Sorry about the delay, but here's Finn! [hider=-Basic Info-] [b]Name:[/b] Finn Regel [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Alias:[/b] Pulse[/hider] [hider=-Stats-] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Height: [/b]5'4'' [b]Weight:[/b] 125 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Eye Color: [/b]Light Blue [b]Skin Tone: [/b]Pale [b]Body Type: [/b]Athletic. [b]Notable Features:[/b] Two tattooed sleeves, chest and back.[/hider] [hider=-Psychological Profile-] [b]Personality:[/b] Not inherently evil, the base motivation to his actions are for his own well being. Having grown up in poverty and with a lack of any real recognition, he's quickly taken to a brighter disposition with his new powers. Filled with a bit more banter and cockiness than usual, Finn isn't afraid of slinging insulting jokes. He won't go charging in, killing civilians without a care in the world, but isn't afraid to use them as hostages or decoys. If an infant is in front of a train, of course he'll rescue it, but you won't catch him sitting on the police scanner waiting for the next petty criminal. Finn has a definite desire for financial stability, so some banks might not be safe in his path. Over all, he's a powerful ally with a wild, fun personality. [b]Strengths:[/b] Usually level-headed when it comes to coming up with a plan on the go. Creative with the use of his powers, although he hasn't gotten to his full potential. Easily exhausted when his powers are over-exerted. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Extremely curious, to the point where he'll investigate almost anything. A growing superiority complex when his abilities began to develop. Prone to psychic assault and glass is the most likely to pass through his natural defense against metal. He's susceptible to extreme strain during use of his powers; nosebleeds, ringing ears, tunnel vision/fuzzy vision, headaches, muscle strain, fatigue. Lifting, pushing and pulling objects are equal to how long he can hold his breath. [b]Fears:[/b] Government experimentation or losing his newly found abilities and fading back into a nobody.[/hider] [hider=-Power Points-] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Magnetic Field Manipulation: 3[/b] -Currently learning to tune his abilities, Finn is capable of rolling small cars, moving most forms of metal and refining his fine motor skills with magnetism. It seems that the more he reads, learns about and understands the science behind magnetism, the more he's able to accomplish. [b]Force Field Creation: 3[/b] -His very first manifested ability, Finn's own electromagnetic field is tuned in such a way that (even without his concentration) it doesn't allow many materials through. Gunshots and an metallic objects are virtually useless against him. [b]Flight: 3[/b] -Fast, precise and with a refined ability to maneuver. He has a growing control over flight as a push-pull force against the Earth's own magnetic field. [b]Hideout: 1[/b] -An abandoned metal scrap yard outside the edge of a rarely used section of the docks. [b]Endurance: 2[/b] -Mostly due to his constant electromagnetic force field, Finn is able to resist far more damage than the average super. Flying through an office building, being hit by a lamp post, or being tossed into a brick wall would only result in minor cuts and bruises. Prolonged fighting will leave him fatigued and he's more likely to pass out from over use of his powers than physical abuse. [b]Wealth: 0[/b] -Destitute with just a suitcase of old suits and his super uniform. [b]Brawl: 2[/b] -Some MMA and boxing training from old coworkers; with his added super strength. [b]Strength: 1[/b] -Amazingly strong for his small size, Finn is also able to lift far more than one would think. He's often able to [i]look[/i] stronger than he is when interacting with metal objects (kicking in a helicopter or pushing a car aside).[/hider] [hider=-Public Identity-] [b]Job: [/b]Unemployed (Former Tattoo Artist) [b]Home:[/b] Recently evicted/kicked out by his ex-girlfriend [b]Wealth/Lifestyle: [/b]Fired from his job of eight years, he has no savings to speak of and no credit at his disposal. He was currently hired by an individual for an extremely lucrative job... [b]Clothing Style:[/b] Seven suits, and ties, he quite literally has no other clothing to speak of. After his ex-girlfriend burned all of his clothing on the front sidewalk, antique suitcase of his grandfather's old suits are all he has. Luckily, his grandfather was the exact same pint-size as Finn. [b]Friends/Relationships: [/b]TBD [b]Rivalries: [/b]TBD [b]Public/Professional Goals: [/b]To gain wealth, status and notoriety within the city. Not interested in being the most powerful super in the world, Finn simply wishes to survive. He hasn't yet decided the methods to his ideal path in life.[/hider] [hider=-Secret Identity-] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Uniform: [/b]A short sleeve, hooded shirt made of netting, black canvas pants, steel toed boots and steel-knuckle leather gloves. The lower half of his face is covered by a black, thin fabric ski mask. [b]Alignment: [/b]Chaotic Neutral [b]Combat Method: [/b]Brief training by a fellow coworker who worked as an MMA fighter after hours. Finn was taught to use his body size and speed against larger opponents as well as the basics of boxing. Being small, he has an inclination to roll out of the way and dodge more than going in swinging. Over all he knows how to fight enough to surprise anyone willing to scrap with him. [IMG][/IMG] [b]Hideout:[/b] It was originally a place he began practicing his powers- and continues to do so on a daily basis. News vans have no reason to visit, gang members are quickly scared off; making it basically cut off from the city itself. He discovered a single, civil war-era mine shaft directly beneath the scrap yard. It's about three thousand square feet of creepy tunnels that he's slowly been reinforcing with steel beams and lighting as he goes. [b]Mode of Transportation: [/b]Flight, jumping from roof to roof, or by foot [b]Allies/Relationships:[/b] TBD (It would be fun to have a Batman/Catwoman relationship with someone) [b]Nemesis:[/b] TBD [b]Motivations/Goals:[/b] Currently one simple goal- [b]money[/b]. [b]Supplies/Inventory:[/b] -Assorted spoons -Three dozen nails -Several feet of chain as a belt -Steel knuckle gloves -Steel toed boots -Boxes of staples -A cookie sheet sized piece of steel folded like a piece of origami (The combination of materials on him allows for more precise and faster flight)[/hider] [hider=-Paradigm Stone-] [IMG][/IMG] [b]Paradigm Stone Appearance:[/b] A spherical stone that is exactly half an inky black and half white. The white side has an exposed interior that pulses a faint white light. It is unable to be worn and usually held in his left hand or orbiting around his body like a small moon. [IMG][/IMG] [b]Personal Appearance Changes:[/b] While in possession of the stone, he suffers from physical deterioration. Finn's skin turns a pale gray with splotches of black veins and peeling skin. His eyes become entirely black with dark rings covering his eye sockets. [b]Power/Ability Progression:[/b] Capable of controlling the Earth's own magnetic field in a localized setting. He's well within the range of creating mass destruction; sky scrapers made of steel beams have little to no chance and any military (i.e. metal bullets and missile) attacks are pointless. Finn can manipulate metal on a microscopic level as well as the iron in human blood. His strength is doubled and endurance leaves him an extremely formidable opponent. [b]Power-Drunk Goals:[/b] To rule the city. [b]Weakness:[/b] Psychic assault and multiple supers are the most obvious route to take out his inflated powers and sense of control. [b]Withdraw Symptoms:[/b] Similar to heroin withdraw, Finn is hit with crippling fits of pain. The agony is paired with fevers, hallucinations and general loss of control with his powers. [/hider]