Hikari waited patiently for the teacher of his class to arrive. The room was quite rowdy as everyone was showing off their new Hitai-Ates to their friends. Everyone in the class had just graduated the previous day, and everyone was excited to now be a ninja. He was excited as well, even if he didn't show it like the rest of the students in the class. He was as quiet as he usually was, and still appeared as calm as ever even with the news of him being an adult still flowing through his mind. Even though he was just a Genin, he was considered an adult of the village and was now eligible to become the heir of the Shoku clan. Even though his mother had stepped down from being a ninja, the clan still saw her as their leader. All thoughts were moved aside as the well tanned man that was their teacher stepped into the class room. Hardly anyone in the class noticed his presence, much to his irritation. Placing a finger on each side of his scarred nose, the instructor looked at the class and sighed lightly. He didn't really enjoy yelling at his class, even if that thought that he did. "HEY EVERYONE!" He shouted at them. "SHUT UP SO I CAN ASSIGN YOU ALL TO TEAMS!" Instantly, everyone in the classroom got quiet and looked at their instructor. With a small smile, the tanned man grabbed his clipboard and read off of the names for each of the teams. "Team one, with Jonin instructor..." Some time had passed and many of the teams were listed and formed, with their respective instructors walking in and taking their Genin out of the classroom. Iruka continued and looked at the remaining genin left. "Team nine, with Jounin instructor...." He sighed as he read off the name, knowing that her students would have an interesting year. "Wara, Namake... Nara Shikaku, Shoku Hikari, and Yasei Ai." All three of them were from clans, it seemed, so even with their interesting Instructor, they should become great ninja. Wara strolled into the room with a small smile on her face as she looked at the students, once of them looking around the room to see what students were being placed on her team. A young man with red eyes and brown-orange hair stood up slowly and walked over to his instructor silently, not saying anything at the moment.