The canopy stretched for miles, it seemed, as a tiny little fox leaped from tree top to tree top. Wind blowing through his fur, he chirped with delight, feeling grateful for the clear skies and warm sun. Frolicking was a well-known trait enjoyed by all young creatures, and Hiroshi was prime for that age to go out on his own. Really, his guardian had always told him not to go so far from their dwelling as warning, but all the distractions about him were excusable enough. Pausing for a breath at a massive tree hovering above a large pool of water, he shook out his fur and stroked it back into its proper place. Once all things were settled, he looked up from his grooming to realize he did not recognize this area. It smelled unfamiliar and strange, but it looked lovely. The reeds along the water's edge danced along in the light breeze invitingly, charming his heart and making him want to come down. [i]Never go down onto unfamiliar soil alone,[/i] His guardian's voice reminded him distantly. He shook his little fox head, thinking that the peaceful water looked welcoming enough to be of no danger. Really, he was awfully thirsty after such an adventure - and would need some refreshing before he made his way back. Convincing himself it was perfectly fine, the innocent youthful kitsune hopped from the branch and, landing lightly on the bank, stepped through the thick cool grass to lap up some water. He had just finished when he sat back on his haunches to wipe the excess drops away from his chin whiskers when tendrils lurched out, quickly wrapping their way around his paws. Growling viciously at the attacker as it started pulling him forward, he bit down hard on one of the threads. The creature's grip loosened momentarily, but another tendril shot out to lash his hide. Yelping in stunned pain, he faltered and was pulled forward some more before he was able to resist again. Quickly reacting, he locked his back legs and pulled, his paws sliding deeper into the bank as the monster edged him forward. [i]Help me,[/i] He suddenly felt himself call loudly as tears formed in his fox eyes, coming out only as a high howl. Thorns protruded from the vines gripping him, digging through his fur and into the muscle beneath. He yelped again and tried to bite down once more, hurting his gums as the thorns pierced through around his teeth. Whimpering, he called again uselessly for help.