[hider=Julie Scott][CENTER][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/Fin_zpsc5b0b9cd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/Fin_zpsc5b0b9cd.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Grade:[/b] Junior [b]Social Class:[/b] Gifted [b]Social Class Explanation:[/b] Julie has always been a hard worker, especially when it came to academics. She always aspires to be in the top percentage of her class and she usually always succeeds at this. She doesn’t come from any money worth mentioning so she got in to Caelbury Academy based on her test scores which were always 100% but also because she has a real talent with languages at this moment she speaks 12. These include: English, Swedish, Norwiegian, Danish, French, German, Spanish, Czech, Serbian, Hebrew, Bahasa Malaysia and Cantonese. She might not be fluent in all of them but she can make herself understood and can understand most of them. --- [b]Personality:[/b] Being successful is hard work Julie would know, she has sacrificed most of her social life to get the grades required to get in to Caelbury Academy. This has resulted in that she is kind of socially awkward, not so much that she can’t handle herself in a social situation but sometimes she can spout something that maybe seen as a bit inappropriate at the academy. Julie is very relaxed person and is very easy to get along with as long as you don’t get on her nerves, because she will tell you to your face since she is very outspoken. Julie always tries to help out when someone is in need, she feels that her friends come first then herself, except when it comes to her studies of course. For some reason Julie seems to get along better with the boys at the academy and she only has one or two girlfriends but those are also really close friends. Being in the gifted social class Julie feels no pressure to band together with just the gifted, but her not having a lot of money makes it hard to hang out with her friends that have money in their bank accounts. To help with this Julie works at a coffee shop off campus, she keeps this a secret from most people accept for a select few of her friends. She feels that if people knew they would look down on her and Julie probably couldn’t handle that, she wants to fit in and not stray from the norm more than she already does. When it comes to her love life she is totally oblivious, her friends tell her that boys do try to get her attention but since she basically didn’t have a social life before getting to Caelbury Academy she never get the hints that guys throw at her. --- [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/Fin3_zpsb69270d9.jpg.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/Fin3_zpsb69270d9.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] --- [b]History:[/b] The daughter of Meghan and Ralph Scott, Julie had a perfect suburban upbringing. Her father worked as an IT-Consultant for a big company and made enough money to keep them afloat and her mother came from money so she didn’t have to work. Julie’s grandparents always felt like her mother married down when she and Ralph got together and was very disapproving of her father. But her mother stood by her choice and along came Julie, and the family hold on to the façade they had built up of being a happy family. Until her mother got bored of her homemaker life and one day left for her new life in Thailand when Julie was 10. Julie could never forgive her mother and almost never speaks of her. Her grandparents also cut her and her father out after her mother left, they did offer to pay for her to get in to the academy but Julie refused and said she wanted to get in on her own merit. Her mother leaving for another life in another part of the world mad Julie immerse herself in languages and other cultures and that's when she found her talent with learning different languages. Her father is her guiding light in Julie's life, he is her hero. He raised her practically all by himself and worked a fulltime job. Julie appreciates everything he has done for her and this is why she could never ask him for money to go to Caelbury Academy and instead she works so she can keep up the appearance. Julie's taking four different language courses to extend her knowledge and she is also an active member of the International Committee who deals with the international exchange students*. Now that she is in her junior year she has gotten the privilege to be the vice president of the committee. Combining this with her job and studies makes this year a lot more stressful. --- [b]Extracurricular Activities: [/b] Vice president of the International Committee [b]Miscellaneous: [/b] Loves to cook Addicted to coffee [/hider] [hider=Julie's RS] [b]Acacia Hawthorne:[/b] “Hmm what could I tell you about Acacia Hawthorn that everybody doesn’t already know? Probably nothing, she’s one of the most popular girls in school after all, and being from the founding family of the academy, she always has eyes on her… poor girl, I for one wouldn’t want that for myself! Anyway she has always been sweet to me whenever we talk and it has been more frequent now that I have more responsibilities with the International Committee. But I do sense that there is something she is not showing, there is just something in her eyes for a fleeting moment when she thinks you’re not looking. I don’t know what it could be but she seems perfect to me.” [b]Jacob Rockwell:[/b] “Oh Jacob is cute! He is just as old as I am but there is just something about him that makes me feel like he is a little brother of some sort. Maybe it is