The city was filled with the scent of food, the sound of festivity, and an overall sense of celebration. Dese and Aviine both walked along with the freelancers, Aviine to his brother's right. They were taller than most of them, with a long stride to match. The brothers wore casual Aeribissian outfits, two human skulls attached to Dese's. The older brother carried two, one edged, 18 inch blades of clear Conjuskan craft. The younger sported his staff and a four foot sword. They bore no face paintings, but their expressions were nonetheless indifferent and hard to read. They had been expecting the crowd to be booing them on as barbarian trash, but that simply wasn't the case. The citizens were glad to receive any help they possibly could, and the brothers spotted no glares in the masses. For a moment, deep inside, their souls were lifted. But it quickly sank back beneath their waters of troubles, and a smile never showed upon their faces. The sun was shining and the temperature was comfortable --- even for those in heavy armor. It was a good day to have a ceremony such as this. Some released doves into the skies. It was typically done for weddings or other such occasions, but many saw this as the beginning of a cleansing of evil, and thus released the peaceful birds as a sign of the purity to come. Aviine's eyes looked to the skies at the doves, as did Dese's as they began to reach the palace court yard where a speech would be delivered. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw a swift, dark figure dart through the skies, catching a dove in its talons without mercy. Aviine recognized it as Diminuendei without any trouble. The eagle quickly soared out of view, white bird in grasp, leaving a group of falling feathers where the dove had once been enjoying the freedom of flight. It was ominous; seeing a sign of purity afloat so gracefully, only to be cut off and ended by something foreign and dark. "Your eagle is misbehaving," Dese said to him under his breathe. "My eagle is trying to acquire a meal,'' Aviine corrected him. Of course, he would rather have had the bird of prey choose different hunting grounds, but it was too late for that. As for Dese's animal companion, his whereabouts were unknown. He had last seen him two days ago. Drums beating loudly, the brothers entered the courtyard with the rest of the men and women who had responded to this threat. Some were here for the glory, others to kill that which they hated, and a lot for money. Dese and Aviine were here to support their village as much as they could. They had already acquired large amounts of money before coming here; perhaps they were too ambitious and fueled by their past success past the point of accepting reality. They had both considered dropping the job before reaching Aeribis, but they never voiced it out loud, and so here they were. Perhaps they would pay the price for foolishness. Dese and Aviine both took note of the young men and women laughing and reeling about being cheered on like heroes. They seemed immature, to say the least -- unprofessional. But it wasn't like the brothers cared; they weren't here to teach others how to shut up and stand straight. Once they entered the palace court yard the Queen arrived, revealing herself to the masses. She gave that small bow of hers, and began to speak. But none could hear, and so a bald man stepped forward. The first thing Dese and Aviine noticed was his dark skin; it was a stand out in this land of pale people. It showed off his southern descent, and they both figured that he most likely had Conjuskan ancestors, if not ancestors from one of the North Conjuskan plains tribes. He spoke loudly in the name of the Queen, and the corner of Dese's lip was tugged at slightly in a sardonic smile. [I]How can she be the leader of a nation and be unable to speak?[/I] he thought. "Friends, colleagues, hired hands, the Queen, our most gracious Eline I, welcomes you all to her city, and her palace! Thank you, my friends. However, we wish these were better times to invite you all!" the bald man said. [I]It's ridiculous,[/I] he said in his head. It was like someone stuck their penis too far down her throat. "Unfortunately, our homes, our country, our Queen, is threatened by a presence that has never made itself known to us in this way before: Demons!" the speaker continued. Dese wasn't going to lie to himself; the Queen was attractive -- At least from this distance. But her ability to project a speech was pathetic. [I]Oh well,[/I] Dese told himself. [I]Perhaps she is sick. Everybody has their down falls.