Almost done, i will try and speed up the process though. [hider=My NS WIP][center]Name of Nation: The Great Nation Of Seoelia Flag: [img][/img] Demonym of Nation: Seoelian Race Description: Elves [img][/img] Seoelian elves are said to be tall and slender beings,with pale white complexions. There hair color ranges from dark black to dirty blonde. They are the main race in Seoelia, making up most of the population. All seoelian elves have a birthmark that is actually inside of there bodies, being that they can make a blue aura emit from there hands. They see themselves as a noble race, meaning they think they are above all other races. Giants [img][/img] These giants are bred specifically for servitude and war. They usually stand around eight to nine feet and sometimes more. List of Race Perks and Nerfs: Seoelian Elves: Pros: Intellegent Cons: Weak Physically Nation Location: N/A Description of Nation: [img][/img] [i]"Excerpt from the king of Seoelia Haldamir Súrion's personal notes"[/i] [i]We were not gonna sit here and live under there oppressive rule, we elves are a proud people. I Haldamir Súrion will guide my people to a new salvation to live there lives they way they want, away from the rule of this human scum.[/i] The seoelian nation started out as one mans dream, a way that one slave could oppress his human masters. At first Seoelia was a human ruled nation who used elven slaves to do there biding. But Haldamir decided that he would not live under someone else rule and let the elves control there own destiny. So on the day that his people now call "the revolt" Haldamir burned down every house that contained humans in them. He killed up to fifty thousand people including the current king at the time. Haldamir then being the only person who his people saw fit to rule ascended to the throne. The Seoelian nation is filled with many intelligent people who help advance the nations technology They have begun creating giant mechanical monsters which they use for both military gains. Also they have created more advanced ammunition that have a lot of different effects. Government of Nation: Absolute monarchy The Seolian nation is ruled over by one absolute king whose word is law, all things be it petty crimes to murder are over seen by the king. Once the king dies the rule goes down to the next oldest male in the family lineage. If the king did not have a son heir before he died, then the king's wife will then be assigned as queen. Anybody who goes against the kings rule will be dealt with quickly and without much conflict. Capital of Nation: Asavar Population of Nation: 70 million in general 69 million Elves 1 million Giants Economy of Nation: The Seoelian nation is heavily taxed by there ruler who thinks it is a fine idea to build up money for wars. Most things that one would buy at a market place cost the same, but are taxed differently by how many of the resource the nation has. One of the things that the Seoelian nation is proud of are the different types of metals that they are able to produce, thanks to the many mines that they run from the nearby mountains. Nation's Major Exports: Various metals such as Iron,copper, steel, and lead. Crops: Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Potato, and rice. Precious minerals: Diiamond, Quartz, Topaz, and Coal Nation's Major Imports: Furs Gold Clothes Livestock Nation's Military Description: 2,100,000 Active Soilders [u]Infantry[/u] [img][/img] Scouts: [/center][/hider]