Feng the Ice Summoner. As I arrive in this place, I'm expecting to battle worthy opponents other than that I'm just here to kill some time, I fight with my own reasons, I didn't come to this tournament for the rewards but for something that I yearn for, an arousing sensation that I haven't felt for so long. Once more, that sensation will get me craving, I crave for something worth my time, I want to feel that blood pumping rush but of course, I need to control myself and strategize, these contestants need to show what they can do, I'll fight last and save the last dish for me. I'm like a Dragon that devours the tigers and of course, ascending to a Phoenix that forever reincarnate as a Dragon until it evolves. I watch as how this infrastructure and architectural structures of this world looks like, what a nice place indeed but it will soon be destroyed in the midst of battle, yes, it's Betty wandering around randomly than staying backstage. It is rather obvious to see a contender like me, walk around than prepare backstage. However, I am always prepare, I don't waste my time on petty makeovers,I rather warm myself up to see where everything proceeds, the more I see, the more possibilities. Petty, the concept of life and death is always present, my dragons crave but I refrain, it is the concept of Yin and Yang, Dark and Light, Good and Evil. These summons of mine are like a pain packer, the unforgiving sins shall be devour by dragons as cold as the ice that never melts. As I wait in the arena, I sat down after wandering around, it is rather boring. Like as if an absolute abyss is spiraling from my absolute grace. No matter, ice that never melts shall freeze its path, a never ending winter sonata that sings its live, bright like fire, living flesh that my dragons shall devour.