[HIDER=Non-Playable Characters] [HIDER2=Mr. Reficul Seil - Restricted Use] [center][b][i]Mr. Reficul Seil Restricted, Restricted, Restricted[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil2_zps9b40d27d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil2_zps9b40d27d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil1_zps891b9870.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil1_zps891b9870.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Demonic Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil3_zps001071b6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil3_zps001071b6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i][b]Note:[/b]Some things, or in this case some appearance, are better left unknown [/i] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Pure Demon:[/b] [b]Most Used Power:[/b] As the ‘Wish Master’ it can be rather difficult to determine his main power; though clearly Mr. Seil has managed to master all four elements as well as the fifth (the shadow). It’s not often one sees him use magic/powers directly – rather he uses it in a very inconspicuous manner. [b]Significant/Special Belongings:[/b] A slick black cane topped with a giant ruby His Delicate Wife – Rosalina [b]Personality:[/b] Mr Seil, most times, retains an extraordinarily magnetic charm or appeal – defining him as exceptionally charismatic is an understatement. His ability to provoke loyalty in his subordinates through his charm and influence parallels to none. A craft manipulator he influences the behaviour and thoughts of others for his own benefit; to control being a major reason. People become tools that are acquired, used, and cast aside. Mr. Seil is explicitly mindful and awake of his manipulation skills. Pragmatic, logical and free of agitation his mind is and thus succeeding comes naturally and can tackle numerous dilemmas without the interference of emotions; being more inclined to internal thought than external expression. A perfectionist he tolerates nothing below formality and excellence in his presence and consequently generally has unrealistic expectations of others and himself. He will also discipline without compromise if he sees fit. Arrogant in his gifted abilities there exists and air of mystery that surrounds one Mr. Seil and people tend to gravitate towards him. [i][b]Note:[/b] though his temper is well controlled it is not something one wishes to witness. Cruel, malicious and evil take a new form in Mr. Seil. [/i] [b]Biography:[/b] Dubbed the ‘Wish Master’ at an early age, Mr. Reficul Seil’s origins or beginnings are obscure and mysterious, known only to him, those of towering rank and those he cherry-picks. Thus his age can only be presumed. A sophisticated and educated demon of stringent demeanor he’s rather difficult to impress. Fret not he does about taking affairs into his own hands. How he managed to gain permission to manage such a carnival is beyond anyone. He’s main goal in life is to collect souls, however for reasons unknown. Is he collecting them for someone else? Is he in debt? Is Mr. Seil simply a soul collector? These things all add to the mystery that is Reficul Seil. [b][i]Please Note:[/b] This character is restricted to Grand Master use only.[/i][/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Mogue Blackfeldspar] [center][i][b]Mogue Blackfeldspar[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Bruce_Davidson_Dwar_3__46372136812236112801280_zpsa994cf07.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Bruce_Davidson_Dwar_3__46372136812236112801280_zpsa994cf07.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 2357 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Dwarf [b]Control Over Ability to Foresee the Future: [/b] Abysmal. Dreadful. Terrible. [b]Control Over Invincibility: [/b] Fantastic [b]Other Powers: [/b] Knows Everything (Self Proclaimed) [b]Significant/Special Belongings: [/b] His cigarettes [b]Fighting Skills/Techniques: [/b] A kick to the shin [b]Weapon of Choice: [/b] His cigarettes [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Second –in-command Clown Dwarf Personal Assistant to Mr. Seil [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] Before it was a thing [b]Personality: [/b] Mogue is a funny little Dwarf – he’s cycical and pessimistic; he’s a hotshot with the attitude of a ten thousand year old dragon. He’ll put you in your place if you step out of line and he demands a high level of respect from the Carnival Folk – something he attains with ease. He’s sarcastic and if he doesn’t have a comeback to an insult, he’ll kick the offender in the shins. However, all games aside, he’s incredibly loyal to Mr Seil and does anything he is asked. He’s more than a subordinate; he’s a friend – which is something the other workers can’t say. Mogue looks out for those he considers friends, but, as one can tell, there aren’t many. He’ll accept a bribe from the other workers, out of sheer spite to them (mostly for things Mr Seil wouldn’t even care about). All in all, Mogue is a pretty well liked Dwarf, with a very small circle of beings he’ll call friends. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Vivianna Detro’] [center][i][b]Vivianna Detro’[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/haifa-gypsy_zps6c9af81f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/haifa-gypsy_zps6c9af81f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Physical Mutations: [/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Demons3_zpsdb4cf770.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Demons3_zpsdb4cf770.jpg[/IMG][/URL] She covers her mutation with spells [b]Age: [/b] 182 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Species: [/b] Witch [b]Born Witch [/b] [b]Black Magic[/b] [b]Wand or Staff: [/b] Wand [b]Significant/Special Belongings: [/b] Her black, crooked wand [b]Weapon of Choice: [/b] Her black, crooked wand , Potions [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Head Fortune Teller [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] Since the beginning [b]Personality: [/b] A rather pushy witch who likes to think that due to her friendship with Mr. Seil and the length of time she has been stood next to him, she has great authority over others. She feels inclined to dominate, dictate, be pushy and overbearing. She is rather arrogant believing herself to be more important than others when in true fact she is just as disposable. Though she is a great fortune teller and very knowledgeable in its specifics. Her self-righteousness does get the better of her and she can be quite condescending to her undergraduates (those who also tell fortune) due to the fact that she believes she is the only one necessary for the job, which results in impatience and snobbery. Albeit her negative traits she stands tall and fearlessness in the face of adversity or danger; she’s quite brave. She can be quite admired for her valor. She sees herself as clearly as the daylight resulting in independence. Incredibly sure of herself she’s not overly concerned about the perceptions of others. Vivianna is also exceedingly honest and trustworthy and exists without dark ulterior motives to Mr. Seil. