[hider=Takahiro Arata CS] [center][b]Name: [/b] Takahiro Arata [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Grade:[/b] 11 (I think, not sure how these work) [b]Disability:[/b] Severe Claustrophobia [b]Personality:[/b] Arata is an introverted character. There hasn't been a time where he recalled enjoying the company of others. He prefers thinking about things on his own and seldom makes an effort to push his ideas across during discussions. He accepts whatever he is given, and deals with it, even if it is not to his preference. However, despite this straightforward mindset, his inner thoughts tend to be complicated, and this results in a simple matter becoming overblown in his mind. For example, an errand to buy groceries would end up becoming a market prices survey at the hypermart. Arata is extremely curious and loves learning new things, and he doesn't hesitate to pick up something new. He does not fare well in team sports, though, and generally tends to avoid them. He will quickly become adept at things he like, but will be at a loss as to which to invest more time in. He loves to draw and play the piano a little bit more than his other interests. [b]Background:[/b] Arata was born in an average Japanese family. He lived a normal childhood, albeit being less sociable as compare to other kids his age. His teacher always worried about him, and encouraged him to talk to his peers more. Young children tended to be curious about the littlest things, and one day when Arata was 8, they were brought out to play, during hide and seek, Arata found a gap in the fence opposite the field they were located at. He attempted to crawl through the gap, and nearly succeeded, when the fence semi-collapsed, trapping him within. Fear immediately struck him and he started to yell for help, but his peers and teacher were on the other side of the field. Coupled with Arata having a small voice since birth, hope seemed to be minute. In the end, Arata was trapped, immobile and helpless for an entirety of four hours, alone. When his teacher finally found him, Arata was shaking profusely from the fear, and his voice had become hoarse from all the shouting. Ever since he got diagnosed with claustrophobia, his already small personal space became even smaller. He withdrew into a psychological shell and refused to come out. The situation was so severe that he couldn't stand people within 3 meters of him. After intensive therapy for a few years, however, his condition got better and he would suppress it every now and then with the drugs prescribed to him. He doesn't like taking them, however, as he didn't believe himself to be sick. He believed that his claustrophobia was merely a part of his personality and didn't like the thought of suppressing it. He tried to live as per normal, going back to school at the age of 15, having received private tutoring for 6 years. He intended to revert to the lifestyle he had before, but it didn't work out. After a mere term, the teachers were having trouble with Arata hyperventilating all of a sudden when he felt too cramped in the small classroom. He was introduced to Yamaku High, where he was told his disabilities would be taken care of. Upset at being labelled as a 'disabled', but unable to think of any alternative, he kept to his accepting mindset and went for the transfer. [b]Other Info:[/b] [url=http://souleater.wikia.com/wiki/Akane%E2%98%86Hoshi]Arata is him without the glasses and hair swept completely to the side, revealing both eyes.[/url] Arata is 168 cm (5' 6'') tall, which is around the average for boys his age. He weighs 54 kg (120 pounds). His body is relatively skinny, and his physique gives off the impression of a lanky street basketballer. His eyes are a metallic grey, and his clothing of choice is a plain t-shirt and loose shorts. All his apparel must give him absolutely freedom to move about, otherwise he will feel restricted and may trigger a relapse. [/center][/hider] Can't wait for this to start!