Hitomi strode into the courtyard, her gait elegant and poised with a sway of her hips. The fact that she kept her hood lowered the moment she returned wasn't helping the concentration of the male (and to her pleasure, some of the female) students either. They had apparently just began training, as Snow was still giving them instructions. "Ever the taskmaster." She greeted the woman as she leaned against the low stone wall surrounding the courtyard. She flashed her contract to Snow, showing her the details of it. "Just took care of that necromancer down south. I'll be around if you need me to assess their agility and stealth skills... or if you need someone to [i]scratch an itch.[/i] The latter extends to you to, Marian." The Fox came on to pretty much anyone she was familiar with, but she was a lot worse with Snow who seemed to always be busy. "A few of them look promising... combat-wise, anyway." She observed the students training with the dummies. Hitomi rarely paid any attention to the newbies, but there were a few students that came from the East and it was always interesting to see people hailing from her continent. That's when one of the girls from the brothel passed by, apparently having been sent on an errand or chore of some kind. Hitomi smiled and produced a ruby with a flourish, the girl walked over and chuckled as she took it and pocketed it, giggling. "Thank you, Fox." "You're welcome. I told you I'd bring you something to match your hair when I got back." She winked and swatted the girl's butt before sending her on her way back. She wasn't exactly a role model for the students in the courtyard at the moment, but hey, the idiots could learn a thing or two about using charm and coin to achieve their objective instead of relying on strength of arms. She caught a few of the guys staring at her more than they were paying attention to their training, and before Snow got mad at them (or her) for not taking things seriously, she whistled and gestured for them to continue. "You wouldn't be staring at me if those dummies were real monsters, so stop staring unless you want to know what a real hunter or huntress can do." The warning seemed to get them focused on their training, along with the fact that Hitomi crushed a pebble in her fist into sand as she said the words. She giggled when she noticed a few of the boy seemed to have closed the gap between their legs, as if they had imagined the pebble in her hand were their family jewels. Not that she was going for that effect consciously, but if it got them focused...