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Dimuegos Penarum] [center][i][b]Dimuegos Penarum[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/stock-photo-young-blonde-male-zombie-reaching-towards-the-camera-40098043_zps59284863.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/stock-photo-young-blonde-male-zombie-reaching-towards-the-camera-40098043_zps59284863.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Werewolf Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/2403970_f520_zpsb309e3f3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/2403970_f520_zpsb309e3f3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 22 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Werewolf [b]Turned werewolf[/b] [b]Control over Transformation: [/b] Decent [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Bouncer Occasionally will perform tricks when transformed Heavy lifter [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival: [/b] 500 years [b]Personality: [/b] Dimuegos is the largest, least intelligent out of all the members and is constantly scrutinized by Mr. Seil. Strong, bull-headed he has a bad habit of charging into fights head first. He likes to consider himself the ‘alpha’ personality – something others take amusement in. He's loyal, and will bow to those that deserve his obedience after they have proven to him that they should have it – aka Mr Seil. Considered the pet by his leader Dimuegos is generally the go-to guy. Goofy, oafish and silly Dimuegos is quite the prankster. [b]Biography: [/b] Founded by Mr. Seil on the harsh streets of the underworld. Dimuegos ran away from his pack for constantly being negatively securitized by them. Crossing Mr. Seil’s path whilst fumbling around for food he was offered shelter and a way of life. He became the pet favourite to the leader and will follow him to the ends of the earth.[/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Grog] [center][i][b]Grog[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/18974963_zpse0584684.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/18974963_zpse0584684.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] He doesn’t know [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Troll [b]Grotesque Features: [/b] A tail [b]Control Over Camouflage: [/b] Great [b]Number of Friends: [/b] 8 [b]Significant/special belongings: [/b] His friends [b]Fighting skills/techniques: [/b] Charge! [b]Weapon of choice: [/b] Himself [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Bouncer [b]Personality: [/b] A worry-wart, Grog always has brooding fear and something on his mind (50% of the time he’s worried about losing the eight permanent friends that he has). Being the worry-wart that he is, Grog is able to see trouble coming from a mile away and thus is not often stunned by it. He can’t think too much ahead, after all he is a troll and they are quite slow – though he does try to plan for problems that Mr. Seil wouldn’t foresee. Showing much compassion and loyalty to those who deserve it Grog is a fairly sensitive being and very in touch with his feelings. Bluntly honest he means no harm by his words. Due to his unselfishness this troll tends to focus on those around him more than himself (people-oriented) and he is exceedingly trustworthy (especially to Mr. Seil) and will often do whatever he can to help or make another feel better. Grog is a true friend. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Starla Carlotta] [center][i][b]Starla Carlotta[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/sadie_zpscf16a1b7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/sadie_zpscf16a1b7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 78 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Species: [/b] Siren [b]Most Used Attraction Power: [/b] Movement, through dance and the release a type of pheromone [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Belly Dancer [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival: [/b] 3000 years [b]Personality: [/b] “Love deeply and passionately – you might get hurt, but it’s the only way to live completely.” In command of the exotic belly dancers is the tremendously influential siren Starla Carlotta. Gushed over by the mass of male co-workers she loves the attention she gets. Having ownership over a sexy sensual voice she has complete control over her ability to influence others. Should an individual be immune/resistant to his allure she will stop at nothing to hypnotize them. She maintains a strong sense of empathy and connectedness with others; she loves to help where she can. She raises the spirits of others, loves unconditionally, and tends to focus on a person's positive attributes not their negative ones. Open, giving, and often puts herself whole-heartedly into situations involving family and friends. Not stingy with praise or gratitude and kind gestures and Starlas touch reinforce how much she cares. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Warlockice Comet] [center][i][b]Warlockice Comet[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/goblin2_zpsc4b61f95.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/goblin2_zpsc4b61f95.