Six months in this awful prison. Aeris had finally calmed down a month ago. Her hatred and anger combined with her fear had put her in a feral state that caused her to be forced to stay in the room she was in. Food had been passed through a slot in the door so she didn't die from starvation or thirst, but the past six months left her very familiar with this room and not much else. The few times her captors let her out, she was heavily sedated and didn't remember anything from it. She swore that everyone responsible for this organization would suffer and die. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud guard. Today would be her first day allowed into the rec room. "Get up, monster. You get to meet with the other monsters today." He grabbed her arm, a mistake in her mind as she would remember his voice and rip his throat out the second she had the chance. "Knowing you I bet you won't even get along with them." The guard glanced over his shoulder at his partners. "What was it guys, five months she acted like an animal. I guess some people do go crazy when they're put in a cell." Aeris was uncomfortably escorted into the rec room and practically thrown into the room where she saw a few other guards and several other prisoners. She kept up a scowl. She hated this place with a fiery passion and in spite of her six months here she would find a way out and kill every single guard she could get her hands on without risking her own life. She found her way to a bench so she could observe all the other prisoners.