism, Noah used it to fuel her efforts into becoming the paragon of knightliness - the kind of knight who protects the way of honor and chivalry just like you'd see in picture books. Noah worked hard daily to become that kind of ideal knight, despite how much she had come to hate almost all that the Alstreim Knights stood for. Naturally, the hard work paid off and Noah sped through the ranks of Alstreim Knighthood at a pace expected more for those who arrived at the regular age of 16 rather than 12, finally culminating in receiving the rank of Dawn Knight roughly a month before the recent terrorist event. Incidentally, Noah has also received a reputation as the owner of the 'most un-knight-like fighting style in Alstreim', but you can blame that Scathach's insistence upon teaching her martial arts...[/hider]