[/I] "The witches of Ezdenah and Arejj have attacked us with beings beyond which we are capable of combating on our own! You, all of you, are among the best of what Aeribis and its allies has to offer!" Dese started contemplating the rumors he had heard about the beautiful Queen Eline whilst down in Conjuska. He didn't hear a word about it when he was working in Aeribis. He wasn't surprised; anyone who spoke a word about the matter in this land was tired of living. There was never any solid proof, but it was entirely plausible. And the fact that no one spoke of it in Aeribis was a convincing piece of evidence to prove that she truly did have hounds up and down the streets. Dese would never forget the night in Aeribis where he heard a voice claiming that the "Walls have eyes". "You have all offered yourselves to your Queen and country to aid us in this time of need, and for that, we thank you, and we thank you for the sacrifices that some of you will have to make. It pains me to ask it of you, but some of you will have no choice but to pay the ultimate price to save the many." Both brothers doubted that any of those last words were true. Perhaps they were being too prejudiced towards the upper class, but they were doubting that the rich man had a care in the world about how many men and women died so long as the problem was fixed and he was left unhurt. "If any of you think you cannot handle it, then please, now is the time to back down." Dese and Aviine both looked to see if anyone would make a move, although Aviine did so more discreetly. No one tried to move, although a short black haired girl to Aviine's right moved uncomfortably, as though she was thinking about it. On Dese's left a short, chubby, black haired boy looked at her and shook his head, his blue eyes communicating something. They seemed to be related. If that was the case, why didn't they just choose to stand next to one another? Whatever the case was, she looked back at him, nodded vigorously, and took a deep breathe. She propped herself up on her toes momentarily while doing so, pulling her shirt down and collecting herself. In the end, she didn't leave. Both brothers had seen the small scene, and when it was over, glanced at each other. The booming voiced man stroked his thick, curly goatee. It seemed no one was willing to back down, although Dese and Aviine both knew that it was probably more so to avoid looking like cowards than from actual bravery. The speaker smiled and continued, "Very well then! The soldiers around will hand out your assignments, mercenaries, and tell you all where you will be needed the most. Lunar Watch, Children of the Sun, you are free to work as you please. Some of you, however, have been invited inside to be given a special audience with the Queen," he said. "Please, come in. A meal has been prepared for you all." Everyone dispersed, receiving assignments, exiting the city, headed to the markets, or looking to see if the city had any brothels. Dese and Aviine, unsure of their mission and certain that they would not be invited to eat with the Queen, stayed where they were until they were notified. Aviine was looking out into the crowd, leaning on his staff, when Dese asked, "Are you hungry?" Aviine snapped out of his gaze and turned to his older sibling, "Huh?" "Are you hungry?" he repeated himself, shaking his pocket to expose the jingle of coins. "Where did you get that?" Aviine questioned. "I stole it," he said plainly. Aviine shrugged, "I suppose I could use something to eat." Dese turned and left the court yard, glancing at the guards who were posted at the entrance. It sounded like one of them whispered something, but Dese paid him no mind. Once outside of the court yard, he paused, looking around. He turned and spotted his brother in the crowd, who gave him a short wave. Dese returned the favor and went left, towards a street so particularly full of people and food stalls with their cloth and wooden roofs that the street was depraved of sunlight towards the ground. Squeezing between people, he felt eyes glued to him from all about the place. He stopped at a particular food stall, run by a young, short, blue eyed blonde woman who didn't seem so prejudice as the rest. He bought two pieces of honey cake and thanked her. He considered tipping her, but so many years of discrimination caused him to wonder if it was all an act. He refused to be fooled if that was the case, and gave her just the right amount. He was in a land of racial prejudice and he was an eye catching target. This was no place for an Atzi warrior, which was why he was totally surprised when he spotted another walking ahead of him. Speeding up his pace, he caught up with the man. He was 7 feet tall, dark, and sported corn rows atop his head. He wore traditional Atzi clothing, brightly colored reds and blues. It seemed that he may have been high born within the tribe. "Brother!" Dese called as he caught up with him. A toothed smile appeared on his face for the first time that day. The stranger Atzi turned around to see another one of his nation, and he too, seemed delighted about it. "Who