[hider=Malcolm O'Connor][center][b][i]Basic Info[/i][/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Malcolm O'Connor [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Alias:[/b] The Executioner [center][b][i]Stats[/i][/b][/center] [b]Height:[/b] 6'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 250 lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dull Red with Streaks of Grey [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Skin Tone:[/b] Pale under clothes, somewhat more tan where his skin is exposed to the sun. [b]Body Type:[/b] Extremely Muscular [b]Notable Features:[/b] Multiple scars from bullet and knife wounds, with part of his ear blown off in the middle with a large scar streaking across his cheek down to his jaw from the mangled ear, mostly covered up by his scruffy beard. [center][b][i]Psychological Profile[/i][/b][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Malcolm may or may not be one of the most psychotic, psychopathic people a person can ever meet depending on whether or not you view his methods as he does. Full of rage, anger, and hatred of the failings of society, most especially its justice system, and God's decision not to bless Malcolm and make him one of the Chosen Supers, Malcolm's sole mission in life is to purify the world, starting first with the criminal scum that populate it. God help anyone who gets in his way, as they are clearly accomplices to the crimes of those they are trying to protect. When he is not on one of his Crusades, and when he does not view you as a criminal, Malcolm is actually a somewhat friendly person, if a little bipolar. [b]Strengths:[/b] Malcolm is an incredibly fierce, determined, and surprisingly physically strong man who will do damn near anything to ensure those who must die, die. In some ways, if he were a little less psychotic, the man could potentially even be a leader. His mind is nearly impossible to break or bend, especially when he is pursuing a target of his. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Malcolm's aggressiveness can lead to shortsightedness and and inability to do anything other than purge his targets, which can sometimes get him in sticky situations. In addition to this, he has little stomach for subtle actions, believing might makes right. Why poison a corrupt politician when you could simply fire a rocket-propelled grenade into his limo as he waves to the crowds? It makes a hell of a greater impression, not to mention a lightshow. He also tends to prefer to remain a lone wolf, and to tackle the world alone. [b]Fears:[/b] Perhaps his greatest fear is failure. Fear of failure drives him to accomplish what he sees as his mission at any cost. Fear of vulnerability also drives him to encase himself in a kevlar-and-ceramic suit, much as his own mind is encased in a mental fortress, both prisons constructed by time. [center][b][i]Power Points[/i][/b][/center] [b]Firearms: 3 [/b] Any true military man loves firearms, and if he says he doesn't, he's a lyin' son'uva'bitch. Malcolm has assembled quite the arsenal of stolen firearms and explosives, is damn keen on using them, and is damn good at using them. His pride and joy is probably a beloved anti-materiel rifle he stole when he left the military, used for those especially hard-to-hit criminals that like to hide like pansies behind such things as [i]walls[/i]. [b]Armored Behemoth: 3[/b] Malcolm is covered head to toe in what he believes to be an effective, if not very pretty, suit of kevlar and ceramic that he likes to think of as the composite armor of a tank, but mounted instead on his own body. It does get pretty damn hot in it but Malcolm is made of sturdier stuff than most men. [b]Strength: 3[/b] The Executioner believes he is not one of the Chosen but that might not be true considering his incredible, and seemingly increasing, strength. As it is, he sprints in his suit of armor like it was almost weightless, and tends to deliver skull-shattering armored punches. Then again, maybe it's just adrenaline and rage. [b]Engineer: 2[/b] Despite his bruteish nature, a moron wouldn't be capable of constructing suits of armor, especially not ones that required careful layering and interlocking of kevlar and ceramic to result in such a nearly impenetrable (at least to small arms) hide. Years of making due with the resources Malcolm has had available have further honed this sense of engineering solutions to problems out of scrap, raw material, and stolen resources. [b]Brawl: 2[/b] Trained in the military's martial arts, combined with an incredibly strong punch thrown by an armored fist, it's no surprise that when the Executioner makes physical contact with a person, it typically hurts like hell and breaks bones. The vigilante has been recorded as having knocked the living shit out of a common thug that got in his way with one punch, shattering the man's skull and causing hemorrhaging in the thug's brain. Needless to say, that man never got up again. [b]Hideout: 1[/b] Malcolm squats out in an old rusted factory district, using some of the machinery there to forge what he needs. It's not comfortable, but it's defensible, and it's been home to him ever since the military kicked him out. [b]Wealth: 1[/b] With the job of purifying the world, there isn't exactly time to do much else, and besides, Malcolm hasn't been able to get or hold a job ever since he was discharged anyway. He steals what he needs, and occasionally takes from the rich to finance his operation. They have enough money anyway, and most