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 913 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Goblin [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] He runs the Haunted House, stealing from customers by telling them to leave their valuables at the desk – a spell is then casted on them to make them forget about their belongings. [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] Since the Beginning [b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? [/b] It doesn’t really matter; he’s not obliged to collect souls. [b]Personality: [/b] A sprightly, slimy and short-tempered little Goblin – Warlockice is likely to steal from you and then kick you in the shins for suspecting him. He’s sarcastic and can’t speak in anything other than a lie; he’s a little prick and has no friends to show for it. Most of the Carnival folk find him incredibly annoying, and the second something goes missing, he’s the first suspect. Despite his hate for most people, however, he show’s a rather high amount of respect for Soren, who holds the unofficial title of “Goblin King”. The only true friend he has is Mr Seil, he joined the carnival when it first started, wanting nothing more than to work for him and steal off unsuspecting tourists. One must be weary though, because he has a tendency to steal souls and brand them for Mr Seil. [b]Note: [/b] Never play poker with this Goblin. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= The Infamous Titanic Rascal] [center][i][b]The Infamous Titanic Rascal[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/freak1_zps705c9443.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/freak1_zps705c9443.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] Unknown [b]Gender: [/b] Unknown (By simple visual, first guess would be male) [b]Species: [/b] Freak (It’s been there so long, nobody remembers what it was) [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Freak Show [b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect: [/b] 6 500 000 [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: [/b] 500 [b]What Was Your Wish? [/b] Unknown [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b] 345 887 [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] Over a thousand years [b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? [/b] Titanic Rascal was unable to collect enough souls in his given time period – he was turned into a freak by Mr Seil. [b]Personality: [/b] Considering it doesn’t speak to many people, and when it does, all that is spoken are strange sounding grunts – it’s hard to grasp a true personality from the creature. However, it seems to have a strange like for music and till clap and move, in strange dance moves when a melody is played. It also likes to pick flowers and hand them out to men, then ushering them to give the sweet smelling pants away to pretty or old ladies. It’s proved to be quite the match maker. It does however, have a seething hate for the fortune telling witch – every time it sees her, it screetches in her face and runs for cover. [/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2= The Corrupt Unholy Jester Who Seeks Solitude] [center][i][b]The Corrupt Unholy Jester Who Seeks Solitude[/i][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/freak2_zps9f513ac7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/freak2_zps9f513ac7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 543 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Freak (He was previously a Vampire) [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Freak Show [b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect: [/b] 650 000 [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: [/b] 250 [b]What Was Your Wish? [/b] No longer venerable to religious objects [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b] 467 785 [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] 251 [b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? [/b] The Unholy Jester was unable to collect enough souls in his given time period – he was turned into a freak by Mr Seil. [b]Personality: [/b] This particular mutant, with his small flipper arm and his dead leg, drags himself along trying to find a master. His voice is spoken in a loud whisper with a lisp as he spits his sentences out. He’s known to have acidic vomit and can never control when it comes up. Despite his grotesque deformation and his strange vomiting habits, he is nice at heart and wants to do anything humanly possible to serve any of the Carnival workers. He has a strange obsession with Pachid, most probably because they share vampirsm in common. He'll follow him around, trying to recieve acknowledgement for the things he does. His thirst however, still lingers - but considering The Unholy Jester has no teeth, he'll occasionally latch onto a finger of a victim, trying to suck it.[/center] [/HIDER2] [/hider] [HIDER=Character Sheets] [center][i]Roll up, roll up cherry and all! Welcome to De Seil' Carnival! Where you'll see tricks And partake in games - we swear they are not rigged You'll kiss a princess And see the future And don't forget to have a wish granted So, take a pick of a race And craft together a character of depth Bring them life and if you wish, death For all are welcome at De Seil Carnival[/i][/center] [HIDER2=Angel] [b][i]Angel Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Level of Contamination: Level of Glow: Ability to Blend: Most Used Power: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Demon] [b][i]Demon Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Demonic Appearance: Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Fallen Angel or Pure Demon: Most Used Power: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Mortal] [b][i]Mortal Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) How You Came to be in Azure: Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Witch and Warlock] [b][i]Witch and Warlock Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Born Witch/Warlock or Human who Discovered Magic: White or Black Magic: Physical Mutations: Most Used Power: Wand or Staff: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Werewolf] [b][i]Werewolf Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Werewolf Appearance: Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Born Werewolf or Turned? Control over Transformation: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Faeries] [b][i]Faerie Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Most used Elemental Power: Wing Development: Wing Appearance: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Sirens] [b][i]Siren Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance (Real Pictures Only): Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Most Used Attraction Power: Significant/special belongings (if any): Fighting skills/techniques (if any): Weapon