because he’s so jumpy and always keeps to himself. I know that he’s been through a lot the last couple of years, and it shows. I feel like I have to be careful not to overstep when I speak to him.” [b]Julie Scott:[/b] “Greatest person you will ever meet... I kid of course!” [b]Max Wallenberg:[/b] “I once approached him to ask him if he wanted to help me better my Swedish. You know what he said? “I can help you with other things too you know…” Gross. Nope not my type, he’s nice looking I guess. But God get a grip!” [b]Eliza Herring:[/b] “She’s really... well scary! No no not like menacing but more like intimidating scary, you know? SO pretty and since she’s Acacias BFF reeeaally popular too. But she has always been really nice to me, and her work for IntCom has been stellar Eliza is one of the best mentors we have which sometimes they seem few and far between. I do really want to get to know her better… but mostly I want to braid her hair. Ehum!” [b]Wren Sinclair:[/b] “Without Wren I don’t think I would have any good female friends! Wren knows pretty much everything about me; she’s met my dad for god’s sake! Still there is things I haven’t told her but I mean I will eventually! Oh shoot I promised her I would watch her new movie… I keep forgetting!” [b]Jack Riley:[/b] “I… uhm… I sit next to him in English class and since I don’t really pay attention in that class anymore I spend my time doodling and looking around, one time I accidentally saw his vocab test score and… well I mean not to say it was SUPER low but you know… low. Not… not that there is any shame in that I just think he relies on his good looks to get by. Oh and one time I caught him staring really intensely at me from the corner of my eye… it was quite awkward and I can only hold my breath for so long you know. I wouldn’t say he scares me… but he kind of does” [b]Tomika Marias:[/b] “I haven’t really seen her around before. But I did see her fence once! I was putting up posters for IntCom in the gym and she beat all the guys on the fencing team. I like that we need more females in Caelbury Athletics!” [b]Alena Rurik:[/b] ”Yes! Finally someone who can help me with my Russian! My pronunciation is still pretty weak but I’m getting there! But the fact that she’s so… tall, looming even! I have a hard time approaching the girls in this school as is!” [b]Alex Harrowling:[/b] “He doesn’t talk much does he? I’ve seen girls whisper about his brother when they walk by and I believe I hear him sigh deeply every time they do so. I wonder why that is? Then again I wonder how it is to have a sibling at all… oh haha look at me making up some sob story of being an only child! From the few words I have spoken with him he’s sweet and a lot of the richer guys in our grade… are not!” [b]Malicia Palisar:[/b] “Now… I’m not one to be bitchy, but I think there is a reason why her name sounds a lot like malice… She’s rude!” [b]Aoife Abbot:[/b] “Oh yeah, she contacted me over the summer! Somehow she had found out that I am the VP of IntCom. I’ll try to be as much help to her as I just can! Hopefully we can be friends. Her e-mails where kind of short and cold… if an e-mail can read cold.” [b]Connor MacQuarrie:[/b] “Connie! He’s so funny, I do love the guy really easy going. He does need some help with his grades though, but I don’t mind helping him with math and chem. We joke around in French too so we can talk about secrets without people knowing! Sometimes I like to use him as my guard dog, you know hide behind him when I need to! I hope he doesn’t mind…” [b]Silas Eberhardt:[/b] ”We have a lot of the same classes… which to someone from the outside looking in could seem like I’m following him around! When in actuality I am not, it’s just a happy coincidence! I swear! Oh who am I kidding he is super cute. I have heard the rumors… that probably aren’t rumors but a girl can dream! I am holding on to the sliver of hope that does not exist. I’m talking in circles here but the point is me and Silas are basically in the same seat, trying to get by in a place where we are constantly judged and looked down upon. I try to talk to him in the minutes before class starts and I do hope we can get closer to each other… No I… well yes that’s what I hope for!” [b]Brenden Aldrin:[/b] ”The new principal, he is very young now isn’t he? I don’t know I think that could be good for this dusty old place! He came by one of our meetings for IntCom and he seemed to be really interested in what we do!” [b]Hayden Hawthorne[/b]: “I like him, he’s sassy! He also looks great in a suit! He and Acacia are related right? Like… is he her father? No that can’t be… he’s way to young… wait… no is he her brother? I guess so I’ll have to ask Acacia sometime!” [b]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b] “Snore… he is pretty stiff I can’t really relate to him. I LOVE Oedipus though, favorite thing with his class!” [b]Jaycen Price:[/b] “Since I don’t play any sports I really don’t have any connection to him… though I think he was at the Mug the otherday. I hope he didn’t recognize me.” [b]Allison Kendrick:[/b] “Aaahw Miss Kendrick… or as she insist I call her Alli is really nice! She wants to be friends with us which up in until recently was kind of foreign to me. I like her a lot and I know some students have a hard time taking her serious but I thinks she’s doing a really good job seeing as this is her first teaching job straight out of college.” [b]Liam Matthews:[/b] “He’s new right? I don’t know I didn’t have the space to fit psych in my schedule. But from what I’ve heard he’s pretty dark.”[/hider]