She closed them tightly and sighed, "I spent... the entire way here thinking about never seeing them or my brother again... It isn't something I want... but I'm scared that... If I go back... or if I had stayed... If I got married like they wanted me to, I would end up resenting them." He lowered his head as she spoke. Why was he trying to force wisdom down her at this time. She didn't need it she seemed to have her head somewhere on her shoulders. He glanced over as he a tear escape for her eye and dropped her chopstick, wiping it away. She sniffled a little, "I don't want to hate them for making choices for me... And I don't want to be in a marriage with no love. When I get married, I want it to be to the right person," she looked at him and smiled lightly, "But... you probably just think I'm a little kid... and I can't deny that... I ran away from home to a place I where I know nothing and no one and had to end up getting saved by some stranger..." She shook her head, "I can't deny that at all..." He nodded and said, you are right. You are a kid still. But a brave one I'll give you that and you admit it. You might be ahead of the game somewhere." She looked at her nearly full bowl of noodles but had no interest in eating them, "You said something about a place to sleep?" He smiled and pulled out some money and placed it in the old mans hand, thanking him for a meal. And asked him for room and board. ---- Rayn woke up and got out of bed. Scratching his head he remembered the previous night and the girl Nyima. He sighed and wondered what he was gunna do with her. It's not good for a innocent girl like that to be in the city alone. He got dressed in his normal clothes and strapped his metal staff to his back. Having went to pick it up the night before after he left. He then made his way to a clothing store and bought some clothes for her. Being a good judge on sizes he felt comfortable doing so. He then finally made his way back to the shop and old an chan opened the door for him. "Rayn sir glad to see you back. You off work today?" Chan asked. He nodded and said, I took it off. Couldn't leave her all day. Besides" he picked up his bag of clothes. " I figured she could use a change of clothes." Chan nodded and pointed towards the stairs " don't know if she is awake yet, girl hit the bed asleep." Rayn smiled and walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Placing the bag full of clothes on the ground and making his way back down stairs.