[center][b]Sarwyck[/b] [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130216152147/gameofthrones/de/images/1/1f/Sarwyck.png] PM Me for a Family Tree of Recent Generations[/center] [b]House History[/b] Even the most ferocious of the lions can inspire loyalty. This is something that the Sarwyck have embodied since the very beginning of the minor house. The Sarwycks like the other eldest minor houses can trace their lineage as far back as a few hundred years before the Targaryen landing that preluded the conquest by Aegon the Conqueror. As such the most legendary Sarwyck in recent memory was the famed Raynard Sarwyck who fought with his Lannister liege lords against Aegon himself. Through marriage the Sarwycks have many ties to several other minor houses of Westeros thus making their influence in the Westerlands paramount. Such political ties and favor include House Payne, House Drox, House Peckledon, House Swyft, House Yarwyck, House Trant, House Westerling, House Crakehall, House Serret, and House Lorch among many others. During the Blackfyre Rebellion the Sarwycks would use such ties to unite the remaining levies to push a flanking attack on the Blackfyre forces at the Redgrass Fields which would in turn give them attention that the Sarwycks had not held since Aegon the Conqueror or the Dance of Dragons. Casualties of the house during the Blackfyre Rebellion included—Selwyn Sarwyck, Kevan Sarwyck, and Tidus Sarwyck. Another distinct characteristic of House Sarwyck is their possession of a valyrian steel longsword named [i]Hopeseeker[/i]. It is currently possessed by Edwina Sarwyck. [b]The County of Riverspring[/b] The lands of Riverspring have for the last two-hundred and fifty-nine years owed themselves to House Sarwyck and before that had a loose collection of barons that subjected themselves to petty conflicts with the neighboring lands of Stoney Sept. The ancestors of Raynard Sarwyck would be tasked with bringing order to the lands of Riverspring and thus the periodic evolution of a knightly house into a minor noble house began with the construction of Riverhall on top of the hill that overlooked the villages of Riverspring that sat on the end of the rivers of the Blackwater Rush. Through time Riverspring as a county has come to be known as a sort of lookout just north of the Gold Road—keeping its stern eyes on the Riverlands it shares its borders with. Including the titular settlement of Riverspring, the county also shares two additional baronies called Sowerby and Halton. At the end of the Blackwater Rush, just a few days journey south of Stoney Sept lies [b]Riverspring[/b]—the seat of what once was a fortress to keep an eye on the Riverlands as tasked to them by House Payne and the Westerlands’ liege lords, House Lannister. Riverspring as itself has existed in the Westerlands sometime during the existence of the Kingdom of the Rock and as such was the birthplace of Raynard Sarwyck, who aided the realm in defense during the War of Conquest. Riverspring itself is a decently-sized city with the castle fortress towering above it on a hill that seems to tower over the town that serves as the end of the line for naval traffic on the Blackwater Rush which also creates a port for the eastern coast of Westeros for the Westerlands by proxy. Alongside the Blackwater Rush as well, [b]Sowerby[/b] is settled on the far eastern side of the county; serving as the second-most densely populated settlement of the three. Sowerby has a small keep in the center of the town itself—lacking the strategic presence of the Stronghold in Riverspring but being adequate all the same. On the far west side of the county lies [b]Halton[/b], nestled in-between forested mountains and decent rolling hills—and as such became an agricultural center for The Gold Road and the County of Riverspring. Holding a small keep for the barons of Halton—the structure is pushed to the back of a mountain where an escape route runs into the sprawling mines behind the settlement. [b]Members of the House[/b] [u]Halton:[/u] [i]Alyn Sarwyck – Baron of Halton, aged 53[/i] Jonas Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 34 Randal Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 29 Alyssa Hill – Bastard of Tidus Sarwyck, aged 23 Cedric Hill – Bastard of Tidus Sarwyck, aged 14 Alric Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 14 Kieran Sarwyck – Son of Alyn, aged 7 [u]Sowerby:[/u] [i]Donnic Sarwyck – Baron of Sowerby, aged 28[/i] Tersei Sarwyck – Sister of Donnic, aged 13 Eallett Sarwyck – Son of Donnic, aged 10 [u]Riverspring:[/u] [i]Gareth Sarwyck – Lord of Riverspring, aged 68[/i] Jhavek Hill – Bastard of Selwyn Sarwyck, aged 30 Edwina Sarwyck – Estranged Daughter of Gareth, aged 28 Byron Sarwyck – Disinherited Son of Gareth, aged 28 Amelia Sarwyck – Heir to Riverspring and Daughter of Gareth, aged 16 Lysandra Sarwyck – Daughter of Wilfred Sarwyck, aged 10 Emilia Sarwyck – Daughter of Wilfred Sarwyck, aged 3 [b]CS Sheets[/b] [hider=Jhavek Hill][b]Name[/b] - Jhavek Hill [b]Age[/b] - 30 [b]Appearance[/b] - [url=http://www.ivid.it/fotogallery/imagesearch/images/arn_tempelriddaren_joakim_n_tterqvist_peter_flinth_014_jpg_nvvm.jpg] [b]History[/b] - Jhavek Hill was born in 179 AL as the son of a barmaid and Selwyn Sarwyck. Jhavek like few bastards was well aware of his “birthright”—a fact that he would chase him for many years. Despite such knowledge however there was never any desire to take what he could’ve been told was attainable as he desired nothing from the nobles as his attention was more about receiving recognition by his father who would stay affectionate with Jhavek’s mother, a woman he truly loved. His father would tell him stories of the Sarwyck dynasty and that of Raynard