Sektor's expression was hidden behind the visor of his helmet as Cor, the smuggler, spoke to them. "Concussive mini-rocket. It got the job done, didn't it?" He asked dryly, his voice more cruel than humorous. "If we can get to your ship, that would definitely be an advantage against our enemies; who no doubt won't sit still for long after [i]that[/i] adrenaline rush." Sektor tilted his head to the side slightly, as if gauging the man in front of him. "You're a pacifist, yes? We'll have to fix that. Our enemies will not share the notion of stunning us in favor of execution. You must learn the same. Kill, or be killed." He said, his voice turning dour as he spoke. "But now, there is no time for long conversation. We must get out of here, now. How are we going to get to the ship [i]and[/i] escape the guards?" He asked, looking around to see who would respond.