With a start, Sukoh awoke and looked all around, turning his head upwards just as the lights began to twinkle above the atmosphere."Pretty lights, like day stars they are. Reminds Sukoh of home. . .Home has such pretty stars." The bear looked down at his paws and then back up to the sky, "Sukoh will go home, this place does not like me." With a shove he pushed himself up off the ground, looking around at the destruction left behind by the previous battle. And then looking for any sign of the portals that he uses to travel from world to world. The familiar scent of cherry blossoms and peaches wafted through a nearby hole, Sukoh wagged his little puffball tail. "Home~" With a rather speedy trot he ran towards the smell, for quite some time he ran before seeing the tell tale ripple in the wall. With his head first he nudged his way into the portal and back home, away from the Nexus of Worlds.