[hider=Tomika Marias] Name: Tomika Marias Appearance: Tomika has sandy blond, elbow length hair, and stands at roughly 5'3". She has the toned, hard body of an athlete, but rarely shows it off. Her skin tone is as tan as you would expect from someone hailing from the south, and her hands are no strangers to hard work; numerous scars bearing witness to multiple nicks and cuts. Aside from the ones on her hands, the only other scar she has is just above her right hip (Ask IC). Her face is framed perfectly in her hair, and has a nebulous spread of tiny freckles over her nose and cheek bones. Her eyes are a deep, smooth, and plain blue, surrounded by a hard black ring. Tomika steers well clear of things like belly shirts, excessively tight pants, and 'daisy dukes'. Under normal circumstances she sports loose bluejeans that wont restrict movement, a simple graphic tee, and a dark hoodie. One could easily say that the dresses extremely casually, save for Sundays. Her church going habit dictates the wear of her limited selection of "church cloths", consisting typically of a dress of some kind, complete with heels, nail polish, make up, and bright red cheeks. none but the last have ever been worn outside of this setting to date. The outfit she's most comfortable in is her fencing demonstration gear, which has been customized and tailored to her tastes by her parents wallet. Money has bought her flexibility, speed, beauty, and safety all in the same package. Her demonstration gear's jacket is slash and stab proof wool with gold leaf trimmings and solid silver laces. Her jet black pants are made of a lighter. thinner wool, allowing her ease of motion while still providing a degree of stabbing protection. Her boots are knee high, and have the same grey color as her gloves, which are fingerless on the right hand. Age:16 Grade:sophomore Social Class: Wealthy Social Class Explanation: Her family was middle class, but owned a large stretch of land in the south that was passed down the family. When the natural gas extraction companies rolled in, one of the largest deposits of natural gas was discovered spanning almost the entirety of their property, trapped in a layer of shale. Her family promptly sold their land for several million, packed up, and left, forcing Tomika to forge a new life in an area that she could only describe to her friends of old as "ridiculously rich". Personality: Tomika is, on the surface, quiet and easy going. In general, this impression is accurate, but given the right input she can become fiery, passionate, and loud. Fencing, good music, and southern buffet night are right at the top of the list. She takes the money and effort her parents have invested in her very seriously. Even when they weren't rich, Tomika had everything she needed through the hard work of her parents. Them becoming rich simply meant that she got fancier versions of what she needed, and a load of things she viewed as luxury items. She quietly disapproved of the money they were throwing at her, but doing so seemed to make them happy, even if it was likely just them justifying doing the exact same thing for themselves. Tomika has experienced almost the entire spectrum of wealth in her lifetime (as it stands), and appreciates how much she's been given. She does, however, fear that it will vanish as quickly as it came, and leave her in the state she was in before her mother remarried. Her school history, along with being an only child leaves her with limited social interaction skills. Mostly involving boys her age, not being the smartest person around for miles, and being somewhat selfish. History: Tomika can remember as far back at the age of 5. Screaming and fighting was a common thing in her house hold. She saw her father strike her mother, and remembers vividly the police coming and tackling him to the ground. She remembers clinging to her mom, both of them crying. The lawyer, talking about divorce, complicated paperwork, and vicious no-holds-barred custody battles. When it was all said and done, she was living with her grandmother, in a trailer, with next to nothing. Just a child support check, the income from her mothers shitty waitress job, and hope. That hope was met at the age of 8, when her mother suddenly announced plans to marry a man she had ran into, and knew from highschool. A long lost lover. Tamber had no idea what that would mean for her, but she soon found out as her self and belongings were whisked away to a three bedroom, two story home in the country. They both shared tearful hugs with their grandmother, and left for their new life. Tomika had been dragged up to the next social class along with her mother, by her new father. The money his management job earned him allowed them to comfortably life in the upper middle class. He was always distant to her, but she never hated him until, out of nowhere, a vicious blow was struck. Her mother