are you?" "My name is Dese," Dese responded. They were both standing in the street, not caring about the eyes glued to them any longer. The first thing Dese noticed about the other Atzi's face was his blue eyes. They were light blue. Such eye color was extremely rare south of Aeribis and Ezdenah, but yet it happened despite the one in a million chances. "Dese, it is nice to meet you. My name is Asafai Timbuktu." "It is a great pleasure to see another of my people here," Dese said. "Are you headed to the court yard?" "Yes in fact I am," Asafai said. "As am I. Let us walk together." They both headed to the court yard, eating their food and talking to one another. When Dese saw Aviine up ahead, he noticed that his younger brother had a surprised expression on his face. "You are a mercenary, I assume?" Asafai asked. Dese nodded, "Yes. I have been for many years now." "Letting the rest of the world know that the Atzi do not play." "Indeed." When they reached Aviine, Asafai seemed even more elated. "Another brother? Incredible. I did not know so many would come here." Aviine and Asafai shook hands. "What village do you hail from?" Aviine asked. "Iraie. About two day's walk from the King's Village," Asafai responded, finishing his bread. "Here," Dese said, handing his brother the honey cake he had bought. Aviine took a bite, nodding in approval of the flavor. "I almost forgot to ask you," said Asafai. "What are your names?" Dese thought with his mouth rather than his head. "We are brothers: Dese and Aviine Atranga," Dese answered, finishing off his honey cake. Asafai's mood suddenly shifted, and he furrowed an eyebrow questioningly. "Dese and Aviine Atranga?" "Yes," Dese said. It was after that that he suddenly realized his mistake, and the conversation went down hill from there. "I have heard about you," Asafai said. "You both belong to the village that was severed from the rest of the nation. You are both exiles." Neither Dese nor Aviine said a word; their smiles were gone. "You ran, didn't you?" Asafai mocked. "Your village was slaughtered and you took the remaining survivors and ran," Asafai was looking specifically at Aviine now. Aviine didn't answer. "I asked you a question," Asafai pressed. "I was the only man left. What would you have had me do?" "You broke an Atzi code. You disgraced our people. Y-" Asafai started. "I-" Aviine was cut off when Asafai spoke over him. "You're both exiles," he said again. "And as for you," he looked at Dese, "Never call me 'brother' again. Those are my brothers," he nodded in a direction behind Dese. Dese turned to see a group of three Atzi men hanging under the shade along the edges of the court yard. One of them, with thick, full hair stood on his toes and raised his chin to get a better look at what was going on between Asafai and the brothers. "Look at you," Asafai pulled at Dese's clothes. "Not even enough pride to wear your native clothing?" he said, showing off his brightly colored attire. Dese's jaw clenched. Asafai continued with his insolence, "Not only do I sport real Atzi pride, but unlike you," the 7 foot tall man put his hands on knees to lower to Dese's level, despite the six inch difference, he did it just to piss him off. "We do not run!" he said with a mocking smile. "Cowards," he said, rising back to his full height. Dese pulled out both of his 18 inch blades, spinning them in both hands before grasping them tightly and stepping toward Asafai. "Issue the word again and I'll carve you up faster than the Leopard Warrior did Ukande," he said in dead seriousness, both blades right at Asafai's unprotected belly. Even Aviine had unsheathed his sword, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Diminuendei soaring in circles over head. Asafai stepped back, opening his arms and nodding as if inviting an attack. [I]"Ho there!"[/I] a heavily armored guard approached, spear in hand. "Weapons down, men," he commanded. Dese and Aviine sheathed their weapons, and stepped back. Many people in the crowd were staring at the scene. "What in the Hell is going on?" the guard demanded. "Nothing," Asafai said, staring at Dese with a clenched jaw. "Didn't look like nothing," the guard pressed. "I said [I]nothing[/I]," Asafai repeated himself, an insubordinate tone in his voice. "Excuse me?" the guard turned around, approaching Asafai, who stepped back. "I'll have none of that. I don't know who you are down south in whatever shit filled village you hail from, but right now you're in Aeribis. You're in [I]my[/I] field." The two began arguing, but Dese and Aviine didn't stay to hear it. Diminuendei had flown off, and the brothers began to walk away, noticing that Asafai's mates were eyeing them from their spot. The tallest, woolly haired one said something to the rest, who got up. All three of them were approaching the brothers, who saw them and stopped