Sarwyck and how he feared no dragon only caring about his the lion that kept his family safe. However these visit became less frequent as time went on as more responsibilities absorbed his father and eventually he was but a distant memory. It was through these stories of the old days that he was taught a somewhat romanticized concept of nobility that he began to desire not a legitimacy but a recognition by his father and his father’s noble kin. Around the time Jhavek was eleven years old, his mother’s brother; a hiresword who had previously made his living abroad returned to Riverspring. Jhavek’s uncle, Tommen, was as worldly as he was an infamous drunk—something that worked against him due to Jhavek’s mother’s employment at Riverspring’s token alehouse, the Laughing Lion. Jhavek would get to know his uncle through these times and constantly began requesting his uncle teach him in swordplay which eventually the old commoner buckled to in a drunken stupor. In time Jhavek desired to show the world that his father was not wrong to love his mother and that the bastard he created was worth recognizing. When it came to the Blackfyre Rebellion and the news of the death of his father reached his ears Jhavek found himself devastated. Now a man of ten and seven he headed into the Sarwyck banners to the Redgrass Fields. Jhavek was not recognized by the Sarwycks or any nobles after the battle as he was disregarded as just another “commoner with a sword” despite the skill Jhavek had accumulated in the last few years of his life. This is where he began to see how much he detested the Blackfyre rebels and how their dishonorable action had cost him his father and a chance to show him he had grown into a formidable swordsman. As time teetered on he stayed on with his family finding a job protecting merchants and putting coin into his uncle’s and mother’s declining health. By the time he was twenty-nine he would bury both of them and found himself wanting more despite gaining a pretty decent reputation among merchants for his skill at deflecting highwaymen and thieves. He wanted recognition not by his father but perhaps by the House Sarwyck or even their liege lords… [/hider][hider=Amelia Sarwyck][b]Name[/b] - Amelia Sarwyck [b]Age[/b] - 16 [b]Appearance[/b] - [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/04/41/7f0441dad50c5c1d4c2e98529c1b7cb5.jpg] [b]History[/b] - Born in 193 AL, Amelia Sarwyck was the first and only child to be birthed by Gareth Sarwyck’s second wife—Alicia Payne. Growing up in the shadow of the elder sister she never knew, Amelia found the weight of the loss of Edwina in every motion her father made in his day-to-day routine even at a very young age. Something was stilted, over-cautious, and very emotionally wounded in addition with her father’s health starting to catch up with him. Throughout these early bits of childhood Amelia found herself interested in the written arts, musical arts, and political history through romanticized literature as well as folklore. This eventually extended to theology, which enveloped the girl to being very interested in the stories of “the Old Gods” as well as her strong faith in the Seven—she however is not heretical but rather finds other religions fascinating in addition to being a looking glass to the culture it encompasses as well. Her mother made sure the resources for her daughters interests were met using her connections to her father—the head of House Payne, Rywald Payne, who possessed the coin she needed to further Amelia’s interests. Amelia was a girl of five and ten when her brother passed due to a plot by his younger brother, Byron, came to a boiling point—an event that shook her perception of the latter brother as she had seen him nothing as distant but kind but never the type to ruthlessly plot an assassination on his own blood. She would retreat to prayer excessively after this event, hoping the Seven would give her answers why her brother had marked himself as a kinslayer and gone against the house words. As time moved on Amelia turned six and ten… with no suitors to her name and as her mother began to press the issue due to the lack of an agnatic heir to Riverspring her father fell ill with an unknown sickness. A sickness that is continuing to slowly devour his health which puts Amelia and her mother in a very unsettling situation… [/hider][hider=Byron Sarwyck][b]Name[/b] - Byron Sarwyck [b]Age[/b] - 28 [b]Appearance[/b] - [url=http://www.keysmashblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Gwaine.jpg] [b]History[/b] - Byron Sarwyck was born second, his twin sister taking the right of being the “elder” twin during birth. This could be said of something Byron would have to deal with for the rest of his life in many forms as a man who truly would never inherit a true role in Westeros. The birth of Byron was a great loss to the world as it would be with his coming into the world that would take his mother out of it, the stress of bearing twins perhaps being too much to take. The eldest sworn sword to House Sarwyck would later make a comment how it was with Luciana Pedckledon’s death that the two inherited their strong wills and great talents. It would be something facilitated by the noble advisors and even Gareth Sarwyck’s eldest son—Selwyn Sarwyck. Byron’s talent mirrored his sister’s own; swordplay, politics, and intrigue all came naturally to the young Sarwyck. This aptitude would draw the spotlight of many as Byron was expected to become a great knight in his lifetime, something that would come to pass right before the dawn of the Blackfyre Rebellion. Byron would be very young when he would achieve this honor to go from a squire to a knight due to his affinity for showcasing his talent