joyfully announced that she had been enrolled to a all-female catholic private school, helped her back her bags, and happily sent the stoic child to her first boarding school. It was the absolute best her family could manage for her, but the couldn't help her feeling of rage. the school itself was a breeze to her. She wasn't insanely smart, but she was far and away more intelligent than her peers. however, between her and her mother, the two had been through all of hell and a knee high flood together, and the man just took her away seemingly overnight. Her literally effortless climb up the social ladder didn't cease there, however. As soon as it was discovered that her families land held several fortunes, the land was sold to the highest bidder, and she was once again uprooted, this time from somewhere she was quite comfortable. At the age of 16, her birthday still a fresh and recent memory, she was enrolled in the very best school money could buy access to, handed tons of gadgets she had no idea how to use, and dropped in the middle of something she had never experienced before. She's entirely new to being rich, being around boys her age, and belonging to a school with the sheer volume of people and technology she was about to encounter. Extracurricular Activities: Fencing, chess. [/hider] [hider=RS!!] "Honestly i haven't been here too long, and really I'm still settling in. I've run into a few people though, so I suppose I can tell you what I think of the people I know so far." Jacob Rockwell__ "This guy is the schools designated hard ass. Honestly I don't figure I'll be getting along with him very well, but not for any real reason. You ever get that feeling? Where you lay eyes on someone and instantly you just know. A headache waiting to happen. Seems like he's doing well though." Catherine "Wren" Sinclair__ "I liked her almost right away. She isn't as easy going as I prefer my friends to be, but look where I'm at! Everywhere I look, people are trying harder than me, and Wren is one of the biggest examples of this, but I really think she could do with a little break from all the noise. What good is life if you can't kick back every now and then?" Acacia Celeste Hawthorne__ "Well she shorter than me, so sucks to be her. But really, she's got so much pinned up energy, I swear she's rigged to explode. I don't know what it is that's eating at her, but it's the same face, the same eyes. You know what i mean? You're playing a game of chess, and your opponent realizes that you're simply better, and you beat them in that moment because they start that mental breakdown. Same thing happens with fencing, you effortlessly deflect someones favorite end game technique, and they're beaten before they are even touched. She has that look in her eyes all the time, like she's just about to lose, but is trying to hide it. But hell, maybe I'm just imagining things..." Alena Rurik "I think she regards the teachers as more important than they really are, or rather, forgets sometimes that they are people too. I dunno, maybe she's just more respectful than I am. Whatever the case may be, she's got a really high energy personality, and loves to talk to people. She came by the studio once, and we went a couple rounds for fun, which is where i know her from. One thing i can say for certain about her, is that she's most certainly an athlete. People don't usually have that kind of coordination and grace the first time they touch a saber. I'd like to spend some more time with her, she seemed rather interesting." Aleksekin "Alex" Dmitri Harrowling___ "Oh, that's his name? I've kinda only seen him from a distance, which was as much his choice as mine. I don't know much about him, except that he seems to actively avoid large groups of people. Maybe people pick on him? He looks like he could be kinda nerdy. I feel kinda bad for saying that though, I really don't know anything about him" Julie Scott__ "Aah, the infamous cracker of bad jokes. You'd think that someone who knows so many different languages would be able to make a good joke in her first. Oh well, she tends to hang out with guys, and I tend to NOT hang out with guys, so by default I probably wont be hanging out with her a ton." Tomika Marias__ "Myself? aah, i guess i should probably spend less time in the fencing studio, and more time with my school books, but I'm not overly concerned. As long as i pay attention in class i should be fine right? Aoife Abbot__ This one I'd like to go toe to toe with. From what I've heard during my few visits to the school studio thus far, she's likely to be one of a handful of people who can match me. I just hope she isn't into some puss shit like foils or something. It's all about the sabers! Lets see what else...She has a bit of a temper, which i have a hard time getting behind. I've known people who've been chucked in jail over something done in a fit of rage. (WIP :P) [/hider]