Inspired by the award winning author Yumi Tamura and her equally award winning manga 7 Seeds about the eventual end of humanity and the few survivors continue to battle against the forces of nature I present to you, dear reader, my story, the 13 Colonies. The 13 Colonies follows the same premise as that of the amazing manga that i used as inspiration. Years into the future scientist have predicted a that a number of large meteorites will hit the planet wiping out humanity in it's wake. Meteorites that hit the earth will cause a massive explosion miles wide, while those that hit the sea will cause tidal waves and the increase of sea level, afterwards volcanoes will erupt and earthquakes will shake the earth, and after all that a small Ice Age will kill all those who mange to manage to survive. Fearing that no one will survive, and that humanity's life ends in one fell swoop even if their many shelter somehow survive the united countries come up with project seven seeds, a last ditch effort to save humans. Each country would energetically freeze seven young, genetically superior, and ideal people that would one day repopulate the earth. After being frozen they would be put into teams with a guide that would be their eight member, and then be launched into space where they would sleep out the death everyone they love and everything they know until the the time has come for them to wake up and ace the world at it's rawest and wildest form. The Project 13 Colonies was America's own unique plan that would correspond to the end of humanity. The project would follow the same principle as every other country, but being one of the most powerful and biggest countries America was able to afford 13 groups of eight people, a reference to the thirteen colonies that came to the US. The country was also able to afford the most bunkers, survival pods containing rations, books, and equipment that would help the survivors be self sufficient enough to rebuild modern society, one in each state of the country. Each group would contain the seven chosen people, unaware of what would happen to them unless their guardians tell them moments prior to being frozen, and their guide. The chosen seven would be plucked from anywhere in the country so long as they met the physical qualifications and they were a resident of the country. Outside of the physical requirements they also wanted the elites, young people who were considered to be the best, gifted, elites that would have the skills and person abilities to achieve what was being asked of them, namely rebuild the world from scratch. The guide would be the same, they must pass the physical tests and would be trained in an area where they can also be considered as experts so that they can help contribute to the chosen seven, but unlike the chosen seven who were unaware of the project the guides would be volunteers. As a country that could afford a lot of groups they decided to add from their originally planned ten, the three unlucky groups that would make thirteen groups in total. The unlucky groups would be formed by the polar opposites of the elites. Physically and genetically speaking they were still perfect, but unlike the elites who had a high chance for success these groups were a gamble. They were made up of social deviants, special cases, and people who did not fit in to the ideal society. They were the people who would be considered as failures in a modern world because they were flawed, ridiculed, and rejected by the society because of who they were, what their background was, and how they acted. Once all the groups have been collected they would be frozen with their guide and be launched into space. After several years an inboard computer would begin launching pods yearly that would scan the environment of the predetermined areas to the ideal measurements. Once a location has been approved the computer will launch the group from space and be sent back down to earth where their group pod would be launched towards a large body of water for safety. After set time the individual pods would be gin the thawing process. The guide's pods would be opened first after which they would check the area and open the seven other pods. Once they wake up all that is left is to survive. --- I'm just trying to see if this idea would be interesting to anyone. If it get's a good enough response I'll be willing to try out a group RP.