of them are corrupt ass holes that he intends to kill eventually. [b]Transportation: 0[/b] The Executioner has no personal transportation, preferring to make use of abandoned subway tunnels and the sewer system to move around the city. Occasionally he will commandeer a vehicle from a citizen or even the police or military if the mission calls for it. [center][b][i]Public Identity[/i][/b][/center] [b]Job:[/b] Unemployed [b]Home:[/b] Old Factory District [b]Wealth/Lifestyle:[/b] Poor as All Hell [b]Clothing Style:[/b] When not beating criminal skulls in, Malcolm typically wears old, ragged clothing, with a bullet proof vest over his chest and a pistol holtered on his hip just in case some brave, stupid bastard figures out where he lives and comes after him. [b]Friends/Relationships:[/b] Malcolm has been alone since he was discharged. [b]Rivalries:[/b] None currently. [b]Public/Professional Goals:[/b] Deliver true justice where the system has failed to do so. [b]History:[/b] Born from the battlegrounds of modern warfare, Malcolm was trained to complete the mission at any cost, number of casualties, or collateral damage. When he was eventually discharged from the military for, in his words, "being too much of a bad ass," he found himself forced back into the civilian world, a world he no longer understood. Unemployed and unemployable, his anger festered and his rage at the society that glorified soldiers and threw away veterans mounted until the appearance of the Meteor and the coming of the Supers. Only, he hadn't been blessed with their ability. He, of all people, was not Chosen. He cracked within days. His first action? Raid the nearest police station and slaughter all of the people held within its jail cells, killing anyone who got in his way. Thus, the Executioner was born. [center][b][i]Secret Identity[/i][/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/4CDN3Id.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Uniform:[/b] A black-and-brown suit of kevlar and ceramic, carefully crafted and interlocked as to be damn near impenetrable to small arms, and resistant to explosions and shrapnel. He wears a reinforced helmet of metal painted with flames. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Evil [b]Combat Method:[/b] Shred, explode, punch, or cut apart anything and anyone in his way. [b]Hideout:[/b] The old factory district. [b]Mode of Transportation:[/b] Whatever he stole for this particular mission, or walking through abandoned subway tunnels and sewers. [b]Allies/Relationships:[/b] None currently. [b]Nemesis:[/b] None currently. [b]Motivations/Goals:[/b] Purge the Corrupt. [b]Supplies/Inventory:[/b] -A hand-made suit of armor composed of kevlar and ceramic that's damn near impenetrable to small arms and highly resistant to shrapnel and explosions. -An assorted choice of primary weapons that range from assault rifles to shotguns to sniper rifles depending on what he plans to kill and how. Sometimes that how involves rockets as well because lightshows are fun too. -Dual Desert Eagles holstered on his sides. Because flooring a man with just one big ass round isn't enough. -An assortment of frag grenades, flash bangs, C4, and a few special hand-made explosive surprises. Because everyone loves surprises. -Bandoliers and combat webbing that hold a large amount of ammunition. -Often a backpack holding yet more ammo. When in doubt, bring more ammo. -Two knives holstered on his shins and a knife on his chest. One can never have too many knives. -A first aid kit in his pack just in case something somehow hurts him, with some heavy-duty narcotics stolen from a nearby hospital just in case he does start feeling pain. -Duct-tape. Because it's muthafuckin [i]duct tape[/i] that's why. -A flashlight. A man needs to see in the dark sometimes, and he can tape it to his weapon when needed. [center][b][i]Paradigm Stone[/i][/b][/center] [b]Paradigm Stone Appearance:[/b] When Malcolm possesses the Stone, it takes the shape of blood red cross connected to an iron chain around his neck. To any who try to hold it up, it feels as if it weighs multiple tons. [b]Personal Appearance Changes:[/b] Malcolm's appearance doesn't change when he wears the 'Cross' as he calls it when he possesses it. [b]Power/Ability Progression:[/b] Interestingly, the Cross doesn't seem to modify Malcolm's strength, physical appearance, or give him any additional power. He just seems to never run out of ammo or have to reload. [b]Power-Drunk Goals:[/b] Similar to how the Cross doesn't amplify Malcolm's power, Malcolm's ambitions don't seem to change either. He still wants to 'just' murder every last corrupt bastard on the planet. It does, however, seem to screw with his mind further, with the weight of the Cross symbolizing many things to him, enhancing his bipolar nature and leading him to search himself for corruption and consider self-execution. [b]Weakness:[/b] The Cross seems to imbue some small sense of conscience to this armored behemoth of a psychopath, weakness that the man would not normally allow. A shaken mind combined with amplified emotions makes him more vulnerable than usual mentally, emotionally, and psychically. [b]Withdrawal Symptoms:[/b] Depression, melancholy. Instead of rage, there is only sadness. Contemplation of lost friends and family. Dead comrades. The people he's killed and the repercussions of his actions. Malcolm wants to do little more than sit in a corner and eye the pistol on the table, wishing he had the courage to just get it over with already.[/hider]