[center][b]The Hunt for Diana[/b][/center] --- They had a name, now. [i]Kiune[/i], whoever that was. Her path was still clearly a trap. It was, however, now their best bet, in Mathew’s mind. The broken reflections of himself he found down the unknown path scared him - it spoke of even more dangerous, subtle magic, or of things even worse. Besides, there were six of them, and this one sorceress! Surely they had enough between them to overcome whatever trial waited from this Kiune. The two from the boat, who had been quiet for a long while, looked capable enough in a fight, the boisterous dwarf was itching to use his beloved crossbow, and their orange friend looked capable enough. To top it all off, they had their own magus! Surely the odds were in their favor. Having convinced himself, Mathew forced a grin befitting a fearless adventurer, “You’re not calling craven, are you, Stotgar? If that’s how you feel, let’s go spring a trap! I can’t tolerate anyone thinking I’m a coward.” He looks back, “Besides, I figure between the six of us we have enough brains and brawn to get through whatever we find. If we’re brave instead of reckless, and cautious, we should be able to handle ourselves. Right?” Without waiting for a response, Mathew continues, “Right. Trom and Hector, you’ve got the pointy sticks, so you two head in first. Stotgar, take up the rear. That way Matilda has some room to sing and you can keep an eye out behind us. Nadira, join him back there? I’m not mage, but I figure you’d prefer having some human cover between you and whatever we face. Stay alert, and try to keep us from walking in blind. If this is a magical trap, then you’re our expert. Great - any objections to that? Let’s go.” [i]Here goes nothing,[/i] Mathew thinks to himself before beginning to walks towards the center passage, stopping a bit before its entrance to wait for the others. [i]Let’s see what kind of mess we signed up for.[/i]