of choice (if any): Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Shifters] [b][i]Shifter Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Base Animal: Base Animal Appearance: Abilities: Control Over Transformation: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Mutant] [b][i]Mutant Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Power: Control over Power: How you got your power: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (Within in The Velach) How Long Have You Been a Member of The Velach? How Being a Member of The Velach has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Velach?: [/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Vampires] [b][i]Vampire Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance (Real Pictures Only): Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Born or turned Vampire: Control over Thirst: Significant/special belongings (if any): Fighting skills/techniques (if any): Weapon of choice (if any): Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Troll] [b][i]Troll Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Grotesque Features: Control Over Camouflage: Number of Friends: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Dwarf] [b][i]Dwarf Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Control Over Ability to Foresee the Future: Control Over Invincibility: Other Powers: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Goblin] [b][i]Goblin Character Sheet[/b][/i] Appearance: (Real Pictures Only) Full Name: Age: Gender: Species: Level of Greed: Control over Greed: Other Powers: Significant/Special Belongings: (If any) Fighting Skills/Techniques: (If any) Weapon of Choice: (If any) Job Title & Description: (At the Carnival) Number of Souls You Have to Collect: Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: What Was Your Wish? How Many Souls Have You Collected? How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? (Negatively or Positively) Personality: Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/HIDER2] [/hider] [hider=Relationship Chart Template] [b](Insert your Characters Name) Relationship Chart [/b] ♥ = romantic || ☺= friends || ☠ = enemies || ◑ = neutral [b]Mr. Reficul Seil[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Rosaline Bell Seil[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Andracos Soleviel[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Pachid Coyotas [/b]~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Ty [/b]~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Crow[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [s][b]Arina Lécuyer[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person)[/s] [s][b]Soren Novák[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person)[/s] [s][b]Reira Masin[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person)[/s] [s][b]Celleci[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person)[/s] [s][b]Calista Luinaree[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person)[/s] [b]Ari Glitterskip/Red[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Vol[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Eikki[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Nalia Armstrong[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Nathan Armstrong[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Imalia[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Jing Lao[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Angoriel[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]Antoine[/b] ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ (Insert remark/comment – what your character thinks about this person) [b]NOTE:[/b]A strike though means these characters are no longer with us and you do not have to comment about them if you choose not to For those of you who have I apologies for their disappearances. [/hider] [HIDER=Accepted Characters] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-226345]The melodramatic, ghastly and yet tremendously charismatic and alluring defiler - Andracos Soleviel[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6072/posts/ooc?page=1#post-107582]The slothful, the lackadaisical, the blood sucking incubus - Pachid Coyotas[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-226462]The high-flying, impassive, air manipulator with eyes so blue they glow in the moon light, the stunning – Ty[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-300581]The even-handed, animal-loving, altruistic beauty – Crow[/url] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6072/posts/ooc?page=2#post-123579]The playfully, risqué, sharp-tongued lady of the evening - Arina Lécuyer[/url][/s] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6072/posts/ooc?page=2#post-123579]The avaricious, self-assured unfavourable sweet talker of the ladies - Soren Novák[/url][/s] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6072/posts/ooc?page=2#post-123579]The newfangled, gentle and rather naïve soul - Reira Masin[/url][/s] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-230348]The holy, the devoted, the fragmented glowing cherub, the exquisite – CeCi.[/url][/s] [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-258342]The discreet, overly suspicious, the grand, quaint and gorgeous illusionist – Calista Luinaree[/url][/s] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-229977]The mischievous, candy-loving, fire-eating, adorable – Red[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-262516]The egocentric, the candid, highly-addictive songster whom danced with wolverines - Vol[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-372847]The long-suffering, limbo walking, stoic loner of the sea, the magical fishman – Eikki Dreadlight[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-262516]The timid, the newfangled-to-be-magician, the withdrawn youngling - Nathan Armstrong[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-262516]The fierce, sharp-tongued, cynical, hardhearted, angstful teenager gymnast of the mortal realm – Nalia Armstrong[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc?page=1#post-511334]The inquisitive, cold-hearted and forcefully innocent serpentine, the old-fashioned siren of the deep - Imalia[/url] [/hider] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10543/posts/ooc]Be sure to post your accepted characters and their relationship charts here! Click me![/url]