at a tourney. It was here that Byron achieved great respect and attention, though the young boy viewed it as merely irrelevant in the shadow of his brothers achievements despite none of the two achieving knighthood at the same age as he. He returned home as a shadow of envy and discontent and delved deeper into his studies of the mind over his achievements of brawn. Byron was fifteen when the news of his eldest brother’s death due to the sweeping Blackfyre Rebellion hit home and unlike his sister he had felt no sense of obligation to avenge him when the time came that the Sarwycks would engage the revolting rebels on a field southwest of King’s Landing—the Redgrass Fields. Byron went as a test for himself and a sense of seeing the rebel’s first-hand. In time the battle would show victorious and Byron would return home with no wounds to make note of which continued to convince himself that he was far more suited to run Riversprings than his surviving brother, Wilfred. Such arrogance began to stew into a plot of intrigue and betrayal that would nearly ruin House Sarwyck in ten years’ time. It then came to a day in 208 AL as he left his daughter in his wife’s care as he met his brother in the castle courtyard to attempt to bring his plan to fruition by killing his own kin. In Byron’s mind he had theorized that his father’s strong belief of protecting family would not bring any ill fate to his person especially given he would be the only true heir left at the end of it. He did not factor in that his father would favor Amelia and disinherit him completely. Whilst Byron was half-right that his father couldn’t bear himself to send his son to the Wall or execute him there had been a major miscalculation. Byron had few coin and positive reputation left to his name and began to travel as he contemplated his next move. [/hider][hider=Edwina Sarwyck][b]Name[/b] - Edwina Sarwyck [b]Age[/b] - 28 [b]Appearance[/b] - [url=http://www.imdb.com/media/rm329876480/nm2946516?ref_=nmmi_mi_all_sf_16] [b]History[/b] - Edwina Sarwyck was the first of two twins to enter this world, beating her brother by several seconds. This desire to enter the world is a testament to Edwina’s drive to move forward with a headstrong will. However, the birth of both twins were apparently too much to bear for Luciana Peckledon as she perished after delivering Byron—something that Edwina never wished had to happen as she would’ve loved to know the woman who birthed her into this world. Like her brother, Edwina would exhibit particular talent and intelligence which were encouraged by her eldest brother, Selwyn Sarwyck. Despite her father’s reluctance, Edwina took to the sword with such talent that had not been seen in generations since a very young age. She found other pursuits in world cultures and military history. This bred Edwina to have a grasp on language, foreign life, and personal combat which glimpsed at what choice of life she would live in her adulthood that was to come. It was said to her by her eldest brother that the talent for the sword was more apparent in Edwina over Byron despite the young lad earning a knighthood by fifteen years of age. Whilst her brother received acclaim from others she focused more on her form and skill. It was here that her eldest brother bestowed on her the house longsword, [i]Hopeseeker[/i], the valyrian steel that Raynard Sarwyck had wielded in his time which was said to be passed down not through the direct lineage but the most skilled swordsmen of the house; the one who carried Raynard's will. Sometime after she had been betrothed to a boy from House Lydden who amongst several engagements found herself utterly despising due to his behavior. She would wish her father would break off the arrangement but it fell on deaf ears. This would influence the young Edwina to desire an escape from such a fate with a person. With the announcement of Selwyn Sarwyck’s death and the Westerlands banners rose, Edwina followed the soldiers onward disguised as a young squire who she referred to as “Raynard”. Despite her father’s ignorance of her stance she had a duality with engaging in battle with the rebels who flew the banners of Blackfyre—they had killed the only one who truly respected her and loved her thus they would face punishment for their actions. When the battle buckled in the loyalists favor Edwina disappeared. When Edwina was discovered missing days later when Gareth Sarwyck returned home he was devastated and called for a search—a search that would result in no results. From the ages of youth to a seasoned adult, Edwina went by many names and worked with several other likeminded hireswords in the lands of Essos trailing from as far as Braavos to Myr to Qohor. The lands within and beyond the Free Cities opened opportunities that Edwina would have never had the chance to experience in Westeros. As her brother had predicted—the more she saw and the more she fought, the more skilled she became and in time fielded small but notable fragments of reputation as a westerosi swordsman. Hiding her gender during this time was difficult and became unnecessary when she fell in with a small group of men from several walks of life led by a braavosi swordsman by the name of Velasco Entozi. It is with this time that Edwina’s reputation began to rise as the group of Essos-bound hireswords traveled with growing success. In time Velasco would become Edwina Sarwyck’s closest friend—a friend she would lose to Dothraki raiders when protecting an independent caravan of merchants from Qohor that had set up camp south of the forests that bore the same name. With her friends deaths behind her—Edwina has begun to travel alone once more as a very wounded soul. Who knows where she is now… [/hider]