in their tracks. Dese's right hand gripped one blade. "Ready?" "They don't understand that we are already pissed, do they?" Aviine asked. The brothers were already near their set off point, and their faces were once again emotionless. "No. They do not," Dese said. "If they say anything smart, kill them." Suddenly, a female voice caught them by surprise. "Dese and Aviine Atranga, is it?" They turned to see the Queen. They quickly put on convincing smiles and awkwardly bowed. They had never been in the presence of a King or Queen of Aeribis before, and assumed that they had to bow because they had seen people bow to nobles during their jobs in Aeribis. Queen Eline didn't give them an odd look or anything of the sort, so they were pleased to know that that was the appropriate response. "My Queen," they both said. Queen Eline l handed them both one slip of paper, "An invitation to my palace. I look forward to dining with you," she grinned. They both accepted the paper. "I am honored, my Queen," Aviine nodded to her. The Queen nodded back and left. Once she was gone, they both turned to look at the three men, who had stopped once they saw the Queen speak to the brothers. Without any further conflict, Dese and Aviine headed towards the palace. [center]--[/center] Dese and Aviine entered the palace, stopping to look at the weapons. Upon reaching the room where they were to dine, they noticed that Queen Eline had beat them there. They were still emotionally hardened from the earlier event, and did not thank the servants that seated them. Queen Eline greeted them and they once again feigned an elated mood and bowed in their response. They looked at all the people around them. Their eyes first took in the shackled man who was being handled so roughly by the guards for a reason that they were not sure of. They took note of the the Conjuskan descended man whispering into Eline's ear. They also took note of the ravenous fenrir who tore at his food like he was cursed to never eat again. Not being familiar with non Conjuskan or Atzi customs, the brothers wondered if that was socially acceptable. They saw that the fenrir, along with several other figures, sat closer to the Queen than everyone else. They must have held some form of authority. They took in everyone else's presence, wondering if they would be working with them in the future. It would seem so, seeing as how they were all called to this particular room. There was a particular person completely covered in armor that somehow seemed to have clear vision of the world despite solid metal being where one would expect his visor to be. Dese and Aviine's heads both turned quickly in direction of the Queen the instant she began speaking. "Firstly, I want to personally thank you all for all of the work you'll be doing for me, and all of Aeribis, over the next few months. It is deeply appreciated, though I doubt I must say it aloud too many times. But, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we should get on to business. While the bulk of our organizations will be working as troops against any large forces found in Aeribis, you all, along with these four fine people, will be working as an elite team, tasked with taking down the highest members of the Fire Cults and Chaos Servants, or otherwise going where you are needed the most. While I understand that some of you might have hesitations working with each other, I must implore you all to put aside your differences for the greater good, especially since you will be working beneath each other at different times. Justicar Valerian will act as your commander for these next few weeks, until you are needed elsewhere. Now, I will leave you to Commander Aziz, if you have any questions. I am not feeling too well, so if you would excuse me..." Dese and Aviine's eyes followed the Queen as she hurried out of the room. [I]She really cannot speak to an audience,[/I] Dese thought to himself. He then tapped Aviine and looked at him with a questioning face, gesturing discreetly at where the Queen had been sitting before. Aviine shrugged, “She looks sick. Notice how she left her food there.’’ Dese turned just in time to see the Conjuskan looking down at the full plate and sighing. So much for her looking forward to dine with them -- she was probably vomiting. The red robed man from earlier, who seemed to be the Commander Aziz Queen Eline spoke of, encouraged the group to be open, "Please, eat as much as you wish. And, if any of you have questions, please, address myself or one of the other commanders in the room. We are all here for you to become familiar with, so please, ask away." Once they were served, the brothers began their meal in silence. Dese thought about what the Queen had said of cults. Glancing at his brother, he let out a short sigh and shook his head. It was a good thing he was a shaman.